Contrive Business For Your Business: The Sales Funnel

We all want to build our customer base, but sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to weed through the crowd of society and find just the right buyer.  Your marketing devices come in contact with hundreds of people a day (or more), but your sales aren’t showing the same numbers.  Maybe the structure of your sales management needs a little tweaking.  The sales funnel model of sales management is a great way to start making all your numbers add up.  Here is a small overview of what this model entails.

The Sales Funnel

The sales funnel is a term businesses use to describe the process your customers go through to decide whether or not your product is the right fit for that particular person.  It essentially funnel’s the general public down to the people that are most likely to need, want, or be interested in your company’s product.  If your sales team is well managed, and your funnel is adequately arranged, you should see a significant increase in your profits fairly quickly.

Phases of the Funnel

  • The Awareness Phase. This is where your prospective customers become aware of your product.
  • The Interest Phase. This is where a prospective customer shows interest in your product and looks into what it has to offer them.
  • The Evaluation Phase. This is where the prospective customer thoroughly explores your competitor’s product to see which one they will lean towards purchasing.
  • The Decision-Making Phase. This is where a final decision is made and deliberations begin.
  • The Purchasing Phase. This is the best phase. you’ve got them! Here is where your goods or services are purchased.

Utilizing Inside Sales

These strategies will help your management team utilize different tactics to optimize each stage of your sales process.  It’s a good idea to make sure you place appropriately qualified people at each step in the process.  This gives you several different sets of eyes providing fresh new perspective at each level of the sale.  There are even companies out there that will set up these models for you.

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