A Comprehensive Guide to E-Cig and Vape Styles

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As time goes on e-cigs become increasingly complicated which can be confusing for anyone looking to start the hobby.  (Click the link to see a reliable vaporizer for vaporization of oils and loose herbs). Traditional cigarettes by contrast are absurdly straightforward; all you have to worry about is brand recognition, strength, length and perhaps a bit of variety of flavor on higher end tobaccos — if you’ve been a smoker for a while and are interested in refining your taste. Because of the confusion that inevitably results from the cacophony of information in e-cigs, here’s a basic introduction for the different styles of e-cigs that new vapers and IQOS ILUMA users can get.

Vaporizer and Tank or Cartridge

Most people know by now that electronic cigarettes and disposable vape units are composed of two different parts and three components. The first part is generally composed of the first two components: the atomizer and the cartridge or tank. An atomizer is just the term given for the chamber and coil that vaporize the liquid to produce vapor for the user to inhale. The cartridge or tank contains the liquid that is vaporized, If you are into smoking then a Smoking Shelter Design is perfect for you.


An atomizer will often produce strong vapor and is the most basic version of a vaporizer. They are going to require direct drips of e-liquid onto the coils to create vapor. This vapor is generally the most flavorful and hottest although not the thickest. A drip atomizer will usually fit onto a mini-sized battery; although this isn’t a hard and fast rule, as most cartomizers can be converted into drip atomizers by experienced users. The drawbacks of this style is the constant need for more drips of liquid onto the coil.


Cartomizers originally got their name from the prepackaged combination of cartridges and atomizers that are commonly sold with the mini batteries that compose cigalikes or look-alike e-cigarettes. These are the electronic cigarettes that are probably most widely recognized because they look just like a traditional cigarette. When you switch to e-cigs this is generally what you’ll be using first because the look and feel of pulling on these is not much removed from that of traditional tobacco cigarettes.

The term has evolved to describe any electronic cigarette that relies on e-liquid saturating a stuffing around the atomizer to produce vapor. Currently they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and are widely used in all of them.


Clearomizers are the newest addition to the –omizer family and are really only different in one crucial way. They use wicks to get the e-liquid to the atomizer, both eliminating the need for stuffing and necessitating a tank to hold the pure liquid in. These are most commonly seen on midsize or larger batteries but aren’t exclusive to them by any means. Clearomizers are kind of a middle ground between atomizers and tank cartomizers because they’re easier to clean and maintain than tank cartomizers but less so than traditional cartomizers which are often disposable. Clearomizers also provide a flavor sampling that is less pure than atomizers but more so than cartomizers.


The second component necessary for using a vaporizer is a battery, which, remarkably, supplies the power necessary for the reaction that produces vapor. These come in three primary styles which correlate to avidness of use like a stepladder. The first that I’ll describe are for the most casual users, the second set are for more common users and the third set apply to only the hardcore users.


These are the batteries that are the lower half of cigalikes. These batteries are about the size and shape of the tobacco-filled portion of a traditional cigarette; although they can be larger for increased battery life. They do not have replaceable batteries inside them and when they die, the entire battery must be replaced. The best one we know is the Myle Disposable.

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These are about the size of a small cigar and are usually seen with a tank system sitting atop them. The primary benefits of these systemsare that the charge lasts longer than in the smaller systems, which is beneficial to more regular users.

Most users prefer this size of system to the APV, which can be enormous, or the mini, which won’t supply enough to last an entire day. However, they are more expensive and require deeper knowledge of the other components like tank cartomizers or clearomizers to use. This can be a hassle for many vapers, especially casual users or those new to vaping.


APV stands for Advanced Personal Unit and is often used interchangeably with the term “mod” for the customizable components users can add or change on their personal vapes. These are the most intricate systems available and are more than just batteries. Many models contain LED displays, computer readouts, computer interface, adjustable voltage or wattage and a host of other minor modifications. Ultimately these are enormous by comparison to the others and can be box-shaped, which can be clunky to carry, or tubular like a flashlight.

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