Once Upon a Dream

DreamDreams are the result of a thought process. We think, I’d like to take a trip, or I think I could someday write a book, or I think I could provide a better product or service than a company. As we expand our thought processes into how these activities might become a reality, our dream explodes in our mind leaving room for much of anything else.  Later, as these dreams become reality, we often express our experiences by telling the story of our dream. Storytelling has been a vital part of our human development. Storytelling is still an important tool.

Storytelling is a Tool for Building Your Business

While some business owners may wonder how this can be the case, others might think they have no story to tell. Still others wonder, even if I did have a story to tell, why would anyone find my story of interest? There are many reasons for telling the story of your company. Relaying the story of your business can glean many benefits.

Telling the story of your company…

  • Is an effective marketing tool
  • Helps people relate to your products and services
  • Can inspire people to action and become your customers
  • Can promote customer loyalty
  • Helps generate leads
  • Promotes brand awareness

So now that you understand the power of telling your story, let’s examine what your story should include.

What Your Story Should Include

Your story should begin with the events that started your thought process. Then explain how your dream became a reality. Tell about the challenges you conquered and the successes you achieved. Share your values and explain how they helped you through the tough times and led to your success. Provide your audience with information about some of your interests, hobbies and the charities you support. Tell your story with a human element and everyday language. Where should you tell your story?

Where to Tell Your Story

Social media presents one of the best places to popularize your story. Write your story on your website or blog. Then promote the story through social media venues. Tell your story via video. You don’t need a large studio and expensive equipment to shoot your own video. You can produce a video on your iPhone, iPad, or a small inexpensive camera. Video has become so popular; there are a number of small studios able to shoot your video at an affordable price. Post your video on your website, promote it through social media and send it to prospective clients. Other ways to promote your story are through press releases, newsletters and speaking at conferences and associations.  For more information on telling your story, you can visit the websites listed below. Why sell when it’s so easy to tell?



Three Important Stories About Your Business


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