Business Leadership Lessons: Being the Boss You Were Meant to Be

You probably have all the leadership skill you need right now to manage and motivate your employees. Your problem is confidence. So, here’s how to get that confidence so you can become the leader you were meant to be.

Know Your Story, And Communicate It Well

It’s not enough for you to know your story. You have to know your story and be able to communicate it with the best of your employees. A clear vision that no one knows about isn’t a very clear vision at all. Without a clear sense of goals, it’s easy for everyone else to lose sight of your vision.

Employees may get “lost in the details.”

A lot of time is wasted in the entrepreneurial process and this is largely because most small business owners don’t have a clear idea of what they want out of the business. This lack of clarity is then passed down to the employees, who also don’t know what the business owner wants or where the company is going.

Lead By Example

How do you expect your employees to follow you if you set a bad example? According to Tate Law Offices, a personal injury lawyer in Fort Worth, many small business owners don’t know enough about the many liabilities they open themselves up to by not having proper insurance in place, not maintaining their offices and surrounding grounds, and by neglecting employee safety.
All of these things sets a bad example. Consider if your business were sued for negligence by an injured customer. What kind of message would this send to employees? Always strive to be the best version of you. Take responsibility for problems, guide and direct employees, and set a good example — never expect an employee to do something you haven’t already done yourself.


Leaders need to understand and listen to employees. Engaging your employees in a dialog about problems, solutions, and ideas they have for your company is important. It builds a foundation for trust, and a relationship with employees that you will need to make the company a success.

Build Relationships With Employees

People are your greatest resource in your company. Your customers are what provide you with income. Your employees are what keep the business running day-to-day. And, while you move the company forward, your business doesn’t go very far without employees. So, you should build relationships with them early on, and work to nurture those relationships.

Set The “Tone”

A company’s culture becomes the “attitude” of the business. And, it starts from the top down. A passionate and compassionate leader energizes an entire company. Set an example, and you’ll find that your employees take that example and run with it.

Share The Ownership

Startup companies often give employees a stake in the company through share ownership. When you do this, employees become invested in the outcome of the business. They care how it turns out. They’ll work to make it a success because it becomes part of their paycheck or future retirement.

Heidi Daniel always had a business idea or two up her sleeve, but it wasn’t until her daughter was born that she finally took the leap into working for herself. Heidi shares her top tips with others just starting out in business in her articles.

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