Spray Equipment & Your Company Strategy

Many organizations view their power spray equipment as an overhead expense. I propose another view. Spray equipment should be an integral part of your Company’s strategy.

Let me illustrate by negative example.

You are the owner of a company that prides itself on the quality of work. You’ve spent good money on a developing a brand: logo, signage, uniforms, trucks, etc. You hire the best people and train your employees to provide the best service possible to your customers.

Does your power spray equipment convey a message consistent with your brand?

For example:

Is your equipment clean or is it covered with spilled chemical?

Is the truck bed free of dirt and trash?

Is your equipment reliable or does it break down causing you to miss appointments?

Is your equipment designed with employees in mind (safety, access, ease of use, etc.)?

Are all hazards removed or screened so employees do not injure themselves?

Do employees have to perform awkward stretching and staining motions to reach and operate equipment?

Is the equipment designed so that technicians can check key components for good operating condition to prevent downtime?

Is the equipment designed so that maintenance and service can be performed easily to reduce downtime?

When designing your equipment, keep these points in mind so that your equipment supports your brand and doesn’t work against you.



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