A Comprehensive Guide to Good Health You Can Practice Today

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In the winter, it’s important to find effective ways to keep your family healthy in cold and flu season. With the cold weather, bacteria and viruses thrive in this new environment. That means it’s easier than ever to pick up bugs and illnesses than it is during the summer months. Of course, a lot of it depends on the strength of your immune system, among other things.
A bout of flu could put your household on pause for an entire week. Stopping it from infecting your family could save you a lot of time, money, and discomfort. That’s why it’s essential that you arm yourself with all the right tools for warding off illness before it has a chance to take hold. Of course, there is no guaranteed way to stay healthy. Even the fittest person in the world will get sick occasionally. There are a couple of things you can do to minimize the risk, though, and I’m going to share them with you today.

Before We Get Started…

Prevention, as they say, is better than cure. However, before we get into the meat and bones of this article, I’d like to draw attention to what to do if you do get sick. First of all, there are a number of health problems that can plague families. It it’s just about infection, either. From pulled muscles to oral health, they all can cause some serious inconvenience to your routine.

That’s why it’s important that you make sure you’re fully insured. Not all health insurance, however, will cover your dentistry bill. And children have a tough time trying to find a health care provider. You’ll have to look around. You can see plans at Guardian Life for whether or not they will benefit you.

It’s equally crucial that you get the right treatment for whatever ails you. That means that your doctor is your best friend. If you run into any problems, be it injury or illness, try to get a consultation as soon as possible. Medical advice is absolutely imperative to help you determine how to treat the problem. There is no substitute for treatment before it becomes something more severe. And most importantly, make sure to pay close attention to your oral health. That means regular visit to a dentist for root canal, teeth cleaning, dental implants, and any other dental procedures. In addition, if you need invisalign or dental implants procedure, make sure to visit a cosmetic dentist for professional services.

If someone in your family does get sick, you will have to tend to their needs. But don’t forget about the importance of looking after yourself, too. Make sure you get plenty of sleep to keep your immune system functioning properly. Try to keep the virus quarantined to stop the spread throughout your home. Also, it’s important to encourage good hygiene habits to avoid anyone else catching it!

Now, let’s dig into the important ways to protect yourself and your family from all kinds of different health problems:

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A Good Diet

How many times have you heard this one before? I’m going to mention it again because it seems like not everyone truly understands what a good diet constitutes. Cut out processed foods and refined sugar as a matter of urgency. They both contribute to the widespread problem of obesity and diabetes in this country. Aim to eat a diet rich with whole foods, and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Studies show that locally-sourced organic produce has higher nutritional benefits. Not everyone can afford to frequent the farmer’s market, however. Check out my post on taking care of yourself on a budget for more inspiration and helpful hints.

Buy More Plants

Okay, stay with me on this one. It might seem a little farfetched, but the statistics don’t lie. Our homes are filled with pollutants that can be damaging to our health. The toxins that are released just by cooking and cleaning alone are thought to increase our risk of cancer. House plants, though, are known to reduce the level of pollution in the atmosphere. Daisies and ficuses are thought to be particularly effective.

Cut Out Stress

You may not know that stress is actually incredibly damaging to our bodies. Not only does it impair immune function, but it is thought to lead to increased risk of heart attack. Even if only to cut out that dull headache, try to reduce your stress. You could learn to meditate, for example, or practice deep breathing exercises.

Don’t Wash Raw Meat

This one that is quite common in the family kitchen, and with the best of intentions. Many people think that by washing chicken in the sink before cooking, you reduce the risk of contracting food poisoning. However, in actuality, you may be doing more harm than good. Washing meat doesn’t destroy a strain of bacteria like salmonella. As a matter of fact, all it does is increase the chance of it spreading. The splashing good lead to germs spreading to other foods or work surfaces, which increases the chance of contamination. Cut it out.

Get Vaccinated

It’s not too late to get the vaccine for this year’s flu virus. Unless, that is, you’ve already endured a bout of it, in which case it’s won’t do you much good now. There has been a widespread debate in recent years about the benefits of vaccines. People are on the fence, but there really is no better way to protect yourself and your family. Make sure you stay up to date with the latest vaccines to lower your chances of contracting this year’s flu! This is especially important in the case of the very young or elderly, who are more susceptible to illness.

Man’s Best Friend

Yep, your dog is just as much a part of your family as everyone else, right? We take pets into our homes, and they instantly become a part of the furniture. Don’t neglect your pet’s health, either. Veterinary bills can be quite expensive, lest you forget, so preventative techniques apply here to. For a comprehensive guide to taking care of your pet’s health, check this out.

Master the Tissue

Tissues, if somebody in your household has been affected by symptoms of the flu, are your best friend. Sneezing and blowing your nose into a tissue helps catch the germs that emanate from your body. Then, they can easily be tossed away to reduce the chance of spreading the virus throughout your home.

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Practice Good Hygiene

This comes in many forms. The more that you’re probably most familiar with is hand washing. It never hurts to wash your hands, as a lot of germs and bacteria can lurk on our skin without us even being aware of them. If ingested, those nasty little bugs can make us very sick. It’s also extremely important to wash your hands thoroughly before handling food. Get to grips with the right technique for washing your hands. On the subject of food, it’s also important to mention good practices in the kitchen. Meat is an especially dangerous territory. Make sure it is cooked thoroughly to avoid food poisoning.

Sleep Tight

Studies suggest that far too many of us aren’t getting enough sleep. This can have devastating effects on our overall health. Remember, sleep is a complex process that we don’t fully understand. There are different stages of sleep, and we need to go through them all in order to properly refresh our cognitive function. It’s essential to staying alive! Getting too little sleep simply doesn’t allow enough time to go through the different stages of sleep. You need eight hours per night as a guideline. However, be aware that sleeping too much can be equally damaging!

Stay Active

Exercise plays an important part in our everyday health. Not only does it help build up our immune function, but there are tons of other benefits. From increasing your cardiovascular health to reducing the risk of heart disease. You should be aiming to help you and your family get around twenty minutes of moderate exercise every day. And that doesn’t include the things you already do. Make exercise easy by making micro changes to your current routine. Walk to work. Take the stairs. Ditch the remote. Whatever helps you to get more active can only be a good thing.

Stock Up On Medication

There is medicine for all kinds of different health problems. Keeping your medicine cabinet well-stocked can be troublesome, though. You may not realise you’re running low on something until it’s too late and you’re all out. Getting into the habit of keeping on top of this is crucial. This can include all kinds of things, from sleeping pills, to inhalers, to insulin for diabetics. Make sure you’re ready to renew your prescriptions before they run out, rather than after.
Getting your head around these practices will go a long way to reducing the chances of your family picking up illnesses along the way. Promoting good health at home is a fantastic way to keep your family safe. You can start putting these techniques into place right now, and you’ll soon start to see the benefits. Feel free to come back and reference this guide at a later date, when you may have more specific concerns. Having a plan in place is vital to reducing the chances of poor health. Until next time, be healthy and happy!

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