How a Reputable Design Support System Can Help Your Project

Business 7

When taking on a construction project, the variables are infinite. It is extremely rare for two construction projects to be exactly alike, because even in the rare occasion that two building designs are the same, the ground on which they are built differ in soil content as well as geographical positioning. Because of the nature of construction it is important to have a design that will work with both the vision for the project and the actual application.  Proper planning makes all the difference in creating a successful project completed close to budget and schedule. Design errors are the largest contributing factor in construction delays.

Cost Estimation Importance

Virtually every bid or quote in the construction process is an approximation.  With plans that do not take existing conditions into account, cost and time estimations could be grossly inaccurate.  The scenario of breaking ground and having a project partially underway only to discover hidden issues driving costs out of reach can put projects on hold or worse.  Owners and engineers find value in knowing exactly what to expect before getting too far into a project.  Because of this, professional design support is an essential step in the cost estimation and execution of any building project.

Case Study – Transit Center 30 Million Over Budget and No Opening Date Yet

One case study of poor design and cost estimate planning can be seen with the Montgomery County transit center.  This project was not designed correctly, so after the first part of the project was up and going major changes and revisions became necessary. Additional costs included construction as well as costs to continue doing business at the previous transit center.  The nightmare continues for not only the local government, but also for the construction company. Litigation is already planned against the construction company to help recoup some of the financial loss.

Case Study – Bridge Project Delay Because of Extensive Damage Previously Unknown

The Henley Street Bridge in Knoxville, Tennessee has suffered severe delays and additional costs in its restoration project.  The damage was in the interior of the concrete in three of the seven sets of piers.  While these delays were not planned for, they certainly could have been anticipated with professional design support. Deterioration of piers in older bridges is not an uncommon occurrence. This project has been off schedule for years. The delays cost the local government and construction companies money, worse, the community suffered.  The Henley Street Bridge was a major route between two cities and its closure severely restricted traffic flow to south Knoxville.

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