How to Be a Successful First-Time Business Owner

How to Be a Successful First-Time Business Owner


Opening a business and achieving success is a dream many entrepreneurs have, but many believe that dream will never be a reality. Leaving behind a steady job to venture into unchartered territory requires taking a huge leap of faith, and for many with fiscal responsibilities, taking the risk is simply not worth it—unless success is guaranteed.

While business success can never be guaranteed, there are ways to better your chances at owning a successful business as a first-time owner. If you are considering taking a leap of faith and jumping into the business world, here are a few things to keep in mind in order to achieve great success:

Get Organized

One of the biggest mistakes new business owners make is not getting their business or schedules organized. Being organized will help you keep your business records and financials in order, you and your employees on task, and will keep you motivated to stay productive.

Being organized is more than simply creating a weekly or daily check-list (though that is handy to staying up-to-date on business tasks), it is also investing in business tools that help your business run more efficiently.

Because many small businesses are often a one or two person company, at least in the early stages, there is often more tasks that need to be done than there is manpower to get them done. In these situations, it is important to invest in the right business tools, such as a Salon appointment app like the one Salon Iris offers if you are opening a spa or salon, tax and bookkeeping organizers like Quickbooks, and social media schedulers like Buffer. These tools will allow you the chance to run your business as efficiently as possible. In addition, if you are planning to open up a salon business, you might want to look at these Salon suites for rent.


In the early stages of your business, it can be tempting to jump on any and every opportunity for your business, especially ones that offer exposure and monetary compensation. However, some of these opportunities can actually hinder your business in the long run, especially if they do not fit your brand. While they offer short-term gratification, they can ultimately hurt your business, thus it is important to stay focused. Though it can be hard to discern between good and bad opportunities at times, do your best to research the company or brand reaching out to you. If they seem less than reputable, it might be wise to pass on the opportunity, even if it means passing on money. Your business and brand will be better for it in the end.

Business Expenses

An important aspect to running a successful business is budgeting and keeping track of all business expenses. As mentioned earlier, there are business tools that can help you keep track of your expenses. But, more than that, it is important to run your business on a tight budget. While there are good business investments you will need to make to grow your business, there are expenses that can wait until your business has grown, including a big expense account, frivolous purchases unrelated to your business, and even a large office, especially if you can work from home. By keeping a close eye on your budget, you can provide your business with a solid financial foundation.

Network Like a Pro

You never know when you might run into a potential investor, lender, or collaborator. Being able to network effectively can increase your chances at receiving the one opportunity that can transform your startup to a thriving business. Learning how to network like a pro can open your business up to a world of possibility.

When it comes to networking, make sure you are ready to pitch an idea about your company or to describe your business clearly and succinctly. Moreover, have business cards with you at all times. Being unprepared in a networking situation can make you seem amateurish and your business unprofessional.

Know Your Limitations

Many entrepreneurs fall victim to taking on a task they are unprepared for, which can lead to disaster for the business. While it can be difficult to say no to certain opportunities or collaborations, if your business is not yet capable to handle the situation, it is better to pass by on the opportunity than it is to say yes and fail miserably.

Success comes with hard work, great ideas, and running a business effectively and efficiently.

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