Luis Alejandro Moreno – Marketing Startegies For Businesses

Luis Alejandro Moreno

Business Name: Gutierrez Brand Group

Website URL:

Email Address:

Year Founded: 2010

Number of Employees: 18


What does your company do?: We are a Hispanic marketing agency that helps companies reach US Hispanics through Below the Line strategies.  This includes:  Trade Marketing, Music and Sport Sponsorships, Strategic Planning, Creative Development, Experienital marketing and recently added digital services.
We developed a program for Sunny D that partnered them with Latin rock legends Enanitos Verdes, developed a consumer driven retail text to win program, that helped them generate substantial sales growth across the US.

Was there a specific turning point when you realized your business was moving to the next level?: Last year we began to see a shift.  Companies,  that had never allocated dollars to  Hispanic initiatives began to allocate a Hispanic marketing budget. Most companies are starting to realize that the majority of the sales growth in the next 10 years is dependent on obtaining Hispanic business.  It is also important to note, that since 2010, more research and articles about the Hispanic market are making their way to the front page of many major newspapers, online, and other public forums.

What processes or procedures have you implemented that have helped grow your company?:
I believe the best process we have maintained at the agency is open communication.  We all share the good and the bad.  This helps us see what we are doing well and what we need to improve.  It also allows our team to contribute individual talents to a wider scope of projects.   Everyone is an entrepreneur at our company.

What is most rewarding about running your business?: It allows you to celebrate every small victory, and unites your team with every disappointment.

What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them?: We launched in 2010 when the economy was still recuperating.  The first 2 years were all about overcoming obstacles.  It was a lot about educating ourselves, our clients, and fine-tuning what products and services were most beneficial to our clients and our bottom line.

If you were starting over today, what would you do differently?: My first response to the question would have been to wait until the economy got a little better, but looking back, we saw a great opportunity and we took it.

What advice do you have for other business owners?: Starting the company or leaving your current job may seem like the most difficult decision you are going to make, but it takes as much effort to continually monitor and measure each business service and decision to maintain your companies growth.

Please list any favorite books, tools or resources (software, website, etc.) you would recommend for others:  Being in the Sponsorship/Entertainment marketing space I enjoy visiting: to see what companies are investing dollars in.  I am on Linkedin daily reading about industry trends, networking, or finding potential leads.  As far as books,   I enjoy Robert Greene’s “48 Laws of Power”, Grushkin & King’s “The Art of Modern Rock” and any quick read on a plane that keeps me entertained.

What is something that people might be surprised to learn about you?: I can talk about cars for hours, and try to read everything I can about them.  The idea of taking a test drive at a dealership to me is fun.

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