New York University (Real)

As a bonus, it’s quite near to Washington Square Park, a place Phoebe references on the regular as a good street performance spot.

Ross worked at NYU after his stint at the (aforementioned and fictional) New York Museum of Prehistoric History. You might remember this stretch of his career including a relationship with Elizabeth, one of his young and ultra-hip students. He got off to a rocky start to his role as professor, with a few awkward chalkboard moments and a total lack of confidence while standing in front of a lecture hall. However, he improved over the years and continued his (fictional) rise to the top of the paleontological research world.

Even though Ross was never a real professor at NYU, that didn’t stop real NYU students from rating him on a RateMyProfessor page with fake reviews of his teaching style and course load. The ratings are high! If only Dr. Geller was a real person alive to accept them.

If you ever take New York by storm, you’ll definitely notice NYU banners throughout its central downtown campus. It’s a great college. Famous alumni include Cole Sprouse, Dakota Fanning, Angelina Jolie, the Olsen twins, and James Franco.

Drop a dollar in somebody’s guitar case as you pass through! Phoebe would be proud.

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