Common Mistakes to Avoid While Selling Your House in a Hurry


Selling a home is never an easy decision as there are almost always emotional factors at play. However, when you are in a hurry to sell your house, the entire affair becomes even more complicated and confusing. It isn’t uncommon to make mistakes during such a transaction and since selling a house is a big deal, even a single mistake can be a huge one. To avoid making any mistakes if you are in such a fix yourself, go through the following points.

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Emotions Cloud Your Judgment

This is the first and perhaps the most important thing to remember; you cannot let your personal attachments with the house affect your judgment. You are now a seller and it is best not to consider the house as a home anymore, but a piece of property that you need to sell. This is particularly hard when you are in a hurry and you do not have the time to prepare yourself, but it is just something that needs to be done.

Good Photos are a Must

Photos are essential. However, what most people fail to realize is the importance of good photos in actually making the sale. Sure, people won’t be buying your house based on its photos alone, but unless they like what they see on the listing pages, they won’t be interested in your property in the first place. Make sure to fully prepare the house prior to the photoshoot day. If needed, hire a cleaning services san antonio to take away the stress and anxiety this task might demand. Use a wide-angle lens where applicable and make sure that all the photos are snapped when there is ample daylight to work with. Ensure that your listing photos are crystal clear and highlight the best angles of your property.

Price Expectations

There are two simple facts of real estate pricing and they are as follows.

  • Don’t set an unrealistic price
  • Don’t expect to get the asking price

If you are already in a hurry, you don’t want to waste time by putting up a price that no one responds to. Of course, you can lower it later, but by that time you have already lost a bit of money in ad expenses and a significant amount of time. Do your market analysis and set a price that’s acceptable. Also, negotiations are an essential part of selling a house, so you may not achieve the asking price in most cases. That is not to say that you will have to dramatically lower it; it just means that the buyer should feel like they are getting a good bargain in with the deal.

You Don’t Always have to Hire an Agent

If you have never sold a house before, chances are that you think you cannot do so without an agent or a realtor. As it turns out, that’s not quite the case exactly. Back when I wanted to sell my house quick for the first time, I did not hire an agent to do so. It took a great deal of market research, a bit of an investment and required a lot of time on my part, but I did manage to sell my house without an agent. This, in fact, helped me make more than I would have with an agent, as I did not have to pay the realtor’s commission percentage.

Don’t Hide Problems

If you are already in a rush, don’t waste time trying to hide any problem that might be there because even if you manage to hide it during the showing, a buyer’s inspection will likely reveal it. It’s advised that you take care of the problem before even listing the property. For instance, if your flat roofs have significant damages, you may want to work on the repairs before listing your home for sale. You may contact a residential roof replacement and repair service to do the job for you. Another common area to look at is your garage. Contact an emergency garage door repair company if any part of your garage door is damaged. However, sellers may not always have the time. In such cases, it’s best to lower the price according to the severity of the problem or offer credit to the buying party.

Things to Focus on When Selling Your Home

Make Sure that the Buyer is Qualified

Proof of funds, pre-approval letters, or some other form of document which confirms that the buyer is indeed financially capable of making the purchase are things that you should expect the potential buyer to produce before the contract is signed.

Although it goes without saying, let’s add the necessity of legal guidance to this list of tips as well. Prepare the contract with guidance from an experienced legal advisor so that you are not caught in a piece of legal binding that you had no idea existed. Get the rules and regulations in order and follow the six tips above to get a good deal on your house that’s smooth, fast and profitable at the same time.

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