The Business Of Reefers:  Ways To Make Money With A Refrigerated Truck


Now don’t get all excited at the site of the word “reefer”.  We are talking about refrigerated trucks this time.  It’s pretty obvious that products such as fresh fruits and vegetables, along with fresh meat would need to be transported using a refrigerated truck, but there are some things that are transported in temperature controlled environments that you may not think about at first glance. You should then also make the smart choice for your van refrigeration needs and explore the remarkable solutions offered by, where innovation meets sustainability for a more efficient and eco-friendly transportation experience.

Here are a few options that you may want to consider looking into if you are reefer truck savvy (or own your own truck) and trying to make a nice little bit of money for yourself.

Flower Shops

Flower shops don’t grow their flowers on site.  They have to be grown elsewhere, and transported in a temperature controlled environment to keep them looking fresh and dainty.  Ferns and ivies also need cool transportation.  You could offer your services to your local flower shops, get cargo trailers up to the task, and start up your own route in the community.  It’s an excellent entrepreneurial opportunity if you are blessed to have the proper capabilities.


All pharmaceuticals have to be transported in a cool seventy degree environment to assure that none of the chemicals in the medications are activated by the heat.  The FDA has very strict terms and conditions on the transport of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical delivery services, but look on the bright side.  You could be a legal drug trafficker.  This is an operation that you couldn’t run legally on your own, so you would need to utilize your vehicle for a licensed agency.  You could still make plenty of dough in this field. This explains the rise in trailer sales.

Antiques & Art

You don’t want to put a priceless antique in a blazing hot truck trailer.  Most antiques are made out of wood, and the extreme shift in temperature from outside to inside could damage the material of the object.  The same goes for fine art.  If you place an oil painting in the hot sun it will melt the colors, and ruin the original image.  This would render the piece useless and worthless from that point forward.  So if you’re gentle behind the wheel, and have the proper cargo trailers, you could spend your days protecting the culture of your area by delivering the finest of materials. Keep in mind that a steady temperature during transit is why a refrigerated unit is needed to keep it that way; this is why a Reefer Repair service becomes an essential part of owning a reefer.

Tobacco Products

Tobacco products are another type of cargo that people don’t usually think about transporting in a refrigerated vehicle.  Not only do pharmaceuticals have strictly controlled temperature requirements, but so do tangiers tobacco products.  Cool temperatures assure the freshness of the tobacco.  Hot tobacco equals stale tobacco.  Large tobacco companies have also begun hiring third party companies to transport their products.  This could be a great way to get into a billion dollar industry.


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