Lincoln High (Not Real)

Even though Lincoln High was totally made up, it did make for some great moments.

So, here’s the situation. We are absolutely certain that somewhere in America, there’s a real Lincoln High School. There are multiple real Lincoln High Schools! But the one Ross, Monica, and Rachel’s characters say they have gone to is most definitely fictional. It’s created as part of Rachel and the Gellers’ backstories. A pre-nose job Rachel, lovestruck Ross, and much heavier Monica spent their younger years at this high school in Long Island, New York. (If that isn’t spin-off series material, we don’t know what is.)

Superfans will remember other Lincoln High grads that the gang mentioned or met on the show, including Luisa Gianetti, Chip Matthews, Amy Welsh, Roy Gublik, Ta-Taka-Ki-Kek, and of course, Will Colbert (played by Jennifer Aniston’s then-husband, Brad Pitt). The high school is featured heavily in flashback episodes like “The One with the Prom Video,” “The One with the Rumor,” and “The One Where the Stripper Cries.”

Rachel dressing up in her cheerleader uniform and performing for Ross’ fiancée, Emily, was unforgettably adorable. She wears the Lincoln High colors of red, black, and white and shakes her pompoms like there’s no tomorrow. Go Bobcats!

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