5 Things Every Valet Parking Company Needs to Consider

Are you planning to start a valet parking company? Here are five things that you need to think about when becoming the owner of this type of business.

1. Valet Drivers Are the Public Face of the Business

Unlike with a retail store or a head office, the impression that the valet company creates initially comes through the staff that they employ. The staff need to be well groomed, wearing a clean uniform that is clearly recognizable for the valet company, and able to communicate clearly.

Attentive valet drivers who smile to the customers will make a good first impression. After all, the customer is entrusting the safety of their vehicle to a perfect stranger so the first impression is the only one they’ll get.

2. Have Adequate Insurance Coverage

Whilst we can all hope that no accidents will ever happen, the valet parking role requires drivers to be comfortable driving both a manual and automatic gearbox. They also need to be able to drive many different kinds of brands and types of motor vehicle without any difficulty. Sometimes this is just too much to ask.

Ensure that the company and its drivers are insured sufficiently to cover any damage to a vehicle. Bear in mind that while the valet driver could crash the vehicle they are driving, it is also possible that a vehicle they accidentally drive into may be pushed into a 3rd vehicle (and on and on) in an unfortunate domino effect. Therefore, insurance coverage needs to be of the right type and more than cover possible damages in such a situation.

Personal injury is also possible with the drivers, so make sure the drivers who are employed by the valet company are also fully insured.

3. Organization Is Everything

An organized system is key as is staff who are capable of adhering to it to ensure the right customer receives back the correct vehicle each time, every time.

You do not want to be left in a position where a customer has driven away with the wrong vehicle, even if the vehicle in question is the correct make and model but is still incorrect. This could lead to issues of whether the vehicle has been stolen by a customer by mistake which could become a sticky situation with the authorities. This needs to be avoided at all costs, so all members of valet staff need to understand clearly how to administer the organizational aspects to ensure the correct vehicle is returned to the right customer when they are leaving.

4. Think About Security

Too many valet parking organizations do not think about security. They hang up car keys in an open case that anyone can access when the case is briefly left unattended.

Anticipate problems in this area and structure security measures to protect the keys so that vehicles cannot be stolen.

5. Valet Podiums

A professional looking valet podium like the ones from Valet Box will strike just the right note when driving up to the valet to have the staff take care of a vehicle for the first time.

A parking lot is an important part of your business. This space may not be something you think about often, but your parking lot is an influential part of how your customers first see your company. One thing that can help your lot is parking lot paving as well as concrete sealing services. Find a local commercial driveway paving company that can help maintain or repair your parking spaces.

By following the above guide, you will be able to build a successful, professional company.

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