How to Save Money With a DAM Platform

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When it comes to saving money, business advice often dictates that in order to save, you need to spend. One of the best examples of this theory in practice is the implementation of Digital Asset Management software. The Return On Investment (ROI) of DAM software is clear – by saving time when doing menial tasks and by increasing the fluidity and cohesion of your teams, you can in turn, save your company money.

Poor organisation within the structure and storage of your digital files can spell disaster not just for your budget but for productivity and company image. It’s not easy to stick to your brand image if your co-workers are struggling to locate the latest versions of the company logo or product images. In turn, this means more time and money spent trying to salvage some sort of brand consistency. Again, managing digital assets can provide the perfect solution.

Want to know more? Here we’ll explore how to save money with a DAM platform.

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Streamline digital asset searches

As mentioned above, menial, drawn out tasks are considered to be time-thieves in any working environment. They detract from the bigger picture and create all kinds of bottleneck issues throughout your workflows. With DAM, you and your team get the benefit of clever asset filters that narrow down your search using Google-style criteria. When assets are found within a couple of clicks, your team can focus on more pressing matters, saving time and money in the workplace.

Say goodbye to duplicates

If you can’t find the files you need, or they’re simply lost within the depths of your business cloud or numerous hard drives, then to speed up the search process or to recover these apparent “lost” files, it’s tempting to re-purchase stock imagery or audio files, or even reach out to an agency for them to recreate the files again. Duplicate files are expensive and can quickly clog up your current digital management processes. But with DAM you get greater control and management over your digital assets, meaning duplicates are a thing of the past.

Keeping the company image consistent

When you have hundreds or potentially thousands of files in circulation, it’s not always easy to find the right version or the latest image. This can lead to all kinds of discrepancies within your brand identity. DAM software comes with version control, so your teams are always in possession of the most recent files. You can also limit access to older versions to prevent the wrong files from being uploaded. Poor brand consistency can cost your business it’s reputation, which in turn will damage your bottom line.

And finally, team cohesion

When your team work well together, it’s like a well-oiled machine. Even handling remote teams is much easier with DAM software. If everyone can access the files they need, whenever they need them, and if they can share and distribute files when needed, you can simplify all your working processes in an instant. And if your working environment is productive and efficient, your teams are more likely to work harder. A bottle-necked process will only stunt company growth and make everyone frustrated.

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