Do You Have What it Takes to Become an Awesome Nurse?

No one said that the voyage into becoming a nurse would be easy. A general nurse needs to be a master of all trades. Sadly, there are very few people who can undertake this kind of job role with skill. The medical profession is crying out for amazing nurses. You could be one of them.

Being a nurse requires an immense amount of skill. You need to be caring, kind and non-judgmental. You need to have empathy for all kinds of people, irrespective of their background, gender or social status. You cannot judge their illnesses. You need to be aware of the many problems that people face.

Expect, this is not all you need to know.


 kick-ass nurse
kick-ass nurse

As a nurse, you will need to be well versed in maths and science. This can be off-putting for some people. As a nurse, you will have to calculate medication and ensure that you have a sound grasp of biology. As a result, you need to be a caring scientific maths whizz. You need a lot of attributes and academic know-how to become a kick-ass nurse. Having an awareness of science and maths means that you will be able to administer drugs safely and correctly. This means that your patients will be safe in your hands. After all, by not possessing these key skills you could be putting the patient in danger. The caring profession is so much more than the ability to simply ‘care.’

Aside from this, you will also need to know how to work a lot of machinery within the hospital. IT equipment is prevalent. So, if you are not something of techno-whizz you will struggle with being a nurse. Being a nurse requires you to have many skills and expertise. In short, you will have to know everything. Having a good heart is important, but having a basic grasp of IT will stand you good stead.

Can you undertake difficult tasks? In moments of dire situations, you will need to react appropriately. This means that you cannot delay the inevitable. You need to have the reactions of a cat in order to get the task done. Dragging out work, like many of us do in offices, cannot be done in this profession. You need to work quickly and efficiently. You need to be amazing. Life as a nurse can be tough. But, it is highly rewarding.

You will have to possess something of a Jekyll and Hyde personality. The ability to be tender one-minute and ruthlessly efficient the next is something that many people cannot do. Not if you are Super Nurse! You will have this innate ability to do this. This balance can be difficult. Many people struggle with the concept of having to become two different people at the same time. If you have what it takes contact KentSCP for more information on nursing professional jobs within your area.

Let’s cut to the chase. As a nurse, you have the world’s most demanding job. However, you will need to possess the people skills of a sales rep. You need to be able to talk to people on a human level and explain that you know best, but without being patronising. Integrity, social skills and moral standards are just a few of the skills that you need. If it sounds like you need a lot of attributes to be a nurse, this is because you do. Nurses are rare people. Good nurses are even more rare.

While being a nurse is stressful, you will have the opportunity to offload on to your peers. They will understand the life and death scenarios that you have been faced with on a daily basis. Your peers will be your own personal psychiatrists and your confidants. Likewise, you will have to endeavour to do the same for them. People skills are important. Your nursing colleagues will become your family. If you do not make friends within your profession, you are going to find life as a nurse incredibly difficult.

As a nurse, you will be met with many challenges. You may be lead to believe that only doctors are capable of making significant decisions within the hospital. Put your misconceptions to one side and think about this logically. Doctors do not work the long hours that nurses do. So, they are not always present within the hospital. This means that your hospital is being run by a crack team of professional nurses who know exactly what they are going. Nurses do a lot of the day to day runnings within the hospital. They make big decisions based on patient’s lives and based on their health. Do not underestimate your nurse. He or she will be able to give you the care and support that you need. Nurses are as valuable as doctors. As a nurse, you will be on the front line of healthcare. That is truly something remarkable.

As a nursing professional, you will have the dirtiest job in the world. If you are less than intrigued by blood, poop and vomit this is not the job for you. Nurses deal a lot of bodily fluids on a daily basis. This means doing unspeakable things, all in the name of your health. They are the people that are ensuring that you, your family and so forth are all fit and well.

If you want to become a nurse, you need to face the harsh realities of becoming one. Of course, this is not meant to put you off embarking on a career as an awesome nurse. In fact, for those that are made of stern stuff, this article is sure to only spur them on. Nurses have the best job in the world. They get to look after you.

If you are caring, professional and made of steely grit you can become an amazing nurse. You will need to undertake the relevant qualification and placements. A job in nursing is not just a job. It is an entire lifestyle choice. Nursing is not for the faint hearted, but it is possible the most rewarding and valuable job in the whole world.

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