Statement in Response to Forbes Walmart Tax OP-ED


STATEMENT IN RESPONSE TO FORBES OP-ED: There Is No Walmart Tax – Every Tax Day We Get Told There Is And Every Year It’s Still Untrue
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Making Change at Walmart Director Randy Parraz has issued the following statement in response to yesterday’s Op-Ed in Forbes Magazine, There is No Walmart Tax – Every Tax Day We Get Told There Is And Every Year It’s Still Untrue:

“The definition of chutzpah is when a multi billion dollar company, like Walmart, pays tens of thousands of workers so poorly that they have to depend on government assistance, and then try to rationalize that it’s not the taxpayer footing the bill for their irresponsibility.

Here is the easy answer for Walmart – pay your employees better. And, if they are in need of money, maybe they can use some of the estimated $15.5 billion in profit they make every year, or some of the $19.8 million they pay their CEO every year, or maybe some of the $129 billion the Walmart Walton family is worth.

Then again it’s easy to make billions when taxpayers foot the bill.”

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