Frank Divers – Business Development Specialist

Frank Divers

Business Name: Business Development Specialists, Inc.

Website URL:

Email Address:

Year Founded: 1999

Number of Employees: 3


What does your company do?: We are a project based consulting firm and experts in the area of expanding a company’s market presence or creating new markets for their products or services.  We have a particular focus on how to best take advantage of the Internet and communication technologies to substantially increase a business’s valuation in preparation for an eventual exit strategy.

Was there a specific turning point when you realized your business was moving to the next level?: Within a year of the company commencing operations in 2000, we were attracted to how to best present technology and software to the marketplace.  Considering most software company’s are stressed to effectively grow sales, we decided to make that the core of our consulting model.

What processes or procedures have you implemented that have helped grow your company?:
When completing a project to always ask our client if we did our job to their satisfaction.  Completing a project and not meeting the expectations of the client is not acceptable.

What is most rewarding about running your business?: Seeing our clients eyes sparkle when they hear our innovative ideas for how to best grow their business to the next level.

What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them?: Having a good understanding or a particular product’s sales cycle.  It is of utmost importance to always have a “grip” on the realities of the market including barriers to entry and sales cycles.

If you were starting over today, what would you do differently?: Make revenue sharing a part of our consulting fees.

What advice do you have for other business owners?: Understand fully the power of leveraging, that is how to best utilize what you know and who you know in a timely fashion.

Please list any favorite books, tools or resources (software, website, etc.) you would recommend for others:

What is something that people might be surprised to learn about you?: That I am very intense when working.

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