Check Up on Your Financial Health

Staying on top of your budgeting and savings goals requires some careful decision making. Some key indicators of how you’re doing can help you evaluate your financial health. When you identify areas for improvement, you can make a sound strategy to spend your money more judiciously and build your savings to reach specific financial goals.

Are You Using Credit Wisely?

Credit card debt can carry high interest rates; the longer you leave your debt unpaid, the more it will inflate. Evaluate how much credit card debt you typically accumulate each month in contrast to how much you pay back. If you’re consistently spending more than you pay down or making only minimum payments, this habit can have an extremely negative effect on your finances. You will likely end up paying too much towards interest, effectively depriving yourself of using the funds for new purchases. Furthermore, you may be bringing down your credit score by letting a high balance continue to grow or by overutilizing your available credit. In general, you should try to use less than thirty percent of a card’s credit limit each month to prevent your credit card usage from hurting your consumer credit score.

Would You Benefit By Refinancing Debt?

Restructuring a repayment plan or refinancing debt is worth taking a look at. Even if you can reasonably afford what you’re paying towards debt in your monthly budget, you may be overpaying over time. Refinancing with another lender may entail paying a little more than you pay every month right now, but it can save you a lot of money in the long run. Student debt is a good example of a debt where it is often possible for borrowers to get more reasonable repayment terms or interest rates than what they originally agreed to with a lender. People who have come out of school within the past ten years have more educational debt than any generation before them while also having to contend with the highest cost of living. As educational debt has escalated, so has the competition among lenders. Competitive interest rates may enable you to reduce your student debt by a considerable percentage. In order to qualify for a good plan with a different lender, you’ll need to demonstrate that you’ll be able to pay your obligation. A history of late payments or delinquency status with your current lender or debt service company could hurt your application. Likewise, poor credit could make you a less appealing applicant. Review your payment history and go to a website that gives you the option to “check my free credit score” so that you can get a sense of where you stand. It may also be necessary to provide proof of income. For documentation, a lender may ask for a certain number of paystubs or an employment verification form. When you have all of your application materials together, apply to more than one refinancing company so you can be assured of getting the best rates available. You may also be able to view rates for more than one company by going to a single site that shows you a marketplace of options.

Are You Following a Monthly Budget?

Sticking to a budget is one of the most important yet commonly overlooked components of maintaining good financial health. Of course, it’s reasonable to expect that some unanticipated expenses can come up that require deviating from your typical spending habits. Nevertheless, you should use your best efforts to stick to a set monthly budget for your regular expenses. Factor in your principal living expenses such as housing, utilities, transportation, utilities. Approximate items such as food and medical expenses. You can use an app to help manage your budget so you can take a step back before spending on nonessential items to determine if you can really afford what you’re considering buying or if you should hold off.

If you need to work on how you’re handling or accruing debt, do some due diligence about what you can do better. Refinancing debt and being mindful about the long-term effects of interest can leave you better positioned to take on new expenses in the long run. Ultimately, being conscientious about how you spend can help you reach your savings goals and boost your overall financial health. 

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