People often receive dozens of marketing envelopes every single day. If your business envelope fails to make an impression, the marketing message it contains might go unread. Think about it, customers are in no way obligated to open and read all the promotional letters they receive in a day. If your business envelopes fail to grab attention within the first few seconds, then it might get trashed without being opened. Whether you like it or not, customers start forming an opinion about your company from the second they have your business marketing mail in their hands. The color, texture, design, logo, and overall quality help influence the customer subconsciously on whether to open the mail or discard it. Here are 5 tips to effectively use printed business envelopes as amazing marketing tools.
Don’t Compromise on Quality: The little things do matter in forming permanent impressions. Enclosing your precious marketing message in an envelope that’s made from cheap paper is not the way to go. Customers pick up on the texture and quality of the envelope and immediately form an opinion about your firm. Make sure to purchase your business envelopes from a trusted manufacturer and always ask for samples before bulk ordering.
Choose the Right Color: When you are choosing envelopes for leaflets and pamphlets you need to think out of the box. Imagine your targeted customers browsing through a handful of boring white envelopes only to stumble upon your colored envelopes. It’s proven that humans are naturally drawn to bright colors and attractive packaging. Choose an envelope color that works nicely with the colors of your company logo. Create a nice contrast with text and colored business envelopes to immediately draw attention.
Avoid Using Too Much Text: As much as it’s important to give your customers the necessary information, it’s crucial that your envelope looks clean and classy. Avoid using too much text and crowding the envelope with unnecessary information. Remember, your primary goal is to influence your customers to open the envelope. So, maybe instead of including a second phone number, consider adding a catch phrase.
Showcase Your Brand with a Colored Logo: While black and white logos do work well when sending regular business letters, it simply doesn’t cut it for a successful marketing outreach. Most business envelope manufacturers charge extra for colored logos. However, the few extra bucks you spend on the logo will be rewarded by significantly more customer responses. On top of that, you will almost always be able to strike a discount if you buy in bulk.
Choose an Unorthodox Envelope Size: In an effort to separate your marketing correspondence from the herd, it makes sense to choose a different envelope size than most. Instead of a regular number 9 or 10, choose a larger 10X13. This obviously drives the marketing cost up, but you are likely to get more responses by sending out fewer mails.