More doctors embrace gig work

By Jake Perez, Editor at LinkedIn News

A growing number of doctors in their “working prime” are forgoing conventional hospital staff roles in favor of temporary or gig work, The Wall Street Journal reports. Why? They cite better pay and flexibility, much like nursing colleagues who switched to gig work as the pandemic exacerbated burnout issues in the health care industry. But there are drawbacks and challenges for “locum tenens” or temp doctors: They have to be fully credentialed wherever they practice, their potential liability differs in each state, and they need to quickly acclimate to new workplaces.

  • The share of physicians listing contract roles on their LinkedIn profiles increased to 4.9% in 2022, up from 3.7% in 2020, according to this year’s Healthcare Special Report. For more healthcare coverage, subscribe to Path to Recovery, a newsletter from LinkedIn News.


Covid was only the straw that broke the camel’s back. This was playing out for a long time. Those who actually do the life-saving work are the ones treated as expendable and lesser than the office administration who make the rules and schedules. Being treated for years this way has caused a moral injury that I’m not sure we will ever recover from in this lifetime. Those who could retire did. Those who didn’t want to do thankless hours of bedside care moved to travel or working remotely as care managers or other non-patient facing jobs. AND we got paid more for doing so! How long before there are none left but newly graduated to fill the ranks of people who dedicated their lives to caring for others in their worst of times, all due to moral injury? Travel was great but guaranteed to put you in a new overwhelmed position just for more pay. Working remotely is a new way medical personnel are saving their last bit of sanity and doing it with years, and sometimes decades, of experience.



#Healthcare professionals are turning to traveling #jobs thanks in part to burnout brought on in part by the #COVID19 pandemic.

A new survey of more than 1,100 “allied healthcare professionals” that include everything from physical and occupational therapists to laboratory technicians and radiologic technicians shows nearly three in four are becoming traveling workers at the beginning of their careers thanks to #burnout.
“Burnout is a significant reason why many allied healthcare professionals work as travelers,” a report from AMN Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest healthcare staffing companies, says. “The majority of travelers (74%) said burnout influenced their decision to become travelers either a ‘great deal’, ‘a lot’ or ‘a moderate amount’ while 26% said burnout had little or no influence on their decision.” #nursing #careers

Pandemic Burnout Turns More Health Professionals Into ‘Traveling’ Workers • 2 min read

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