6 Steps to Becoming a Successful vLogger

Becoming a vlogger is a good way to establish your authority as a business leader in your field. That can lead to more sales and more connections. Using YouTube to show off your knowledge can very easily build you a new audience, and can be used to help you sell products or achieve other brand goals like getting sign-ups to your email marketing list. Becoming a ‘video blogger’ is easier than ever, and the opportunities that it can provide a business makes it well worth exploring. In terms of ROI it’s hard to beat, but you will have to have some idea of what you are doing. With over 4 billion views every day and the fact that YouTube is the third most visited website in the world, it’s time that you started thinking more about leveraging its power into a business benefit.

Step 1: Know Your Niche

For personal vloggers, this can be difficult. For brands, it should be easier. After all, you want to display your knowledge of your products or sector, so that’s what your YouTube channel should be about.

Step 2: Username and Domain Name

You already know how important a brand name is, and your YouTube channel should be consistent with your existing branding. You want a memorable and catchy name. If possible, match your domain name to your username for more consistency and for making it easier to drive traffic to your website.

Step 3: Be Consistent

You are going to need to plan and then film your videos. Make a schedule and upload new content at least once a week. You might find that you get more views if you post twice a week, but this will depend on your audience demographics.

Step 4: Professional Quality

You don’t need to be Steven Spielberg to create strong video content, but you will need some good equipment. Use the Choosist guide to make sure that you get the best camera to suit your needs, and always factor in elements like natural light. You’re also going to want to ensure that your audio is good enough quality, so invest in the best mics as well.

Step 5: Use Music

If Hollywood can use music to make a more emotional film, then so can you! Use background music to create more energy, or to create a somber mood. Tailor your music to your niche and your videos will be much more effective. Make sure that the music you use is copyright free or filed as a creative commons product.

Step 6: Learn to Edit

There are some amazing (and free) editing software available online, and you should get used to using them. They vary in terms of user-friendliness, so find one that matches your skill level. For beginners, stick to easy cuts and final fades. As you get more used to the software, you can start doing quicker cuts and adding more energy to your videos. For photo editing, you can hire a Clipping path company.

Vlogging gives your business access to a huge audience, and can form a major part of your marketing strategy. When modern marketing is focused so much on valuable content, then brands are well-advised to start varying the types of content to appeal to more people. Vlogging could be the key to a more profitable future.

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