Lawyer Norm Blumenthal – Do Not Reward Bad Behavior

Norm Blumenthal – an attorney for workers and consumers. Selected as one of the Top Attorneys in Southern California. Norm was inducted and recognized as one of America’s Most Trusted Lawyers in Employment Law.

Do Not Reward Bad Behavior

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It’s time for money for lunch, where we feed your brain and your business with supersized portions of business and financial news. Now your host, Bert Martinez.

Bert Martinez:

Glad you are here. So, it’s always good to have you here. We appreciate you so much. We appreciate the, the support, the comments, the sharing, the the the topic suggestions. Thank you so much. Today, on the show, lawyer Norm Blumenthal. Norm Blumenthal is an attorney for workers and consumers selected as one of the top attorneys in Southern California. Norm was also inducted and recognized as one of America’s most trusted lawyers in employment law, Norm Blumenthal.

Welcome back.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Nice to be back, Bert. A lot has happened in the last month, the time we talked. You know, it’s been a sea change. Politics, they say, every day is like a year, and it’s it’s certainly held up in this last 30 days. We have, Joe Biden has decided not to run. Kamala Harris has become the Democratic nominee, and she’s picked him, Walz, as her running mate. And I think that the latest news on Walz, he’s gonna be the kind of guy that you want in there. He’s from a farm a farming community.

He, has defeated, Republicans for a seat when he went to congress who had been been there forever. And, he knows how to to relate to the people. He’s a populist personality, and I think we’re really gonna like him. It’s a good good addition to the ticket, and I think we’re on we’re on our way. So today, I wanted to present, have some fun and present some, hypotheticals if, Trump were to win, or if, Harris is to win. So the first one I’d like to take, you know, my and my concept is I always tell my kids, you know, we’re not gonna reward bad behavior.

And so that’s the concept that we’ve we’ve lived with, and, I think it applies to this election more than anything else. So let’s take the hypothetical where, Trump is is, reelected, and he is, now my grandson comes up to me and says, what happened? And I said, well, Trump got, reelected, and there hasn’t been an election since 2024.

That was the election because on the 1st day in office, he, declared himself to be a dictator for life, and he’s been in there ever since. And so we ended up, where, the laws didn’t apply anymore, and we’ve been living in this trailer park, ever since because he destroyed the economy.

He ended up taking the national debt and turned it into a bitcoins. So instead of getting money, for you for investing in treasuries, getting an interest on payment on it in terms of dollars, the dollar was destroyed and everybody was getting Bitcoins, and there was Bitcoins were just backed up by more Bitcoins. So whenever you needed anything, you’d have to use Bitcoins, but people stopped accepting Bitcoins. So it ended up that all the money that was there was worthless. And, we were in a situation where he ended up people, your you ended up or my grandchildren because, they passed a law that nobody was entitled no women was entitled to make her own decisions with regard regard to her health needs. Your girlfriend, was was pregnant.

You had the baby. You couldn’t go to college. She couldn’t go to college. You couldn’t get the education you needed for a good job, and and now you’re you’re both out on the street, you know, delivering newspapers. And so this is where we how we ended up here, because we didn’t follow the the rule is not to reward bad behavior, and we ended up voting for a, lying, cheating felon. And so we should know better, but this is how we ended up. So that’s one scenario. Let’s take another scenario.

Harris is elected, and, they pass the law immediately. The women have the right to choose, the, whether or not they want to continue with the pregnancy. There’s, in vitro fertilization, and they can, people that couldn’t have children ended up being able to have children. The tax code was modified so that, we ended up balancing the budget, with the passage of various tax legislation to allow for a balanced budget where there was a minimum tax and taxes were, taken out with regard to the payroll tax. So it increased for everybody the payroll tax, but those that were below the poverty line that didn’t have to pay it. And, education was subsidized, and we’ve country would thrive, and the debt was taken care of. And that’s what Harris was able to do when she came in into office. And so this is what we can expect when you vote for someone, and you don’t reward bad behavior.

Bert Martinez:

Absolutely. I like that. I like that. And I think the reality is both of those scenarios are totally viable. You have let’s go a little bit deeper. This Project 2025, if you guys don’t know what Project 2025, look it up. It’s roughly, I think it thinks about 2 or 300 pages. Anyway, in there, they lay out the MAGA Republicans, the far right radicals, have laid out their plan.

So they wanna strip away a bunch of different rights. They want to roll back. Norm and I were talking about this before the show. It’s like they wanna do a time warp and send us back to the 1940’s or 30’s or 20’s where women had limited rights. You know, the gays were were a were essentially outlawed. You know, they have so many radical ideas that it should scare anybody. And the authors of the project 2025, I think 80% of them have worked for Trump before. These are Trump loyalists, and so they think that Trump is is awesome and walks on water.

And this plan, this 2025 project is so radical that that, Trump himself has tried to distance himself from it. It is it is startling to me. It is shocking that a group of adults got together and said, this is how we want to tweak America. And I  think just real quick. I think, that in my vision of a Trump presidency, to your point, of of being a dictator, I think he would get rid of the constitution. I think he would get rid of the Supreme Court. He would I think he would he would mirror what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela. And Hugo Chavez just, again, a real quick history. Hugo Chavez tried to take over the government in Venezuela by force. He lost. He was incarcerated. He somehow got released, ran for the presidency, won, and then from there, dismantled the government.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. I think you’re you’re pretty much on point. Venezuela was a is one of the was one of the largest oil producers in the world at the time. It was a democracy. When Hugo Chavez came in, people that the country was strong, the economy was strong, and he came in and put all of his loyalists into office. They all were incompetent. They took over the, oil and gas companies, and they kicked out all of the, international companies, and they destroyed the Venezuelan currency where it has been and is completely worthless and people are poor. This can happen.

And don’t kid yourself, project 2025, they’re the first thing they wanna do is get out of office all the bureaucrats and in their place, put in Trump loyal as just the same thing that happened in Venezuela. And it happened in Argentina. In Argentina, before the second World War, the strongest economy in in in the world was Argentina because, like the United States then, it was on the gold standard. And, Peron came in, and he started printing money, and he destroyed the value of the currency, and Argentina has never recovered. So it is a real threat that if, lying, cheating felon becomes our president, we will be in a position where he will destroy this country. And he said he’s gonna end up taking the debt and put it into bitcoins. So I didn’t make it up. They you know, it it’s this is part of their plan.

And, you know, and they’ll and, basically, the wealthy will then move their, resources out of the country. So this is something that that can happen, and people should be aware of it. And if we wanna keep our democracy, we have to vote for someone that we can trust, someone that follows the law, someone that has respect to the law, someone that is is not a a felon, and someone that’s not a liar. And so this is, and we should not reward bad behavior. This is Trump is someone that in in the in the world at large, you know, as just a regular person, would never be in any office and would never run a company. And everything he he’s run, he’s bankrupted. So to think that he he’s wouldn’t bankrupt the the country, I’m I’m afraid that that you’re being naïve.

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Bert Martinez:

Right. And only has, Trump not been not been successful truly successful in running companies, but the companies that have been successful are companies that he wasn’t running on a day to day basis. Think about that. The he lost not one but 2 casinos. You know how difficult it is to lose money in the casino industry? And and and to again, to your point, I mean, we’re we’re talking about a long history of failures that left people, in in some cases, destroyed people in the wake. Right? This is not, this is not an individual that has a history of real success, number 1. Look, everybody is entitled to failure. That is just part of the journey to success.

However, it’s not what you do, but how you do it. And when you know, and look. Here’s a perfect example. Look, let’s look at his latest thing, which is, Truth Social that got, that went public, with that, that SPAC company. The, the people who made that happen are are are are individuals who who, came to Trump with the idea. It wasn’t something that Trump came up with. And and, the, the minute that, that he was that he said, yeah. I wanna get involved in this SPAC, the first thing he wanted to do is there is the the 2 people that made all this happen, these were contestants on The Apprentice.

And the first thing that Trump wanted to do was to get rid of these 2 guys and essentially, take away their shares. Here’s a guy that that just is has no concept of of other people, has no concept of gratitude. Over and over again, we see that he cannot accept fault for anything.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

You know, you just have to look at it and and and people have to sober up and look what what he stands for. There’s a little, TikTok that’s out that white guys for, Harris. And this fellow is, you know, in his cowboy hat and boots and cowboy type guy and, you know, gun carrying. And he says, you know, all of this he he can’t pay he couldn’t face his children and grandchildren if he voted for Trump because it’s just that you can’t have one set of values and but then change your values for someone that is a lying, cheating felon. And that’s who who Trump is. He’s a lying, cheating felon, and he has no loyalty to this country. He’s bankrupted every company he’s been in.

He’s never been successful at. He’s has judgments against him, for mismanagement and fraudulent management of his company in New York in the hundreds of millions. He’s been convicted of 34, felony accounts in New York, and he has other lawsuits that he’s facing. If this doesn’t tell you something, then I don’t know what does. You know, he lost the the 2020 election, but he won’t admit it. There’s been, I don’t know, more than 50 lawsuits. His own attorney general said that there was no evidence of fraud, Bill Barr, and he wouldn’t accept that. So it’s just he they live in in a world, that’s a fantasy world, and they expect people to to to buy it.

And people have to get back to reality. This may and He faces the same, problems that Biden faced with his age and mental acuity. It’s just, you know, it’s not there. So if you were not gonna vote for Biden because of his age, you certainly shouldn’t vote for Trump because of his age because he’s the oldest person ever run for office. So, you know, people have to wake up, and this is this is our chance or maybe our last chance to save save democracy. And I don’t think you I think he will destroy it because there is provisions in in the law under the Insurrection Act that he could declare if if he gets into office, that he could declare that there’s people out there that are gonna start an insurrection and call up the military to keep and postpone all future elections while he’s around. And this will create havoc, and no one’s gonna be putting their money in the world. We sell all of our debt.

We have $35 trillion in debt, and people buy it is because we’re the fiat currency, and they trust the United States as a democracy that it it won’t be another Venezuela, it won’t be another Argentina, that it will remain strong. If if it doesn’t, people will move their money to the British pound or the Canadian dollar. So don’t think we’re the only country out there that has a currency that people can trust. And so it’s a it’s a dangerous time for all of us, and we have to be in a position where we our vote counts, everybody votes votes counts because Harris has to win by a landslide. She has to win by so many votes that he can’t even, begin to challenge the results of the election.

Bert Martinez:

Well, unfortunately, I think whether she wins by a landslide or not, he’s going to come out with the lie that he lost because of fraud, which he’s already said he’s already said that at at a couple of his rallies. The only way I can lose is if they cheat and through fraud. Right? And so here’s the guy that lives in his own little world. Not only not only did attorney general Barr said that that Trump was wrong, that there was no fraudulent, voting. He also pointed out that in the wake of Trump, that the body count is in the 100. That you look at everybody connected with Trump, is either, being indicted, is is already serving prison. They’ve lost their their career. I mean, you look at all the attorneys that have been disbarred, and and it the list is incredible.

And back to this project 2025, all all I all I you know one of the things that I looked at is you have first of all, you have the Heritage Foundation. That’s the people behind it. You have president, from the Heritage Foundation. I think his name is Kevin Roberts. This guy is he’s not a conservative. He’s a radical right type of guy. Just just like there’s some radical left, this guy’s radical right. And and anybody who associates this is my opinion.

Anybody who associates with Steve Bannon, to me, that’s all I need to know. And this guy, was on Steve Banyan’s, podcast, and and, this is some of the people that are aligned with this Project 2025. In case, you don’t know who Steve Bannon is, he was the strategist that, helped Trump. He, he was, he also was put in charge of building the wall where I I believe he stole or allegedly stole, like, $1,000,000. Trump gave him a pardon, I believe, on on that on the wall stuff, but he ended up he’s currently serving prison time because he refused to, cooperate with the senate, their congressional investigation of January order. They talk about law and order. They talk about, family, but yet you you gotta see what they’re doing. So they’re they’re literally destroying families.

They wanna eliminate, not only women’s ability to control their bodies, but they want to.. they’re attacking families by trying to make IVF illegal. They they talk about, hey. We’re we’re the we’re the party of of, of law and order, but yet you look at how many of them have snubbed their nose at subpoenas and and how much they try to interfere in in justice being served. It’s crazy.

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Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. I think you know, you can look at all of this, but at the end, he’s a liar, he’s a felon, and he’s a cheater. And so  you know, you have to look at the personality of the person you’re gonna vote for, and, especially Republicans. Republicans, you know, you would think that they want they would wanna protect the value of the currency and put someone in office that would be strong. And remember, Clinton was the last president that balanced the budget with the help of George h w Bush, who was voted out of office. But the end of the day, we’re gonna have to deal with our debt. And the idea that Trump has come up with is after going to the crypto convention is, well, we’ll just put it into bitcoins. Well, if you follow anything about bitcoins, bitcoins is is a myth.

There’s there’s no value in a bitcoin. There’s nothing to back it up. It’s like, putting your money into a peso from Venezuela or one from Argentina. There’s no value. And so it’s frightening that some of the a president can talk about doing this because he will destroy this country’s, value and everything that everybody stands for. So if you’re a registered card carrying Republican, the last person on earth you’d wanna put into office would be Trump. And so, you know, the people need to think about this. We need to to have integrity in the in the presidential office.

Someone we have here in Harris, in Walz, it’s people of integrity. They follow the law. They were district attorney. She was a, attorney general. She was the district attorney. She, you know, follows law and order and, basically, the Democrats are the law and order party. The Republicans are basically Trump has turned them into a Trump party.

They’re not even I wouldn’t even classify them as I can’t classify them more as a mob and a gang than a party. And I feel I cannot understand how he gets any votes at all based on who he is and what he stands for and what he’s done because there’s nothing good that’s gonna happen when he comes into office for this country and for our economy, and forget about climate change. He’s gonna throw all of that out until he shoots.

Bert Martinez:

That’s a good point. They wanna eliminate all all environmental protections. They project 2025 folks, check it out. Yes. They wanna eliminate all environmental protection. Whether you believe in climate change or not, eliminating all environmental protection to me, is is, again, radical. It’s just over the top unnecessary.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. The, you know, people that I’ve talked to in terms of fires in California, they’ve never seen anything like this before in their lifetime. And so it basically is part of of the, you know, the next next extinction is the fact that the forest will all burn. And when the forest burn and and it creates the you know, worldwide dust all over the place, and but and there’s no trees just to help produce oxygen. And so we’re in a serious environmental problems that requires the country to work, and Biden, to his credit, has passed legislation to, environmental legislation to help us turn our at least our vehicles into using solar and our power plants to be on solar with battery storage. So that, base you you will not need any natural gas or oil. We can wean ourselves off of it and help wean the world off of it before it’s too late. And, I mean, people I’ve never seen anything like it in my I’ve never seen like this or fires like this, and it’s it’s frightening.

And it’s happening. We we have hurricanes, and we’ve never had hurricanes like this before. So, you know, can Trump gets elected? You know, what is his thing is drill, baby, drill. That’s what he wants to talk about. We’re already the largest producer of oil and gas in the world.

Bert Martinez:

And and look to your point, so they wanna they wanna take away, all the environmental protection. There is a video where Trump is talking to the oil industry and basically says, hey. Give me a billion dollar and you can have whatever you want. And and I’m paraphrasing, but he literally said, give me a billion dollar, and he’s just gonna open up everything to them. And not only not only are to your point of of the trees disappearing, but we’re talking about just fresh drinking water would eventually disappear because everybody would be allowed to dump in the ocean and into the rivers.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. There’s no bottom to his ability to do anything for money. Apparently, he’s under investigation or was under investigation for taking $10,000,000 from, the Egyptian president after he won the election, pocketed $10,000,000. You know? But that’s Bill Barr, refused to prosecute, but there is real evidence, of of that that crime. I mean, it’s one after the other, so the the the whole office of presidency will be for sale, and no one will stop them because everybody that’s working for government has to sign a pledge to Trump to be a Trump loyalist. And this is where we are. I can’t, you know, when I have this conversation, I can’t believe I’m having it.

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Bert Martinez:

Right. Well, look, in your lifetime, just out of the craziest imagination possible, would you ever think that our supreme court would say a president has almost total immunity. So sooner or later and it this is this is what would happen. If Trump gets into office, As long as it’s an official act, he is he had total immunity. Even though it might be illegal, as long as he says it’s an official act, you know, he’s gonna get away with it.

So he could accept bribes, which, you know, he accepted bribes before, through his hotel. If you wanted to if you wanted to give him money, you would take out his hotel there in Washington DC and pay crazy amounts of money, and he would show up to your party or event or meet with you. So could you imagine Trump, who has been very, very difficult to hold accountable, once he gets in a office where he almost cannot be held accountable, there’s nothing stopping him.

I mean, never never did I imagine in my wildest dream that our supreme court would side with Donald Trump.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. You know, there’s nowhere in the constitution, and I’d search for it, anything about the president having immunity for official acts. In fact, he cannot fight wars without congressional approval, and that approval can be for no for no more than 2 years at a time. So they’re very clear in the constitution that they don’t want him to be a king or her to be a queen. They just came off of, a revolution because that they were living with a, king who was taking their money in taxes, and they had no representation. No taxation without representation.

And that’s what was going on and created the revolution in this country, and they were very careful in crafting the constitution that there would be no person in power that would have any immunity whatsoever from official acts for official acts. And this is just frightening what this court has done, and there and it’s going to require legislation to, take the power away from the court, which you can do.

You can limit the supreme court’s power under the constitution with the simple vote of congress and signature of the president. And that’s what has to happen to to control, the supreme court who apparently members of it are appear to be for sale themselves, you know, with junkets by political groups, that they, support. So this is, you know, the whole we have a whole corrupt, rotten to the core group, they if they came into office and had, plant power, they’re gonna just they could very well, in my opinion, destroy this country.

That’s why the reason I say that Harris has to win by a landslide is, at that point in time, the Supreme Court can’t come back and and, test the, the the victory because it it would be so great that there would be no rational way to say that, the the election would be would have changed if one state or two states, electoral votes were not, counted.

We really need that. We need everybody’s vote. It’s just and everybody needs to get out there and vote for Harris Walz Walz and, just so that they can tell their children that they were on the right side of history. And that’s where you wanna be. It it it should be personal. It is personal, and people should consider it as per as personal. And, this is all you got is your right to vote.

And even in states like California, everybody it’s gotta be a landslide. You know? It’s just gotta be in every state. Everybody body has to vote for Harris Walz.

Bert Martinez:

Well, and and to your point, you have several Republican groups and conservative groups that have come out publicly and said that Trump is not fit to be the nominee. He’s not fit to be the president. And they’ve taken it one step further, and they are voting, for Harris. They are supporting Harris, not only with votes, but with finance, with financial donations. And I think that tells you a lot. When the Republicans are fighting you know, the the Republicans are having their own civil war, if you will, and there is a there is a large group of Republicans who are now supporting Harris because Trump is such a poor choice. 

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

And I think it’s starting with the, Country Club Republicans. They’re gonna be the first one to realize that they you can’t vote for a liar or cheating or felon and put him into office and expect him to do something different. You know, it’s the old story of the scorpion and the frog, the hairstyle used to talk about. And basically, the scorpion and the frog were out on a sandbar in in a in a a river, and, the tide came in, and they couldn’t get to shore. And the frog was going to to hop in, And the scorpion, said, oh, frog. Oh, frog. Please, give me a ride back to the shore. And the and the frog said, well, I don’t know about that. You’re a scorpion. Why would I ever, trust you? Well, you trust me because you’re gonna save my I’m gonna you’re gonna I’m you’re gonna save my life. Okay. The frog says, hop on my back. He he gets into the shore, and he he feels the sting on his neck. And he goes, oh, Scorpion, what have you done? You’re you’ve just killed me. He goes, well, I it’s hard for anybody to change their nature. Right.

And that’s what you have here. Trump’s not gonna change his nature. He’s a liar. He’s a cheat. He’s a felon. And everybody has to wake up, and you can’t wake up and say, hey, I’m gonna go to the poll and vote for a liar, a cheat, and a felon, and an old one attack.

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Bert Martinez:

And look, to me, the age, you know, the age, may or, you know, may or may not come into play. But his character is front and center.

His character he is the scorpion. We are the frogs. He will sting us, and we will all die. That’s that’s really what’s gonna happen. And and again, if you look at the amount of Republicans that are supporting a Democrat, Never in our lifetime have we seen so many Republicans go against their party and vote for a Republican. That that to me has to tell you everything you need to know.

The other thing some some of the other highlights, you know, people people were were saying have told me, that they didn’t care that much that Trump had sex with a porn star or with a Playboy bunny, you know, that, that’s that those events are between Trump and his wife.

And for the most part, I agree with that. However, what what should be shocking is that he got in cahoots with a a trusted media company and was paying this media company to kill stories to that that would make them look bad. And, again, some of the stories that they that they bought and killed, it was, catch and kill was the was the the phrase, were the the Playboy bunny story, was the porn star story.

There was other ones. And then he then he would also pay the same media outlet to make derogatory statements or makeup stories, for any of his opponents. And so one of the stories that they that they concocted was that, mister Carson, who was a doctor, had, left sponges or utensils inside somebody’s head. And and so interestingly enough, the the president of that media outlet actually grew a conscience and and and woke up to the fact that, wait a minute, this could be illegal. And I don’t wanna do something.

I don’t I don’t wanna cross that line. So he stopped doing it. But that was before they cat they caught and killed I don’t know how many stories and how many, made up stories they put out there to hurt people. So you’re looking at a guy that that it’s it’s one thing to do a little white lie. It’s another thing to buy you know, to to to bribe media companies, to make up stories, to hurt people intentionally. And and, again, another another of my favorite things that, Trump has has done I say favorite because it’s it’s it’s just, again, a shock. You know, again, when you’re selling something, it is very common to use puffery. Hey.

This is the world’s greatest whatever. Right? World’s greatest pizza. You can Google that, and you’ll have a 1000000 pizza companies come up. One of the things that Trump was caught doing and and and was is is having a a deal with that right now is that he inflated his properties, not by a a normal amount, which a lot of people consider a a normal amount would be anywhere from 10 to 20%, but we’re talking, in some cases, a 1000%. His own personal penthouse, that he said was 30,000 square feet and worth $300,000,000 was only 10,000 square feet and not close any not even remotely close to $300,000,000. So, again, the track record of this man’s character is all you need to focus on.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Right. He’s a liar, a cheat, and a felon. And so that’s all you have to know. And the the examples of it are ad nauseam. That’s who he is. He’s the scorpion, and he’s gonna destroy the climate. He’s gonna destroy the country. He’s gonna destroy the economy all for his self aggrandizement, and he’s too old to do anything different.

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. And so this old dog is somebody that we cannot put in office, and basically, the well-being of our us and our children and our grandchildren and generations to come will depend on who you vote for in this election. There’s been nothing more important, and we have to vote for Harris-Walz, and we need a landslide so that the Supreme Court can’t turn it around because they are not to be trusted.

Bert Martinez:

I totally agree with you. I like your idea. It has to be a landslide. So it is clear and and it’s unequivocal.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Yeah. And maybe if we get enough in in the polls that show that he can he’s gonna lose by 10 or 12 points, he’ll drop out. The Republicans can put somebody else up that that’s not a liar or a cheat or a felon. So we’ll see what happens, but every day counts. And, you know, people who go to the polls and get, polling information, It seems to be fairly accurate. It’s a close race right now. How, I don’t know. But, you know, you you they’re all they’re they’re arguments that, you know, Biden was too old.

Okay. What did the democrats do? They reacted to that. They didn’t sit back and say, I we don’t care. We’ll go down with the ship with with this one. So we have to show the republicans that they’re gonna go down with the ship if they continue to vote for for Trump, and and that’s what what you’re doing. He won’t sit for a debate with Harris. He’s afraid. The only place he’ll go is the confines of of Fox, News where he owns, everybody and everything will be slanted in his favor.

Well, she’s not gonna do that. She’s not going on the sandbar with with that scorpion. Not gonna happen. Right. You know? So everybody please. You know? If if you if you value your family, if you value your finances, if you value your health, and, you know, that’s another thing. He wants to get rid of, Obamacare and and and every type of and drug, pricing. So it’s just it’s endless what you get what you’re dealing with here, and so it shouldn’t be close.

It just should not be close. So vote for vote for someone that’s honest and truthful and follows the law. Vote for Harris-Walz.

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Bert Martinez:

I agree with you. We’ll end on that note, Norm. Thank you so very, very much, sir.

Lawyer Norm Blumenthal:

Okay. Thank you. Always a pleasure. We’ll talk again in a month, and I’m sure it’s gonna be a wild month politically.

Bert Martinez:

Yes, sir. Good stuff there from Norm Blumenthal. Norm Blumenthal is an attorney for workers and consumers like you and I. You can check out Norm at Again, I have to get behind Norm on this one. We really need a landslide victory. At first, I didn’t think we did, but after listening to his logic, I totally agree that we have to crush the Republicans.

And I know that if you’re a Republican, voting for a Democrat seems unnatural, maybe gives you the ickies, the creepy crawlies, but please consider the alternative. I’m asking you because our country is in the balance. And please, let’s share this episode with everyone you know. Let’s let’s get everybody out there voting, and let’s make it a landslide victory. Not because Harris is so wonderful, but because Trump is so bad, and we need to protect our country. We need to take our country back.

Please share this episode. God bless America.

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