AI’s effects on socialization

By Kaniya Rogers, Editor at LinkedIn News

Humans are seeing less of each other than ever. And with the introduction of AI, researchers are concerned that America’s loneliness crisis will only worsen, writes Insider. Reports show that socialization is trending downward; people spend more time alone and have less close friends, which is linked to significant health impacts. While the capabilities of AI and chatbots are still being explored, experts are challenging its potential to replace human interactions. In lieu of configuring chatbots to replicate social life, says Insider, scientists should develop AI tools that connect people.

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AI- Alone Intelligence? Is this our new world reality? As someone focused on the wellbeing of my two teenagers as well as supporting others- I found this article very interesting as we all try and partner and work towards limiting loneliness.

Generation GPT: AI technology will screw over young people by making them lonely

mericans are trapped in a loneliness epidemic. Across the country, people are having fewer social interactions, spending more time alone, and reporting fewer close friends. These trends aren’t just a symptom of the COVID-19 pandemic — while the last few years may have accelerated the loneliness crisis, the shift toward a more solitary life has been happening for years.

new report from the US surgeon general finds that social activities of all kinds have declined, and it compared the health impact of this increasing loneliness to smoking 12 cigarettes a day. My own research found that Americans are in the throes of a “friendship recession” with people reporting smaller social circles and fewer close friends. This rising tide of isolation is particularly acute among young people: The time that Americans between the ages of 15 and 24 spend with friends has declined considerably over the past two decades, according to the surgeon general’s report, from an average of 2.5 hours a day to just 40 minutes.

It seems as if everything in modern life is conspiring to perpetuate the loneliness problem — from the design of our technology to where we build our homes. We already know how addictive social media can be: Nearly one in three Americans reports being online “almost constantly,” according to the Pew Research Center, while a 2018 study by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania showed that social media helps fuel feelings of loneliness.

The latest development that threatens to make this loneliness crisis even worse is the rise of artificial intelligence. The release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in late 2022 has led to an explosion of interest in the potential to integrate AI-driven chatbots into our lives. Derek Thompson, a writer at The Atlantic, suggested that AI in its current manifestation is mostly a diversion, a waste of time. That may be true, but as previous technologies have shown us, it’s crucial to take stock of the ways in which AI could shift our lives before it becomes ubiquitous.

We’ve already seen how dependence on technology can weigh on our mental health, and now chatbots and other AI programs could further replace the critical social interactions that help us build community. Many Amercians already harbor this worry: A recent survey by the Pew Research Center found that one of Americans’ top concerns with AI is the technology’s inherent “lack of human connection.” Our time on earth is limited. While the convenience of AI could provide many benefits, it can’t replace time spent with real, living people.

What do we lose when we lose the little interactions?

Humans have used technology to handle dangerous, monotonous, and menial tasks for generations. And there are definitely areas where AI chatbots could be useful — especially when it comes to business. Software developers are using AI to streamline the coding process, lawyers are using it to help draft legal briefs, and some businesses are experimenting with chatbots in customer-service roles. While the use cases could boost a business’ bottom line, it’s important to be clear-eyed about the problems that arise from using AI to replace routine social exchanges.

No human interaction is meaningless. Small acts of kindness (or cruelty) can have far-reaching effects, and even relationships with people we don’t know well can be valuable. Sociologists have dubbed these brief encounters as “weak social ties” — a brief chat with a neighbor, a compliment from a stranger, or the barista at the local coffee shop asking how you’ve been. While the interactions often seem trivial, the benefits of these encounters are significant. Interviewing New York City residents living alone during the pandemic, the sociologists Eric Klinenberg and Jenny Leigh found that people missed being around “familiar strangers,” an experience that gave them a sense of place and belonging. Studies have shown that interacting with a wide array of people on a regular basis makes us happier, and my own research has shown that when it comes to friendships, more is better.

One of the profoundly important parts of developing social ties — whether strong or weak — is that they connect us to places and people we might not otherwise have access to. It might be a potential job opportunity or an introduction to a new community, such as a book club, religious congregation, or sports league. In a 2021 survey, we found that nearly half of young adults made a close friend through their existing friendship network. Our current friendships beget new friendships.

Using AI to automate these interactions, both trivial and more substantial, would deprive people of their mental and social benefits. The pandemic already gave us a glimpse at what happens when these ties fray: a rising number of airport freakoutsmore frequent fighting in schools, and a general increase in antisocial behavior, among others. When we spend less time with each other, we lose practice in getting along in shared spaces. This is why AI is such a poor substitute for real-world interactions. We need to spend more time with each other.

Artificial Intimacy

The shift toward AI relationships isn’t just a theoretical possibility: Some entrepreneurs and companies are already working to create chatbot-driven connections. Caryn Marjorie, a 23-year-old influencer with more than 1.8 million Snapchat followers, recently released CarynAI — an “immersive AI experience” featuring videos of Marjorie that she says provide a “virtual girlfriend” for those willing to pony up $1 per minute. According to Marjorie’s site, the GPT-4-powered chatbot replicates Marjorie’s voice and personality to the point that it feels like “you’re talking directly to Caryn herself.” While Marjorie stands to make a tidy profit from CarynAI — based on a recent beta test she estimated that the chatbot could generate $5 million in monthly revenue — she also says the goal in developing the AI avatar was to “cure loneliness” for her overwhelmingly male fan base.

While it has garnered a lot of attention, CarynAI isn’t the first attempt at providing people with companionship through an AI chatbot. Replika, another AI-chatbot friend marketed to people who are “lonely, depressed, or have few social connections” launched in 2017. The company behind Replika has over 10 million registered users, and the chatbot receives millions of messages each week. Snap recently deployed its own AI chatbot, called My AI, aimed at supplementing social interactions on the app. In an interview with The Verge, Snap CEO Evan Spiegel said: “The big idea is that in addition to talking to our friends and family every day, we’re going to talk to AI every day.”

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