Harris v Trump Debate with Lawyer Norm Blumenthal

Norm Blumenthal – an attorney for workers and consumers. Selected as one of the Top Attorneys in Southern California. Norm was inducted and recognized as one of America’s Most Trusted Lawyers in Employment Law.

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Bert Martinez:

Today, we’re gonna be talking about Harris versus Trump with lawyer Norm Blumenthal. Norm Blumenthal is an attorney and for consumers and workers, selected as one of the top attorneys in Southern California. Norm was also inducted and recognized as one of America’s most trusted lawyers in employment law, Norm Blumenthal. Blumenthal, welcome back.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Alright, Bert. Nice to be back and, excited the debate’s coming tonight. I was just talking to you about it. And it reminds me way back when when, Joe Namath was first coming up with, the New York Jets in the instant American Football League, and they were it was I think it was the 3rd Super Bowl, and they were playing against the old line Baltimore Colts. Johnny Unitas on his last leg, coming in, for for the game. And, Joe Namath, you know, with all his swagger and all his new ideas, he predicted, that they would win. And he was a 17 point underdog in that game. But they had some new ideas.

They’ve had some new ideas with the the quarterback back and and, you know, the shotgun offense as opposed to the old, single t. And, you know, he said he would win and he did. They won by 7 17 points, so I think the spread was, like, 34. But it’s I think it’s the same kind of thing we have here. What we have is, an old guy with no new tricks coming in with a lot of banter and accusations and threats and, no real substance to, to any I anything to be except the same old what he’s he’s got he did before. He’ll just protect the people with money and make sure they do well. And, basically, the heck with everybody else. You know, he’s the one that killed the border bill that was already passed that would have protected everybody.

Inflation’s down to to under 3% where they wanna go. It’s not a problem. Today, if you look at the the the charts, oil has dropped below $65 a barrel. And why is that? Because the demand for oil for automobiles has decreased as the electric car is taking hold in China and the United States and in Europe with the with the bigger big users. So what’s happening is is there’s just no demand for oil. The fact that we, you know, may have the biggest production, it’s not going to benefit anybody as oil drops and natural gases drop, the equivalent of about $12 a barrel, in energy sources. So it’s coming. If we can implement these new ideas that, Kamala Harris has and that have been started by  president Biden, we’ll be, you know, we’ll be rolling along here, and I really feel good about it.

And I think people should look to the future and the idea that, we’re gonna have a clean environment, clean air. We’ll have, inflation will be over, and and away we go. I mean, inflation you know, when, Biden came into office, a thousand people a day were dying from COVID. And, we turned that around with the vaccine, and, they spent a lot of money in doing this. And, of course, there was some upheaval to to keep the economy going, but it’s going in all the right directions, and everybody says we’re gonna have a soft landing. And, we should stay away from these crazy tariffs that Trump’s trying to put on. I mean, this is really, it’s a pretty clear choice. Are we going to look to the future? Are we going to look to the past?

Bert Martinez:

Well, and I think it goes beyond that. Are we going to settle for 4 years of infighting and just violent rhetoric and and all sorts of craziness to distract us from the fact that nothing’s getting done.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. The you know, if the he’s coming in this, project, 2025. It’s a wrecking ball. Basically, they wanna wreck the government, take away, what we all the work that we’ve done over the last 250 years, and, destroy it. And start and, you know, we’re gonna take it all away and come up with something where the rich get richer and the poor have children. And so this is, where we’re at, and it’s a terrible situation that, in fact, people, would want to destroy what we have worked so hard for coming out of COVID, like, no like no other country did. That’s why we’re leading the world. The dollar is the strongest currencies because we did it, and we did it all on Biden’s watch.

And and, Harris is was there the all the time, and she’s gonna make it better. But there’s nothing that Biden should be ashamed of. He’s just you know, you can’t play the same quarterback when, you know, he’s he’s had seen his better days. Even, the greatest of all time had to retire. And so you can’t you can’t do it.

Bert Martinez:

You know, I wanna I wanna spend a little bit more time on project 2025. I urge all of our listeners to check out Project 2025. It’s a humongous, humongous, over the top strategy to get rid of anybody that is not willing to be a Trump loyalist. Some of the things in there besides, reproductive rights that they wanna eliminate, including IVF, they also want to eliminate, labor laws that protect children.

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Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. It’s it’s you know, and, unfortunately, we have a supreme court that is beyond, extreme, in the things that they, wanna destroy in this country, giving the president blanket immunity. It’s basically setting it up that that he could do no wrong, and we’ll be back to the, dictatorship. This is all very, very frightening, and and people just need to to sober up and, you know, look at what what they’re bringing to this country. If we end up with, 4 more years, of Trump, he may never leave, and he’s gonna destroy the country with his tariffs. Who’s gonna pay the tariffs? What is this guy thinking? You think that the company is not gonna pass along the extra cost for the tariff to the consumer? Of course, he is. And what is it gonna have? Inflation. That brought down the 19, 29 crash was caused by tariffs.

And everybody talk to any economist you wanna talk to. That’s what caused the laws that were passed that created these, artificial tariffs and destroyed our trade. So this is this is the kind of thing that they’re trying to do. They’re it’s gonna destroy this country, and everybody in these these jurisdictions where the the in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Michigan, you know, take it you know, drink a cup of coffee, sober up, and, you know, don’t be so angry because good times are coming for your children and grandchildren if we just stay the course. $65 oil. Oil was a $100 a barrel when Biden came in. And what he did is he flooded the market with oil, and he brought the price down into 70. And anytime it tried to go above it, he put more oil into the system, and he and when it went lower, he’d buy oil.

Now he broke them. He got it down to $65 a barrel. So these are the kind of things that you have to think about. Inflation. It was 11% when he came into office. What is it at now? Below 3%. I mean, look at the statistics. What are people thinking? Why would you wanna bring this crazy guy back into office that all he wants to do is is lock everybody else up and and fight his petty fights? This man is not mentally stable, and people need to take that into consideration when you’re voting for him.

He is not stable.

Bert Martinez:

And don’t forget, besides everything you just mentioned, he’s looking forward to financially benefiting from the president’s office, especially now that, again, the he’s got unfettered immunity. Right? He can do whatever he wants, including getting paid for bar pardons, getting paid for any kind of influence. You know, he was doing this. There was allegedly, he was doing some of this stuff, last time he was in office. And so, you know, again, you have to just put aside the the the party because the the conservative, what do you call it, republican party is not what it was, let’s say, 10 years ago. This is a different party with different, agenda, and they’re not putting America first. They’re putting themselves first.

And on top of that, they have justified that the means justify the result, right, which means breaking the laws, which means, not cooperating with congress. It it just goes on and on and on, and then we’ve already mentioned 2025. There’s also a clip, where, Trump tells a bunch of oil executives that you get me an office, and I’ll help you with with, not only drilling, getting rid of getting rid of, environmental restrictions, but making sure that they can price the oil at whatever they want. So, again, these are things that you gotta take into consideration when thinking about who you’re gonna vote for.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. Basically, Trump is selling fear and greed. Yeah. This is who he is. Fear and greed. He wants you all to be afraid of of the Democrats and Kamala Harris and what what they’ve done, which is great. I mean, why should we be afraid of $65 oil and 3% inflation? Why? There’s no reason. What have they they done except to help Americans and put us, back on top? When Trump left office, it was a wreck.

A 1,000 people a day were dying of COVID when he got out of there. And, you know, that was just the start of it, and then it was all turned around. People forget what success we’ve had over the last 4 years. You know you know when, Trump is lying, his lips are moving.

Bert Martinez:

And some of the things that people have forgotten, look, the the Trump likes to use immigrants, and again, especially the undocumented immigrants as some kind of scapegoat. And I think that, you mentioned this earlier. You know, he was the one that caused the immigration bill not to get passed when Republicans agreed it was the best bill they’d ever seen. That’s number 1. Number 2, when he was in office last, he hurt the American farmers. Why? Because they couldn’t find anybody to pick their crops. I I believe at one point, there was, like, 20 tons of food that had gone unpicked because of this fear. And and the whole thing is is that, for heaven’s sakes, look at, when when you when you when you look at the immigration situation, we have not had a bunch of issues with immigrants trying to ruin America or take down America.

We get that from the Chinese. We get that from Russia. We get that from, what do you call it, ISIS and some of these other radical people from the Middle East. The Mexican people, again, I know we have, immigrants from different, what do you call it, Spanish speaking countries. But generally speaking, the Mexican people, the the the immigrants here that we’ve had have been good. Yes. There are always some who run red lights, who drink and drive, who cause fights, but that’s a very small percentage as opposed to the people who work hard. They’re trying to make their life better.

They’re sending money home. And I’m not and by you know, and I’m not saying, hey. They should all just you know, we should just look the other way. I’m just saying that there’s a reasonable way of giving these people you know, I’ve talked about this before, Norm. Giving these people some kind of worker permit or visa so they can come in, do the work that we all want them to do, which is primarily pick the crops and and do a lot of these, manual labors that that we, as Americans, don’t wanna do anymore. And then, by lay by laying them allowing them to have a a permit or a visa, they can be tracked. They can pay taxes. They they they can be part of the system versus being outside of the system.

Again, what what I was gonna finish saying is we have to have a party. We have to have people in congress who are results or solution oriented and not people who are just looking for their own interest, trying to keep power, and just, again, distracting us with this crazy ongoing bickering.

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Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. If you’re a Latino, I just wanna tell you, if you’re a working stiff Latino and you’re out there and you are documented or undocumented, basically, Trump’s gonna pass a stop and frisk law. And and what it’s gonna be is you’re gonna have to carry with you documentation. And if you don’t have documentation and you’re stopped, they’re gonna put you in a a holding pen. And he wants to lock up 11,000,000 Latinos. So, you you know, get your head examined. If you’re a Latino, you should be voting for Harris. You should hope the got she wins because what Trump has planned for Latinos is something that no one should have planned for them.

Because this is what he’s gonna, this is what he’s proposed. He’s gonna have holding pens for 11,000,000 undocumented, personnel that have legitimate jobs, could have been here 10 years. I mean, it doesn’t matter. It there’s gonna be no, excuse for for being in this country without coming in legally. You’re gonna be you’re gonna be shipped out, and there’s gonna be no ability to come back in. This is what he’s proposing for. If it’s not for you, if you’re a lat Latino, it’s look down the the road and look at the at the next Latino. It could be for him or her.

So if you’re voting and you’re a citizen, vote for your your your neighbors and your friends who may not be because they’re gonna be taken out of this country, and it’s gonna be something that’s gonna be awful to see, and we can’t let that happen. And so every I just urge all of the Latinos to vote for Harris, and she’s gonna be the one that’ll will keep them safe.

Bert Martinez:

Right. And and look, one of Trump’s plans on that whole immigration thing is he’s been bragging, and, again, project 2025 also supports this, that they wanna do massive deportation. One of the things that, former president Trump doesn’t understand is the economy.

We have a or we profit from a lot of these Latinos, these non documented as well as documented immigrants that come in here, if you got rid of them, that’s gonna hurt the hotel industry. And so what just look at the hotel industry, the restaurant industry, the landscaping industry, the agriculture industry. Now if all of these, quote, immigrants were gone, you’re going to now replace these people, with people who are going to want higher wages for cleaning those rooms and picking those crops and washing those dishes. And so now you’re looking at again, all of those costs would be passed down to consumers. So if you think going out to eat now is expensive, wait till everybody in that restaurant’s making 30, $40 an hour because that’s what they demand in order to work at the restaurants.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. And, you know, the one idea was good, I thought, was, you know, not, taxing gratuities. I thought that, and I think and Harris thought that was a good idea too, and she adopted it. I mean, that’s something at that level of a server level and a hospitality and somebody cleaning the rooms. Why not? If someone wants to leave the gratuity, let them keep it. And so that’s something that that that’s easily approved. I I don’t think anybody’s against it. It’s not a lot of money that that’s not being taxed, but it gives them gives people, working at these levels, a little bit of the additional funds.

So that that’s all good. I mean, they’re gonna be get a salary anyway, but you’re right. There’s not gonna be anybody left to do these jobs. They’re not gonna show up at work because guess who’s gonna be there is ICE. ICE is gonna be the immigration, police, and they’re gonna go, you know, raid hotels, raid, restaurants, and take people away. I mean, this is what they’re doing and put them in holding pens. It’s frightening, the things that he says he’s gonna do. And it’s something that’s

Bert Martinez:

And let’s just and and let’s and let’s not forget, one of the things that he’s been saying lately is you that you’re you don’t even have to vote for me anymore. We’re gonna make it happen, and this will be the you know, he I I think he said a couple of times, this will be the the last time you have to vote, and then he’s now he’s kinda changed that to saying, you won’t even have to vote.

And the reason why they’re saying this is because oh, again, a lot of people don’t know this. The Republican party has filed numerous lawsuits trying to change, the the the way ballots are to be counted and and trying to make it harder for people to vote. They wanna get rid of mail in voting. They they, they don’t want the government to help facilitate the voting process. They’re they’re trying to restrict what the government can do and say about voting, which is ridiculous. But look it up, ladies and gentlemen.

Don’t take my word for it. Look at how many lawsuits the Republican Party has filed just to try to change voting and voting rights. So it’s it’s this is like an all encompassing, what do you call it, multilevel warfare.

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Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. There’s at at this point and you you know, my my, applause go out to the people that are actually working the, voting booths and the and the polls of these, workers who come out there. I mean, they’re they’re threatening them. Yes. But yet yet they show up anyway because of their civic duty and civic pride, and we should be glad that they show up and and legitimately count the votes, and you have a full and fair election because that’s that’s what they do. And if you’re on the rolls and you’re approved, you should be entitled to vote. You know, that you’ve proved your citizenship. You don’t have to carry around your birth certificate or a passport.

Most people don’t have passports, and so it’s creating us will create a serious problem for Latinos because they are going to be, segregated out for for mass deportation. And so this is I mean, people need to wake up. I mean, these these are these are threats that are coming in, fear and greed. And the other end of it is is greed. You’re right. You know, everything’s for sale. You wanna do business in the United States? You gotta pay him off. I mean, that’s that’s what it’s that’s any and the I don’t think there’s any secret about it.

Bert Martinez:

And now the Supreme Court has put their stamp of approval on it. So he essentially can do whatever he wants, including assassinate opponents. As long as as long as it’s an official act, it’s good to go.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. And, you know, this is what they’re saying. I never I mean, I I read the constitution. There’s nothing in there about executive privilege. Right. Talk about that. You know, the the idea that for your acts as president, you’re immune from prosecution if it’s a criminal act. No.

There’s nothing in it. They just made it up. Right. And that that’s the frightening part of it is the structure of the government in the court system, and he wants to take it to the, executive branch in the army is gonna be the one of a dictatorship. That’s where he’s headed.

Bert Martinez:

And again, if you if you look at that project 2025, I’m so grateful that these people printed this up and circulated it because it really shows you what they wanna do, with the military. They want, you know, they they they have just really radical ideas. And speaking of the military, look how many top military personnel have said they either won’t work with Trump or that Trump is unfit, that Trump, you know, has many issues when it comes to, separating right from wrong.

And these are people who have worked with him. Never never have we had so many people tell you that a president is unfit, and these are people who have worked with him. It’s not it’s not his opponents. It’s people who are from his party that actually worked for him. We’re talking it’s something like 80% have come out against former president Trump.

That to me is crazy unprecedented. To have that level, or or, yeah, that percentage, that high level that high percentage of people telling you that their former boss is not a good person, is not a good leader, people need to wake up and listen.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. And, you know, it it just comes back to where at the end of the day, you know, Biden, stepped away. I mean, from the who would step away from their job because if the country he put the country first. Right. And and now it’s up to Harris’s to get the ball over the, goal line and and score here, and I think she’s one to do it. I think she can take him on. She’s a prosecutor. She knows what to do, and, he’ll be all over her physically and, and emotionally to try to break her.

There’s no doubt about that, and she needs to stand firm and and, you know, stay have him stand in his place and call him for what he is. He’s a liar.

It’s just everything he says is a lie. And, you know, the the economy, if people would just step back and smell the roses, the economy is doing well. People are doing well, and there are some that have have gotten through the safety net, and, you know, something needs to be said about it. I don’t know if it’s gonna be brought up now. It’s the homeless situation. That’s, you know, a situation where the something needs to be done to help them. You know, we need some some type of urban core that to help these people and get them back on their feet and and end it.

But, you know, there needs to be be something done, but it’s it’s never mentioned. Hopefully, somebody will talk about that tonight.

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Bert Martinez:

Right. Right. I tell you what. So so we have a gentleman, his name is Alan Lichtman, l I c h t m a n. He is a professor. I forgot for what university. This guy has predicted the 9 of the 10 presidents. So he’s got a 90% success track or yeah, 90% success rate.

He’s predicting that Harris will win, so I’m hoping that he’s right. I think that we have, again, I think something like 2 or 300 Republicans, including Liz Cheney, who Liz Cheney is hardcore conservative, but she’s a true conservative. She’s a true Republican. She put the country first before her party. And so you have her and, like I said, approximately 200 other Republicans who are supporting Harris. This is how bad Trump is.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. No. Harris has to leave it all on the field tonight. Basically, she’s just gotta go after him. He is weak. You know, all dictators when you when you show them when you show them up for the truth, they’ll fold. And this is what she has to do. He is weak, and he and he needs to be attacked.

You know? Basically and he and they can he has all these weak spots that we bring up, and we talk about, and Harris has to carry the ball over the finish line, and and, you know, she has to score because she’s behind. I mean, there may be some predictions that she’s gonna win, but, you know, the polls say that in the, because it’s, you know, she’ll win the, popular vote, but it she that’s not necessarily gonna carry her in the electoral votes. And so all these states that, you know, make the difference.

And so everybody’s gotta turn out and vote for Harris and, hope that she delivers tonight because I think that this is this is the the the last chance they go toe to toe. And, you know, he’ll run back into his corner and and talk about how he’s won everything and how wonderful he is. But the truth will be in the performance tonight, and, you know, I’m, like, you know, I’m hoping that she can she can take them.

Bert Martinez:

I I think she will. I think she has a couple of things that she has in her favor. She is much younger. She is very sharp. She seems to be pretty fast on her feet. I think she will outperform him tonight. Look. Here’s what’s so funny.

When she was first, what do you call it, nominated as the as the presidential nominee, instead of him attacking her for her skill set or maybe some of her mistakes or something like that, he comes out and starts attacking her on her race, you know, that that she wasn’t really black until she started running for president. Things that really have no bearing on a candidate, whether they’re black or white, brown, who what what do they stand for? How are they going to help our country? How are they gonna help the citizens of this country? That’s what matters. And so the I think for the 1st month or 2, all he could talk about is she’s not really black. It just goes to show you how weak his his position is, how weak his campaign is that he’s attacking somebody on their race. Yeah. The you know, I just think that somebody on their race.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

I just think that the if you look at what has happened over the last 4 years, Biden should be proud of what he’s done. Unemployment’s below 4% and going down. Inflation’s below 3% and going down. Oil prices are below $65 a barrel and going down. The sales of of electric vehicles and solar, use of solar energy and solar batteries, they’re going up. And she’s gotta stand there and go toe to toe with him and and make no apologies for where we are. Sure. Everybody’s not not done.

We have and we have to do more. That’s for sure. And and make sure that, we we don’t leave anybody behind. But at this point in time, for everybody out there, if if he’s comes into office and and things start to go sideways with these tariffs, the first thing they’re gonna do, companies, is is tighten their belt. Interest rates will go up again, and they’ll stop trying to work on AI. When they stop work on AI and all these stocks that are leading the tech revolution on the stock market, the market will crash. And if you bring Trump in, that’s what you’re gonna have. Look at your 4 zero one k’s and where they are today.

Because if he gets in the in office, they aren’t gonna be half of what they are. And that’s what you’re up against because it’ll be corrupt. The same thing happened in Venezuela. Same thing happened in Argentina. This is where dictators come in and the and the countries fall apart, and it’s really that serious. This man should not be in office. He’s gotten into offices because everybody’s afraid of him in the, republican primaries, and he he’s able to get 35% of the the republican vote and was able to knock out anybody that went against him, and they were all living political fear of Trump.

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Bert Martinez:

Right. And and by the way, let’s not forget that, one of the trials, this criminal trial where he was indicted or he was found guilty 34 times, this wasn’t a lot of people think that it’s a hush money case. Yes. That was just one of the elements, but he paid a media outlet to catch negative stories and kill them. He also paid the same media outlet, the National Enquirer, to post stories that were completely fake about his opponent. This guy is diabolical. He is not here to play by any set of moral rules. He will cheat, he will lie, he will steal if it puts him in power.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. And I think people have to wake up, you know, smell the coffee. This is serious. I mean, your vote is serious here. And that idea that, well, I’m gonna vote for Trump and let him stir it up. We’ve already tried that once, and we ended up with COVID, killing over a 1000000 people. And because he he ended up he couldn’t do anything. He wanted to inject everybody with Clorox.

I mean, this is what the guy thinks. I mean, he’s he’s he’s mentally, not all there.

Bert Martinez:

Right. Well, it’s not it’s not just it’s not it’s not just that, you know, I don’t I don’t personally blame him for brainstorming goofy ideas. But the thing that we must remember is this guy is unethical. Right? It was reported time and time again that if you spend enough money at the Trump Hotel in Washington DC, he would make an appearance for your party. There were a lot of foreign dignitaries that booked and paid beyond the going price for his hotel rooms so they could influence him or get him to, do stuff for them. There there was a lawsuit that was brought regarding this. And because he lost the election, the Supreme Court didn’t rule on it. They they they said since he lost the election, it’s moot.

And I thought that was very lazy of them. But either way, it goes back to show you that right now, your vote is super important. We have a questionable, if not corrupt, Supreme Court. We have a gentleman who has shown time and time again, he cannot be trusted, that a large percentage of people that have worked for him do not find him credible or trustworthy. You do not want this individual in power. You don’t want him close to on the, Republican party, it just goes to show you that the Republicans have become very weak to give into his his, to give into his his, demands.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Well, you know, I I think this idea that the economy is weak is is a false is false. They’ve just made this up, and and everybody’s buying into it and it’s false. Look at the facts, and the facts are unemployment’s under 4%, inflation’s under 3%, oils under $65 a barrel, and people are working. So think where you were 4 years ago and where you are today and how much more you’re making now, and prices are coming down, and inflation’s coming down, and interest rates are coming down and the stock market’s going up. The stock market tell there’s there’s not nothing more more truth than the stock market. The stock market tells you if we’re doing well or we’re not, and the stock market says we’re doing just fine.

Bert Martinez:

And not to mention, let’s not forget this very vital point, Norman, that is that the Biden Harris administration, and and right now, the Harris campaign, she actually has different strategies to improve America, to get more people working, to get the cost of living down. Trump has no such plans. His his main thing is he deserves to be in power, and then he deserves to get, to to go after his opponents. That that’s basically it. Even hardcore conservatives have mentioned the fact that he’s got no plan. He’s got no real policies in place to help America become stronger and better.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

And the idea, you know, some type of gun control on AR fifteens and in this country and, background checks needs to come in. 70% of the people wanna see that happen. And this is something and when there’s these killings, it’s still the most recent one at school. You know, Vance comes in and goes, well, we just have to get used to it. We don’t have to get used to it. Right. There’s laws that can be passed that can keep guns away from 14 year olds. I mean, come on.

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Bert Martinez:

And and look what look what the, prosecutors are now doing. They they’ve stepped up their game, and they’re going after these parents who are being negligent with their children and the guns.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. And the and, you know, before it happened, the police interviewed the the the father, and he says, well, you know, I taught him about how to be safe with guns, and they walked away because children couldn’t have guns. Right. Really? Is that where we’re we are? I mean, come on. I mean, at the end of the day, you know, we have to make, the world a little bit safer from everybody having an a r 15.

Bert Martinez:

An a r 15 that that the that the average person really does not need?

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

No. It’s a military weapon, and you really don’t need it unless you wanna, you know, just kill other people. I mean, that’s basically what it’s good for. And so this is what people think about. But people nobody wants that. So it’s you know, you need to have background check. There’s responsible people that can have guns that they want, but not people that have mental illness problems and not, juveniles. That that can’t happen, but the Trump administration, they don’t care about this.

It just doesn’t you know, they they get their money from the NRA, and they’re happy to have it and and do their bidding. Same thing with the oil companies, the same way. So this is where, you know, everything will go backwards again. You can start spinning the clock back, if Trump gets reelected. It’s a frightening thought.

Bert Martinez:

Absolutely. Absolutely. Norm, it’s good to have you here. We appreciate you, fighting the good fight, and we look forward to having you back again.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Sure, Bert. Hopefully, we’ll see what happens tonight. You know, we’re the underdogs, and we we gotta be in there, and hopefully, Harris will leave it all in the game.

Bert Martinez:

I bet you I bet you she will. I think that the I know that the citizens of the United States are looking forward to this debate. They’re looking forward to watching Trump get squashed. I think the world in general are going to be looking at this debate. It’s probably going to have some huge numbers on it, and I’m looking forward to it. And I can’t wait to get you back and talk about it.

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Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Okay, Bert. All the best.

Bert Martinez:

Alrighty. Good stuff there from Norm Blumenthal.

Norm Blumenthal is an attorney for workers and consumers. If you wanna find out more about Norm, you can go to https://www.bamlawca.com/norm-blumenthal

I don’t know. Maybe you think we are just too liberal. That’s what it is.

These guys are soft. And, if that’s if that’s your your take, by all means, send me a message. Let me know what you agree with, what you disagree.

You don’t need to be hateful about it, but an intelligent comment disagreeing is always welcome. Just understand that the America that we love is in the balance.

This is a vote for America, not for a Republican, not for a Democrat, but for for keeping America safe.

Please share this episode with everyone you know. Please vote and and let’s keep America free.

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