7 Things You Should Always Carry While Camping



So, you’re going on a camping trip. Even if you think that your trip is going to be a piece of cake, anything can go wrong at any point during the expedition. Yourself or someone else with you could get hurt. You could find yourself without matches to start a fire.

Pretty much anything could happen.

That’s why, you’ve got to be prepared to go on your camping trip with the right supplies. However, don’t think you have to overpack your bags with every single thing you think you could ever need. Below are some of the top items you should bring with you on your next trip. From a tactical flashlight to matches, these items may just save your life if it comes to that.

An Emergency First Aid Kit

This has got to be the first item on any list for any camping trip. An emergency first aid kit can literally save your life if you find yourself or someone else injured on the trip.

Plus, you can get first aid kits that can fit easily into your camping gear. Many come in various sizes, depending on the length of your trip and how much space you have to pack.


The next item on your list needs to be some packs of matches. Bring as many matches as you can carry because you don’t want to be without a fire on your trip. And unless you’re a master Boy or Girl Scout, you probably don’t know how to make a fire out of two sticks.

You’ll have plenty of room in your backpacks for bulk packs of matches, which you can buy at any local store or online.

A Jar or Two of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a pretty magical substance. In a pinch, a couple of spoon-fulls of peanut butter can give you enough protein and fat to last you through the day. Plus, you’ll have plenty of time to devour the jar because of its long shelf life.

And did you know that peanut butter can be used to remove gum from your hair? Who knew?

A Tactical Flashlight

This one is an item you simply can’t leave behind. In the event that you need to sneak off in the middle of the night for a midnight snack or want to check out what that noise is in the bushes, you should have a tactical flashlight of some sort with you. This will make your life so much easier and safer whenever you need a light.

Maps and a Compass

Yeah sure, we all have Google Maps on our phones nowadays. However, when you’re camping, it’s more likely than not that you won’t have a signal to access your GPS or your phone might run out of battery before you can use it. That’s why it’s always a good idea to bring maps of the local area with you, as well as a compass.

Yes, you can still find physical maps in 2017!

A Pocket Knife

This handy item has everything you could ever need in a size that will fit in your pocket. A pocket knife or a Swiss army knife will have a knife, corkscrew, bottle opener, and pretty much anything else you could want in a tiny package. You may also take a look at these butcher knife sets if you need to buy one. If you’re planning to go hunting, you may also bring your Custom Rifles and other hunting gear. Make sure as well not to forget your 9mm ammo. You may shop for guns and ammo at your local gun shop if you need one for your trip.

Some Tarps

Tarps should be an essential in any camper’s backpack. Tarps serve many purposes and can be folded up to fit into any space you have available. For example, a tarp can serve as the roof of your temporary shelter. Or it can be used to line the ground of your tent to keep out the dirt and moisture. It’s a miracle material, really.

And there you have it. You should never leave for your camping trip without these seven items. They’ll not only make your trip a whole lot easier, but they could literally save your life if you find yourself in a dangerous or tricky situation.

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