Doug Gray, PhD, PCC, specializes in outcome-based leader development. He has worked with over 10,000 leaders in multiple business sectors, schools and colleges, as well as with families and non-profits. Since 1997, as CEO of Action Learning Associates, his consultancy guarantees results using the globally validated AD-FITTM protocol in workshops, assessments and executive coaching. Dr. Gray speaks and trains leaders throughout North America. He is an executive coach and engagement manager with CoachSource, the largest global provider of executive and leadership coaching, since 2013, and serves as a consultant with the Family Business Consulting Group since 2019. Objectives + Key Results (OKR) Leadership is his third book, written because his clients asked, “What really works?” Dr. Gray is also a former adventure racer and has been featured on CBS Sports numerous times, as well as a former marathon runner. He and his wife of 30 years reside near Nashville, Tenn.