Akashic Records Exposed!


Your Akashic Records – What good are they?

Let’s start with what are the Akashic Records because that will go a long way to helping you know how you can use them for your betterment.

Your personal Akashic Records have been around since the beginning. They are the recorded history of every thought, word, deed and action of your soul since your soul left the place where souls are one.

Some people call this place where souls are one, God, Source, the collective consciousness or stream of consciousness. Sometimes I have referred to it as the un-manifest since it’s the place before we manifest individual light bodies.

Now hang in there with me as this really doesn’t go against any belief you already have about this place where we come from and return. The only thing that is being added is the fact that your soul’s journey is recorded. That’s all.

The Akashic Records have been referred to and written about in every spiritual book and were used by prophets, Kings and advisors.You yourself have tapped into them many times when you truly came from your heart in order to have clarity, when you wanted to connect on a deeper level with someone and when you were searching for that connection to something more than the physical.

These energetic patterns, the Akashic Records, are a frequency like a tuning fork vibration. When toned down, they are pictures captured in light and hold the feeling of an event so it may be viewed again and used as a learning or understanding tool.

A simple explanation would be imagine yourself as a shooting star. Where you are today is the front or ball speeding through the atmosphere and the trail of light you leave behind, as you make your way on your journey, would be your Akashic Record.

So now what? How can we use them, access them and learn from them?

Are there any limits? Can anyone access them or do you have to be a prophet, King or the chosen One to qualify?

Considering I already told you, you have been there, the answers to these questions should be obvious.

They are there for you to use, to learn from and understanda bigger picture of your life. What keeps people from using them fully is our feelings of unworthiness, undeserving and afraid we will either mess something up or find out something terrible about ourselves.

The Records are available to us to get us back on track with our purpose and our truth about ourselves. Everyone has a purpose. Most of us spend half our lives acquiring the experiences we need then spend the other half of our lives living out our purpose in whatever occupation we choose to express it.

In truth we do our purpose every day in everything we do. We could be working, playing with our hobbies, raising our families or just relaxing. Our core purpose will still be expressed.

Let me give you some examples:

If your purpose was service, you would volunteer in your church or community, work as a service provider and serve your immediate and extended family with great love and affection. Hopefully you would learn to serve yourself with the same gusto you serve everyone else so that you would not feel resentful or taken for granted.

Now if your purpose was to bring light and joy into the world, you might have a positive up beat personality and see the silver lining on every cloud. Your profession might reflect this but really your whole life would shine with the attitude of hopefulness. People would be drawn to you in hopes of having that joy rub off on them.

The Records can be used in so many ways that it’s ridiculous to try to list them all so here are a few ways that will keep you contemplating and use them.

Make a list of questions about things you want to change in your life. I’ll start you off. Use who, what, where, when, how, does and is for the first word of the question. Only use why sparingly. Why? Because why takes you into an endless loop instead of a final destination.

Here is an example: Why does this always happen to me? Answer: Because you have the habit of negative thinking. Why do I have that? Answer: Because it’s the way you think? Why? Answer: Because it’s a pattern you are used too. Why doesn’t solve anything.

Now see what happens when you change that why into how, what and is. How does that happen to me? Answer: You starting thinking the worst thing that can happen. What can I do to change that? Answer: You can catch yourself when you start down that line of thinking and stop yourself by saying – yes that is the worst thing, what would be the best thing?Is there a way to completely rid myself of the negative thinking? Answer: Yes, do the opposite long enough to make it a habit, which is usually 40 days straight.

Now that you have your questions, remember to drop out of your head and down into your heart. Ask the questions, one at a time, in order to hear an answer not from the storehouse of experiences in your subconscious but from the intelligence that you are connected to from your heart.

Your Akashic Records are located in your heart so you now have a clear answer if you can stay connected. I use a prayer handed down from the Mayans in order to stay focused and connected which I teach to others. You can do the same by setting your intention and practicing daily. Some people call this meditation and usually take one question into that space at a time.

The unlimited world of the Akashic Records is there for you to explore, enjoy, love, and unfold. Go in as a child to discover the joy, love and truth that is you.





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