Give New Hires The Right First Impression With These Top 5 Strategies


It’s a fact of life that the first day at any new job can often be an overwhelming and stressful experience. There’s a lot to learn about the company that you’ve joined, and you have to memorize plenty of names and faces, along with what they do in the business. You may also get thrown at the deep end, so to speak, and start your work without much interaction with your co-workers.

As you can imagine, if the process of starting a new job were as painless as possible, new hires will get the right first impression of their employers. So, with that in mind, how can you make life easier for your future new employees? Take a look at these five expert strategies and implement them in your business.

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  1. Ensure the new starter’s workstation is ready

One of the signs of a disorganized company is when the managers of new employees aren’t ready! They will seldom know what to do with those people, and so the first day or so for a new starter is usually spent doing nothing and possibly getting sent home early!

That’s why it makes sense to get everything ready at the new hire’s workstation. Plus, it’s obviously a good idea to have a plan of what new employees will be doing when they start their job!

  1. Give them a guided tour of your workplace

It’s crucial that new employees know about things like fire exits, emergency assembly points, and the location of fire extinguishers. Aside from that, it’s also useful for them to know where everything is (i.e. their team, other departments, the location of toilets and the canteen, etc.).

Make sure that either yourself or another team member gives the new hire a guided tour of the workplace. It will also make them feel more confident about carrying out their work without needing to ask a million questions.

  1. Have them familiarize themselves with who does what at your company

There will be a lot of new people to meet whenever you start a job at a new firm. Your job is to ensure they know what roles their colleagues perform on a daily basis. Perhaps the easiest way to convey that information is by having those new starters familiarize themselves with employee organizational charts.

There are different types of charts that you can use within your business, making it easy for both new and existing staff to learn more about their colleagues. It’s also useful for helping them prepare for meetings with co-workers they haven’t met before.

  1. Show them the ropes

In most cases, new employees need to know how to complete their tasks per your company’s business processes. That’s why it’s vital to give those people on-the-job training before leaving them to it, as it were.

  1. Assign new starters a mentor

When a new hire needs help with their work, there needs to be someone they can turn to for help. You should make sure that new employees have a mentor they can approach while they are learning more about their jobs.

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