Is Your Business Meeting Its Productive Potential?

How productive your employees are will have one of the biggest effects on your business’s profit margin. Therefore it’s worth taking time to consider how you can boost each individual’s potential. The bottom line is employees who are highly engaged, or invested in a positive outcome for the company, will be more productive. The following four key areas will help to boost that engagement.

Increased productivity

Recruitment Process

The first aspect to consider is whether you are bringing the right people on board. Your interview process should include skills and psychometric testing and each candidate should meet with at least two members of your staff so that the process is as fair as possible.

When you are considering each applicant look at both their previous work history and at how relevant their training and education is for the vacancy. Some universities now offer extremely focused business courses and even if the candidate doesn’t come with the necessary background, but has other essential skills, explore whether they would be willing to study further on a part-time basis.

The final part of the recruitment cycle is always to carry out thorough background checks. Ask for references from previous employers; request proof of qualifications; check their right to work in the UK; and carry out credit or criminal checks if relevant for the role.

Up to-Date Equipment

Employees can waste a huge amount of time if the hardware they are using isn’t sufficient for the job. Many software applications are memory hungry and will struggle to load and run if the hardware is out dated or ill-equipped. Bandwidth can also be an issue if it is insufficient for the needs of the business, especially if it is required for the myriad of uses needed today such as video conferencing; online chat; instant messaging; and screen share for support calls.

While it may seem an expensive initial outlay to invest in up-to-date hardware and communication systems it will actually save you considerable time and money in the longer term and allow your staff to carry out their jobs more efficiently.

On the Job Training

While we have discussed the potential of sending staff to external courses to increase their skill-set, on-the job training is equally important. The first step is to carry our regular appraisals so you can work with staff to understand any gaps in their knowledge and develop a training plan which both sides are invested in.

If several members of staff need further development in key areas consider hiring in an external trainer for short courses. This can prove far more cost effective than training everyone separately.

Eco-Friendly Workplace

The final point, and one which is rarely considered, is creating an eco-friendly workplace which reduces waste and contributes positively to the environment. Reducing your reliance on natural resources by lowering your energy and water consumption; reducing waste by converting to a paperless office; and recycling rubbish will ultimately lower your costs.

However, an even bigger benefit is that it will portray to your staff and clients you care about green issues. A company which takes its green credentials seriously is also usually viewed as a business which treats staff well. This can increase your employees’ productivity as they recognise they are working for a progressive and caring enterprise.

All four areas discussed here increase the welfare of your staff and in the process their engagement with the vision of your company. As employee engagement rises so does productivity and then it is down to the management of the company to ensure this trend continues by regularly seeking feedback from staff and then acting on their findings. A workforce which feels they are valued and heard will be one which continues to outperform your less productive competitors.

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