Don’t Use The Word Porn!

Please be aware.
Porn, is short for pornography. Pornography is evil!
It’s destructive, it’s highly addictive. It’s the tip of the sex trafficking iceberg.
Women and children are being stolen everyday by the thousands to support these trades.
Using “porn” in conjunction with other friendly normal words is wrong and misleading.
Example: Word porn, food porn, etc. Dilutes the evil that porn really is, it’s an attempt to desensitize us into forgetting how horrible porn is and to try to make porn seem normal.
I’m not preaching from soap box, I’m telling you from experience.  As a young teen porn was easily available and even though I was never addicted it warp my view about women. That took 20 years to resolve maybe longer.
I’ve seen good men and women get completely destroyed and lose everything by this horrible “business.”
That’s how Satan works. By making evil seem good or normal and by making good seem weak or silly or lame. Porn is neither good or normal.
Did you know there are people who want to legalize child porn?
Billions of dollars are made at the expense of innocent women, men, and children.

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