NASA Faked The Moon Landing- Bart Sibrel

Wikipedia • The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the United States human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which succeeded in preparing and landing the first men on the Moon from 1968 to 1972.

Bart Sibrel says he has proof that NASA Faked The Moon Landing; see if you agree. Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing television programs, documentaries, music videos, TV commercials, and stage plays for over forty years.

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Bert Martinez is a successful entrepreneur and best-selling author. Bert is fascinated by business, marketing, and entrepreneurship. One of Bert’s favorite hobbies is to transform the complicated into simple-to-understand lessons so you can apply them to your business and life. Bert is also obsessed with exploring the mindset of the high achievers so you can follow their secrets and strategies.

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Bart Sibrel:

The film, it’s for free on the homepage of, and it includes that footage of them faking being halfway to the moon, which is what convinced me that they really did fake the moon landing. And then the second, you know, reason people say, well, it must be real is that the Russians or the Chinese would have blown the whistle. Well, that’s not true either because I know someone who works in the Chinese Space Agency. And you can go to and watch the interview. They said everybody there knows the moon missions are fake.

They have pictures of the landing sites with no lunar module there, and they are blackmailing the United States for technology that congress forbid them to officially receive. So they’re getting this illegal. The federal government is breaking their own espionage act and giving it to the Chinese so that they won’t blow the whistle on the fact that the moon missions are fake.

Russia knows too. I mean, I could have a picture of a world leader with a prostitute and upload it to the Internet and bring them down, and then the picture becomes worthless. Or I could blackmail them year after year after year. The fact is China knows and Russia knows. In fact, Putin, in November I have a video. Go to It’s on the home page. Putin is shown this amazing result that only came out about 6 months ago.

They had a big convention about the latest AI equipment, and Google showed up to show off the most advanced AI in the world, their neural network. Multiple AIs hooked together. After a decade of research, a $1,000,000,000 of investment, they let people play around with it for 3 days. one had it write a symphony, 1 had it write a novel, and one took advantage of its deep fake detection program that has never been wrong and can tell you in one second whether a video of Trump or Biden is real or not.

They fed it pictures of the lunar surface from the unmanned Chinese probes from 2014 that said they’re real. Then it fed him pictures from the Apollo missions of the Nixon administration. It said every single one of them was fake. Fake background, fake foreground, fake this, fake that.

And if you try to find the original Russian article of this disclosure that the smartest AI in the world just said the moon missions are fake, it says if you click to proceed, all the data on your computer will be stolen, and you’ll be associated with child pornography. That’s how desperate they are to cover up the facts. So either Google’s 10 year of research and development, $1,000,000,000 investment produced a piece of junk. They just don’t know what they’re doing, or the moon missions are fake.

And there’s a video of Putin on receiving the information of the AI just concluded the moon missions are fake. He doesn’t look surprised at all because he already knows. In fact, he looks afraid that the truth might come out because he won’t be able to blackmail the United States anymore. So this is another reason for the truth to come out.

And, you know, like I said, today, with 50 years better technology, Okay. 50 years better technology. NASA can only send astronauts 1 thousand the distance to the moon. So for the first time in history, technology was greater in the past than in the future, but that’s scientifically impossible. Do you realize when they flew across the Atlantic? It was months later people flew across the Atlantic. When they broke the sound barrier, it was months later when another nation broke the sound barrier. When they split the atom, it was a couple of years later before another nation split the atom. In fact, after the first atomic bomb was exploded in 1945, they 10 years later, atomic bombs were 1000 times more powerful.

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You see? So if they could go to the moon on the first attempt when all of NASA had 1 millionth the computing power of a cell phone, they would have been on Mars 10 years later. We’d be in another solar system by now, and there’d be bases all over the moon. The fact is to land a rocket vertically today, which is what they claim they did 50 years ago, Elon Musk had 600,000,000 times more computing power than the lunar module. And the first time he tried to land a rocket vertically, it blew up. The second time, it blew up. The third time, it blew up. The 4th time, it blew up. It took him 5 attempts to land a rocket vertically with 50 years better technology.

So he said also that it’s impossible to go to the moon in a single rocket. All the fuel that you need is simply to get into Earth orbit. You’re gonna have to take 8 fuel trips to go to the moon. My film reveals that von Braun’s original publication, which he said these numbers are irrefutably mathematical. You cannot go to the moon in 1 rocket. You have to ferry up fuel and multiple trips. To go to the moon today, it’s gonna take multiple fuel trips first, but somehow, they could go to the moon in 1 rocket with 19 sixties technology. Now as far as I know, light bulbs are brighter with the less electricity.

So it should take less fuel to go to the moon today, not more fuel if they really went. And the fact is the second part of the part that you brought up, Bert, is we do have an eyewitness. Someone did come forward. And my book, Moonman, which I read in audio, or it’s in kindle or print at and fearing the judgment of God confessed to being a murderer, and he worked at Cannon Air Force Base as the chief of security. The military police came in because he killed a coworker, another person in the military. When they asked him why, he said because we both eye witnessed them filming the fake moon landing in 1968, June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, and my friend thought it was morally wrong. He was gonna tell a reporter.

I killed him to cover it up. And I pulled out of my own archives, a guy worked at NASA for 6 years, an interview I did 20 years ago. He said the fake moon landing was supervised by the United States Air Force, and it was filmed at United States Air Force Special Operations Base, Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis, New Mexico, where Cyrus Eugene Akers worked, who confessed to killing a coworker to covering up the moon landing fraud. And I print in my book a list of 15 people who were allowed in VIP visitors that president Johnson gave him that he kept as a souvenir. I published it in the book. So we have the fact. You can’t have greater technology in the past and in the future. We have an eyewitness and my film, a funny thing happened on the way to the moon that cost $1,000,000, which was funded by someone who builds rockets for NASA, who knows the moon missions are fake.

We show classified footage of fake photography from the first mission of them using a 1 foot model to simulate the earth floating in space dated 2 days into the flight with the CIA telling them to fake a 4 second radio delay to make it look like they’re beyond Earth orbit. And then we have a simple picture on the homepage of of shadows intersecting at 90 degrees from objects 5 feet apart that they claim is on the moon when shadows by sunlight would always be parallel and never intersect, proving from a filmmaker and anybody else it’s taken with electrical light, which means they’re on earth. So there’s the sad fact. There’s the cob of truth, not a kernel. You know?

Bert Martinez:

Yeah. So one of the things, since you brought up Elon Musk, I remember Elon Musk saying, because I think they were asking him about the moon program and how it stalled out. Right? And and he they were talking about the technology. And and somebody brought up the fact that our technology today should be way better than it was back in the 1950, sixties. And his point was, well, if they would have kept going, it would have been, but they stopped. And and vast you know, technology doesn’t doesn’t advance on its own. You have to pick it up and keep moving the ball forward. But they lost their funding. They didn’t do it.

Bart Sibrel:

Actually, he didn’t say that. He said the Apollo ability to land on the moon with 1 rocket when it’s gonna take him 8 to 24 rockets to do the same thing. He said, quote, it’s a historical technological anomaly, meaning it’s out of place, illogical. That’s what he said. So they can make every excuse under the sun why technology is greater in the past than in the future, but it’s the only time that’s the case in the entire history of the world. In fact, there’s never been a time in the entire history of the world where a new technology was intentionally destroyed. Because according to NASA, it’s one of the clips at, after they spent, in today’s dollars, $270,000,000,000 to build the equipment that went to the moon so easily six times, They intentionally destroyed the hardware, the schematics, the blueprints, the electrical diagrams. They destroyed it all.

That out of the mouth of a NASA employee. They intentionally destroyed the moon rocket technology. Now wait a minute. If you were gonna destroy any technology, maybe you might consider destroying the atomic bomb after World War 2. But just 10 years later, like I said, it’s one 1,000 times more explosive. So you would never destroy a $270,000,000,000 investment. The b 52 bomber was made 70 years ago, and there’s still 200 of them in service because nothing works better. You would never destroy a $270,000,000,000 investment if you really went to the moon.

But if you perpetrated a fraud, that’s exactly what you would do. Because you could prove by the drawings, which they destroyed, that they didn’t have enough fuel to go to the moon. You could prove that it didn’t have the radiation protection to go to the moon. You could prove it didn’t have the battery power to come back 250 degrees in the lunar module. You see, that’s and they destroyed the original videotapes. Do you understand this? Ron Howard, whose grandfather warned him they didn’t go to the moon, wanted to make an IMAX movie showing off how great it is to go to the moon. He went to NASA, says I want the originals. We’re gonna make them a 100 feet by a 120 feet.

They said, give us a couple of days, and then they destroyed all the original videotapes before they could be transferred to HD. You would never do that if you went to the moon, but that’s exactly what you would do if you fake the images. You see?

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Bert Martinez:

Okay. Let’s see. I wanna find that Elon Musk thing. I And let’s see what he said. Hold on. Speaking of technology, hopefully, I can do this right. Alright. Can you see my screen?


In 1969, we’re able to send somebody to the moon. 1969. Then we had the the space shuttle. The space shuttle could only take people to low earth orbit. Then the space shuttle retired and United States could take no one to orbit. So that’s the trend. The trend is like down to nothing. This is not who are mistaken when they think that technology just automatically improves? It does not automatically improve.

It only improves if a lot of people work very hard to make it better and actually, it will I think, by itself degrade, actually. You look at great civilizations like ancient Egypt, and they’re able to make the pyramids, and they forgot how to do that. And the Romans, they built these incredible aqueducts. They forgot how to do it.

Bart Sibrel:

Well, there’s no technology in the entire world. Not a single time that hasn’t gotten water over time. So if he if he’s saying that, you know, effort, you know, is required and they just didn’t get the effort, the fact is we have the only anomaly in the history of the world has multiple anomalies about the moon landing, which is if the light bulb improved, if the tire improved, if the automobile improved, if airplanes improved, if boats improved, if batteries improved, if ink pens improved, then space technology would have improved too.

There’s no excuse for it not to have gotten better, especially when they keep claiming they wanna, quote, return to the moon. It’d be different if they publicly said we’re never gonna go again. But they said 10 times they’re gonna return to the moon in 5 years, and for some reason, they can’t do it. They set a 20 year goal to go to the moon, and they couldn’t do it. For some reason, with 21st century technology, they can’t return to the moon with 20 years of development. But when Kennedy set the goal, they could do it in 8 years.

Bert Martinez:

Well, so here’s one of the intersect. So I’ll come back to the shadows here in a sec, but one of the things that I disagree with is you look at even Elon Musk said that the Romans had had these aqueducts, then they forgot how to build them. You look at the pyramids, that technology, they still can’t figure out how they did that. And that’s old, old technology.

Bart Sibrel:

What do you mean? The pier the the I’ve climbed to the top of the world’s tallest pyramid in Egypt. The base of it is 13 acres, and the top of it is about 50 stories tall. So can they today make a building that’s taller with less of a footprint? Well, yeah, of course, they can.

Bert Martinez:

They can’t replicate they cannot replicate the technology that they build.

Bart Sibrel:

Just a bunch of rocks piled on top of one another.

Bert Martinez:

But they can’t replicate it.

Bart Sibrel:

The technology of the pyramids has improved because they can make a taller building with less of a footprint. So to say that the technology of the pyramids is greater than we have today, that’s not true.

Bert Martinez:

I’m not saying I’m not saying the tech I’m not saying the technology isn’t better. I’m just saying the technology that the ancient people of Egypt used to build the the the, what do you call it? The pyramids cannot be replicated today. You can build a building better.

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Bart Sibrel:

Why why couldn’t it be?

Bert Martinez:

I don’t know. They haven’t been able to do it, and they’ve been trying.

Bart Sibrel:

Why would they want to? Why would why would somebody want to build a building made out of rocks with the 13 acre footprint. No one would want to. Right?

They’ve said 10 times they’re gonna return to the moon, and they haven’t been able to do it. So what’s the problem?

Bert Martinez:

Right? I guess so we don’t keep talking over each other. Why don’t we not talk over each other? So, again, my point being on the pyramids is that they can’t figure out how these people were able to make the pyramids because they cannot replicate that result. So if they even wanted to build a pyramid today, they can’t build it with today’s technology. So, and then again, as Elon Musk pointed out, the aqueducts that the Romans built, they ended up forgetting how to do that. You look at you look at some of these other, architectural marvels, it’s it’s very difficult to replicate. But anyway. So, but let’s I wanna look into the shadow, here that, this is one of the things that, that, I I think is one of the things that that is very common in, what do you call it? So so explain what we’re seeing here.

Bart Sibrel:

Well, on the left is how shadows look in sunlight. You can go outside in your front yard or parking lot at noon, and you can look at 2 trees, 2 telephone poles, 2 people standing on a cloudless day, and you’ll see that their shadows will always run parallel with one another. It’s impossible for shadows to intersect in sunlight. On the right is a picture that they claim is on the moon where the astronaut’s shadow goes at 12 o’clock, and a rock about 5 feet away, the shadow is at 9 o’clock. That’s a 90 degree difference in shadow angles from optics 5 feet apart. I’m a filmmaker. That’s electrical lining. Sunlight is parallel shadows.

Electrical lining is intersecting shadows, which means the picture on the right was taken with electrical light, which means they’re not on the moon. Because according to NASA, sunlight on the moon is 20 times brighter than a desert on Earth because you might wanna zoom out so they can see the rock a little bit better. That it’s 20 times brighter than a desert on Earth. So why would they need electrical lighting? It was the last thing in the world they would need.

Bert Martinez:

So you’re saying so you’re saying that the this rock here and this rock here, their shadow should be going, like you said, 12 o’clock noon up and down.

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Bart Sibrel:

Either the astronaut they should be going the same direction. You have the astronaut shadow going in the 12 o’clock direction. You have the rock shadow going in the 9 o’clock direction. That’s 90 degree difference from objects about 5 feet apart.

Either one electrical light is close and it’s throwing off the shadows or they it looks like they might have 2 electrical lights. The point is they should be parallel in sunlight, and it’s not sunlight. They claimed that they were taking these pictures in sunlight that was 20 times brighter than the light on Earth because the moon has no atmosphere. So the last thing in the world you’re gonna need is supplemental electrical lighting. If it’s 20 times brighter than a noon day in the desert. So the fact that these shadows are intersecting at 90 degrees means it’s taken with an electrical light, which means they’re on Earth. That’s as simple as that. Then everything falls into place.

That’s why they can’t return to the moon today with 50 years better rockets and computers. That’s why the guy said he eye witnessed the faking of the moon landing. That’s why we have a one foot model of the Earth of them faking being halfway to the moon. They did fake the moon landing, and the fact is people have made a God out of it. They they think, you know, somehow I’m offending their God of science. We have to realize if you you know, we live in a in a world that is messed up. There’s never been a time in the entire history of the world where the world leaders had the people’s interest best in mind. It’s never happened.

There’s been more genocide in the last 100 years than in 6000 years of history before it. We had Hitler. We had Pac. We had Mussolini. We had Stalin killing about a 100000000 people combined in the last 100 years. These are our world leaders just because you know? And they were voted in by popular demand as well. They were loved by the public, and we have murdering, lying people running our world. And they set a goal to go to the moon.

Kennedy did. He was killed. And his own nephew, who has more access to the JFK files than Oliver Stone does, says with 100% certainty that his uncle president Kennedy was killed by the CIA. Okay. So let’s set that aside. Then we have Robert McNamara, who was defense secretary during the Vietnam War. On his deathbed, he said, oh, by the way, the whole reason the Vietnam War started was contrived by the CIA. Because on December 6, 1941, 90% of Americans were against entering World War 2.

The next day after Pearl Harbor, 90% wanted to get even. So he and the CIA got together. Robert McNamara, defense secretary during the Johnson administration, said we need a Pearl Harbor type of event because the public doesn’t wanna enter the war and all of us warmongers at the Pentagon want to.

So they contrived a fake attack by a Vietnamese ship on an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin. Congress passed a law called the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which he admits was a complete fabrication that led to the death of 3,000,000 people, including 58,220 of their own soldiers. So if they’re willing to kill their own president, if they’re willing to kill 58,220 of their own soldiers, I don’t think they’re gonna have a problem shaking a video image on the moon. And if it weren’t for the fact that this is a positive lie, you see, whoever killed Ken, he’s still dead. You’re just changing who did it and why.

Or 911. You have 3,000 architects and engineers risking their livelihood and reputations, saying it’s mechanically impossible for a pinhole airplane going in and out of a grid to cause its collapse. You just have to look at Oklahoma City bombing photograph where half the building is blown away. That didn’t collapse, did it? So, I mean, if they’re willing to do that, and and it doesn’t really matter because those are negative things whoever did it. Kennedy’s still dead. All those people are still dead. The moon landing is a positive lie. You see, people don’t wanna give it up.

Mark Twain said it’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.

And we have to love the truth so much that we have to believe that the bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lie.

My footage and a funny thing happened on the way to the moon that proves them faking being halfway to the moon on homepage. I showed it to 2 NBC news directors who agreed 100%, it proves they didn’t go to the moon. One refused to broadcast it for fear it would cause a civil war against the federal government if they knew they faked the moon landing.

Bert Martinez:

Alright. Let’s watch this real quick. Let’s see if I yeah. Now this is by the way, this is from your movie, funny thing happened on the way to the moon.

Bart Sibrel:

You might wanna queue up the time code. I think it’s in an email. And then there’s a there’s another more detailed clip where I do a side by side comparison.

There you go. And then there’s a time code on it in the email. You might wanna queue it up to whatever the time code is in the email. I forget what it is so I could look

Bert Martinez:

And what is it that we’re about to see? What what does this show you show us?

Bart Sibrel:

Well, we have them faking being halfway to the moon. We have an unedited tape that says at the beginning, don’t show to the public, where they’re doing a special effect using a 1 foot model of the earth to pretend it’s the earth floating in space.

Let’s watch it. This is the footage that 2 NBC news directors agreed that they never left earth orbit because they’re Yeah.

You have it queued up a little bit past the part, but that’s okay. I can describe it. So on the right is supposed to be the Earth floating in space. And on the left, we see the unedited version where they’re using a circular window with part of the Earth outside of it to make it look like the Earth floating in space. So we just have them faking being halfway to the moon, and you’re gonna see that again.

This is full screen. They originally claimed this was the Earth floating in space. You can go ahead and keep hit play. And, they said this was the Earth from a 150,000 miles out. That’s really the circular window of the spacecraft filled up with the Earth in Earth orbit, and it looks like the Earth floating in space.

They even insert a little crescent piece of material into the window to make it look like the terminator line. Here they are breaking it down in front of the window. So that’s really a one foot model of the Earth that earlier they claimed was the Earth floating in space to convince the audience that they were halfway to the moon looking back at the Earth.

So we have them faking being halfway to the moon with a 1 foot model of the Earth. Well, what does that mean? It means they cannot go halfway to the moon because they’re faking being halfway to the moon. And what a surprise, 55 years later, they still cannot leave Earth orbit because of radiation and don’t have enough fuel. That’s why there’s mannequins orbiting the moon. You see? This was shown to 2 NBC news directors who agreed it is them faking being halfway to the moon with the 1 foot model from Earth orbit.

So they’re still in Earth orbit 2 days into the flight, which means they can’t walk on the moon a half a day later when they claim it takes 3 days to get there. So we also have a track of audio of the CIA telling them not to answer NASA until 4 seconds go by because they’re really only 250 miles above the Earth in Earth orbit and when they stayed there for 8 days. That way they could go up in front of witnesses, come down in front of witnesses, and have zero gravity footage of the tuna fish sandwich floating by, but they never left Earth orbit.

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Bert Martinez:

So which one which one is the CIA audio?

Bart Sibrel:

Yeah. At the very beginning, that’s a separate clip, but it’s from a funny thing happened on the way to the moon. There’s a time code on there. And we have basically NASA saying, hey. The TV picture looks great, and then there’s 4 seconds of dead air. Then we have the CIA telling them, talk, and then they speak. It it’s on a funny thing happened on the way to the moon, the next clip. You just have to queue it up to whatever the time code was in that email.

I forget what it is, but I could look it up. It’s, keep going along. It’s about 2 thirds of the way through. Go back a little bit. Forward a little bit.

Bert Martinez:

Now who is the who’s the person that’s doing the narration? Is does she work? Was she part of your production team?

Bart Sibrel:

Yeah. She was who we hired for it. If I pull up, I can try to pull up the email I sent you and tell you the time code on here.

Bert Martinez:

Okay. While you’ll do while you look that up, we’ll continue to play the clip.

Bart Sibrel:

Okay. So, basically, we heard NASA say, hey. The TV picture looks great. At least they didn’t actually receive it for some reason. It went through a 3rd party first. They were told the picture looks great. There’s 4 seconds of dead air, then we hear a third party that’s not NASA, not the astronauts, which has kind of a walkie talkie kind of sound to it, and we hear talk. So they’re really only in Earth orbit, which is about 250 miles above the Earth.

So if they have an instantaneous conversation back and forth like, hello. How are you? I’m fine. How’s your day? Oh, it’s pretty good. That gives away the fact that they’re close to the Earth. They’re supposed to be a 130,000 miles away halfway to the moon. This is allegedly the camera’s lens up against the glass shooting the tiny Earth far away. This is actually the circular window of the spacecraft with the Earth filling it up from Earth orbit. You see? But with the camera back, it looks like the Earth floating in space.

We just saw the clip where the lights come up, and it’s really the window filled up with the Earth from the orbit. But the cameras actually, they lied. It’s not the lens is not up against the glass. It’s really at the back of the spacecraft. They turned out all the lights, all of which we have in the unedited footage. So they’re supposed to be halfway to the moon, so they estimated about 2 seconds for the radio signal to reach the astronauts and 2 seconds for the reply to come back. So what we heard was NASA says, hey. The TV picture looks great.

There’s somebody, the CIA, counting off 4 seconds, and then they say, talk. And then Neil Armstrong speaks. He’s not allowed to speak until 4 seconds go by, and he’s prompted with talk. They’re creating a fake 4 second radio delay to make it appear that they’re beyond Earth orbit. That is really the window of the spacecraft. But according to NASA documentaries, that’s the Earth floating in space. Well, we have the unedited version. The lights come up, and it’s this clever representation they’ve done with the window.

2 NBC news directors agreed this is them faking being halfway to the moon from Earth orbit. It’s dated 2 days into the flight, and it proves they didn’t go to the moon. One guy refuses to broadcast it for fear it will cause a civil war against the federal government. And when 10 years go by and there’s a new NBC news director, they fly me to New York, put me up in the Waldorf Astoria, pay me 1,000 of dollars for the exclusive license. They’re gonna break the story nationwide. The moon landings are fake. They get a call from the federal government threatening them, and they don’t broadcast it.

Bert Martinez:

Alright. So I guess one of my one of my questions because you say you think it’s the CIA saying talk?

Bart Sibrel:

Well, somebody, NSA, CIA. They’re they’re basically they yeah. They’re they’re basically telling the alarm they’ve told them in advance, don’t speak, don’t answer questions until you hear talk because they wanna create a fake 4 second radio delay to make it appear that they’re further away from the earth than they really are. And that’s exactly what they did. According to NASA, there’s only 2 people on this channel. There’s NASA and the astronauts. But there’s obviously a third party, and they’re prompting them to speak after 4 seconds go by.

Bert Martinez:

Yeah. Without a doubt, there is a clear voice that says talk. That is clear as day. So whether it’s NASA themselves, CIA, USA, whoever, it it’s clear that they’re saying talk, which to your point, it doesn’t make sense. If if if you are if you and I are having a conversation, we don’t need a third party saying talk. So Well yeah. Yeah.

Bart Sibrel:

I mean, if you want, you can play it for about 3 minutes past that point, and we’ll see the footage that shows them faking being halfway to the moon. I gave them the benefit of the doubt. You have to understand. I believe the moon landings are real and more so. I worship to them. But you have to have an open mind. You have to be willing to be wrong, and you have to accept the cold hard truth. And I had a guy giving me a $1,000,000 who builds rockets for NASA who says it was fake.

And I still said, well, you know, I’m gonna produce the film under the theory it might be true. I figured we’ll never know for sure. Wrong. I pop in a tape. It says don’t show to the public, and it’s an hour of this little special effect shot with the window of them using a circular window to pretend like it’s the earth floating in space. And I’m like, oh my gosh. They really did fake the moon landing.

Bert Martinez:

Well, I tell you what’s funny too. I tell you what’s interesting too. First of all, you probably as a filmmaker, you’re probably familiar with the is it a Josh Brolin movie, Capricorn 1? I remember when Capricorn 1 came out. Now that was the same premise, but instead of faking the moon landing, it was the Mars landing. And and, of course, in that movie, on the reentry, the the rocket blows up.

So now the government has to get rid of the 3 astronauts, and so that’s kind of the premise of the movie. It’s pretty interesting. Now, today, here we are in 2024, June 20, 2024, and they are coming out with the movie that starts, Woody Harrelson, Chatham no. Chat is Tatum Tatum, whatever. And, what’s the actress that played the Black Widow? That movie’s about to be released, and it’s basically how they fake the moon landing. And and it’s the entire process. So I are you gonna be looking at this movie? Are you gonna be watching?

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Bart Sibrel:

Sure that’s the the exact premise of it. There’s not much about it we know other than faking the moon mission as part of the plot. From the trailer, they say they’re shooting a fake lunar landing as a backup. So the problem that they have is the AI and other computers have said the pictures were taken in a TV studio because of the angle of the shadows and so forth and the fake backgrounds.

So I think, sadly, they might say, well, we really went to the moon, which, of course, they did not because we still have Neil Armstrong in Earth orbit 2 days into the flight, right, when he’s supposed to be halfway to the moon. And they shot backup footage just in case, and somehow the backup footage got mixed in. And that’s why we really went to the moon, but the pictures are fake. You know? If they really went to the moon, they wouldn’t dare fake one image because then they could be accused of faking the whole thing.

And they really weren’t weren’t concerned with whether or not they had images on the moon or not. Because during the alleged, you know, live landing, we had audio of them landing on the moon, but no video. Why not? Why not have a camera on the side of lunar module and have the moon getting closer and closer and closer? Because they couldn’t do that. They couldn’t pull it off. So they waited until a film, you know, model of the lunar module, and they released it later.

Bert Martinez:

Well, let me ask you this real quick. Let me ask you this. What would be the purpose of faking the whole landing on the moon and walking on the moon?

Bart Sibrel:

Well, I guess to make money because they only went into Earth orbit, and they had already done that with Mercury and Gemini. And so if they’re raking in $270,000,000,000 to go to the moon and they’re not going to the moon and shooting it in of that money. And as we know, congress forbid, the army to go into Cambodia during the Vietnam War, but they went in anyway under the funding of the CIA who faked the moon landing. You see? So where did they get that money from? You see what’s going on here? And so the federal government is breaking their own laws. There there is a law passed. What a surprise. There was a law passed.

You know, Time Magazine in 1957 or something had on their cover, the smartest man in America. Maybe it’s 1955. After a quiz show, he was, you know, 1. Well, he won because he got the answers in advance. So Time Magazine was wrong. Time Magazine had men on the moon that was filmed at Cannon Air Force Base. They were wrong. And so Congress passed a law, you can’t use television to deceive people.

Then they use television to deceive people about the moon landing. And they’re murdering their own people. You have to understand my book has information not in the film because I I interviewed people who didn’t want information released until after they died, including my interview with the widow of the man who was going to be the first man to walk on the moon, who thought the Apollo rocket was a piece of junk.

In fact, days before he was murdered, he, without permission, held the press conference where he took reporters up to the top of the rocket and affixed a lemon the size of a grapefruit, calling the moon rocket a lemon, a piece of junk. And his widow this is Virgil Grissom. Oh, yeah. His his widow told me, who I interviewed for 4 hours, she said, on January 26, 1967, he came home from work and said the following. Hon, for some strange reason, the CIA is all over the launch pad today, flashing their badges and inspecting the equipment. I’ve been here for 3 years. Why is the CIA here today? Never seen him here before. The very next day, he’s dead from faulty equipment.

Because he wouldn’t cooperate with the moon landing fraud. He was murdered by the CIA. Not my opinion. That’s his dead wife’s I mean, the opinion of his widow and his son. Says the same thing. It was a 747 pilot. So not only does the federal government take a third of our labor to fake the moon landing, they use that money to hire the CIA agents who kill our fellow Americans trying to expose their crimes.

Bert Martinez:

And, again, you know, this is for people who are saying this is ridiculous or outlandish. I will have people remember, of the, the contra hearings. Right? And Ronald Reagan and and, again, at that time, president Reagan denying any such activity. And then you have Oliver North saying, so what we did? And so for years, there is that denial. And and and, again, US lives were put in harm’s way to get these arms to the contras. So, here’s one of my, you know, one of my favorite books, and it’s a conspiracy book. It’s called on the trail of the assassins. Are you familiar with this?

Bart Sibrel:


Bert Martinez:

So on the trail of the assassins is, written by a guy named Jim Garrison. Jim Garrison, was the attorney general in, is it New Orleans? Anyway, in Louisiana. Yeah. And so the the whole movie, the JFK movie by Oliver Stone is based on his book. And this is one of the scariest books I’ve ever read.

And so part of the reason that it was so scary is because it gives you all this information. And and and, I had to stop reading the book at night because I would hear something outside. I’m like, looking out the window. I’m freaking out. But in that book, one of the things that is so startling is that, right after the JFK assassination, there was something like 250 witnesses. Now not that all of them, you know, And if you look at the Dealey Plaza, you know, you have all those people. They’re scattered all around the cars. Right? So you’re gonna get different points of view from everybody. So 250 plus witnesses, we’re talking law enforcement people. We’re talking FBI. We’re talking, just regular folks.

And out of 250 something, witnesses, something like 220 of them died. That that that is not a coincidence.

That is a strategy.

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Bart Sibrel:

What what what we have here then is these gangsters running the United States of America, killing their own president, killing people who knew they killed their own president, faking moon landings, potentially doing 911, potentially doing this little thing for the last 3 years when a former vice president of a certain company selling a medicine for an illness that people don’t even have says there is no reason to take it, and secondly, it’s not good for you. These people are at large.

And the news director who told me that he wouldn’t broadcast that footage for fear it would cause a civil war, I thought he was overreacting. I said, you know, get over it. It’s not that big of a deal. The sad thing is, basically, if he were correct, what he’s really saying is if we tell the public how corrupt the federal government is, it’ll bring down the corrupt federal government. And that was supposed to happen.

But now I’m beginning to see his point of view. He said this will enrage people. You know, he can change the hat on who shot JFK and why, change the hat on 911, who did it and why. This had people praying on their knees, waving their flag. They printed it on coins that they’re on the moon. Look at a 50 cent piece from the 19 seventies. They put it on stamps. They put it on the encyclopedia.

They teach it in university. They gave parade? Parades. They gave them medals of honor for being such good liars. If our heroes are traitors, this is why when people take an oath in the military or law enforcement to protect America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Who killed Kennedy? An American. You see? Who did the Gulf of Tonkin lie that led to the needless death, the 58,220 soldiers? An American. Who faked the moon landing? An American. Who killed Virgil Grissom and 2 of his friends? An American CIA agents that we paid for. You see, the traders that we need to worry about aren’t in China or Russia. That’s what they want us to think in misdirection like a magician. Our traders are running the federal government.

They’re killing their own people. Not my opinion. It’s the opinion of the dead people’s relatives. I’m just passing on the information.

Bert Martinez:

Well and so what I got out of the book was there are so many layers to our federal government that even the president of the United States doesn’t know everything that’s going on. He can’t. And and to your point about Ted Kennedy, I’ve always wondered that myself. You’re a senator. If anybody could unseal those files, it would be Ted Kennedy, which he chose not to. And and I believe that he chose not to out of fear.

Bart Sibrel:

Well, of course, why didn’t Trump? Trump read on the on the promise he would open the JFK files, and he didn’t.

Do you realize that the law to open the files in 2017 was only written because of Oliver Stone’s film that got people riled up again? And then the law said, I’m paraphrasing it, but it basically said, we will release the files in 2017 unless the president at that time decides not to. I mean, come on. What kind of law is that? That’s like saying, Bert, I promise not to hit you unless I change my mind.

That much of a promise. Well, maybe why why bother writing writing that law? And then by Trump opened them. No. He didn’t. You know why? Because they got some picture or video of him with a 17 year old. Right? And they said, you know, you you release that. We’ll release this, and he backed down. Now he’s promising it again.

Sorry. You you had your chance. You know what I mean? And, you know, what can you do? President Clinton suggested in his book, his autobiography, my life, that the moon landings were fake on page a 156. In fact, Clinton denied having an affair 20 times. And when he finally got caught and some reporter asked him, why did you do it? He said, because I could. Because I could get away with it. Why did they fake the moon landing? Because they could.

Why did they kill Kennedy? Because they could. Eisenhower warned us before Kennedy. On January 19, 1961, his last day in office, a general who was president for 8 years warned dark forces are taking over the country. Good luck. Well, why didn’t he do anything about it for 8 years? Because he was afraid they’d kill him. He was afraid he wouldn’t be able to enjoy retirement with his grandchildren. So he selfishly tried to protect his life. And what does the Bible say? You hold on to your life, you’ll lose it.

You lose it for the sake of what is right, you’ll gain it eternally. Now 300 more Americans are suffering because of Eisenhower’s selfishness to protect his own life rather than bring these people to justice, which he had 8 years to do and warned us the day he was leaving. And then the next guy tried to do something about about it and got shot in broad daylight. He said, I’m gonna shut down the CIA. The CIA suggested that they kill Americans and blame it on Cuba so that they could go to war with Cuba. Now I’m not a lawyer, but I think that’s called attempted murder, isn’t it? When you plot to kill somebody, you can go to jail for plotting to kill somebody. Our own people and our own government were plotting to kill Americans. They put it in writing, operation Northwoods.

You can it’s a real thing. They said, let’s kill Americans and blame Cuba. What a great idea. They should have been dragged off to jail for suggesting such a thing.

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Bert Martinez:

Well, if it’s the CIA is known for doing that. Right? They topple over governments that way. That’s part of their their, what do you call it? Their MO. They they they deal with lies and propaganda and and fakery. That is their forte. Alright. So let let me ask you this real quick. I wanna show you this because it it I don’t have any notes for it.

But what is this right here? This this gentleman right here?

Bart Sibrel:

Well, that’s just, if you wanna queue up, the time code on this is queue up 3:36 and play it for about 4 minutes. 3:36. Yeah. You can mute my mic or I’ll mute it. 3:36 and play it for 4 about 4 minutes. This will be a good way to conclude.

Okay. So that’s basically, you know, the the meat of the, interview. This is the son of the man who confessed as he was dying that he was the chief of security at Cannon Air Force Base.

Bert Martinez:

What’s this guy’s name?

Bart Sibrel:

The the gentleman who I witnessed the faking of the moon landing fraud, his name was Cyrus Eugene Akers. And I didn’t put that in the book because his son was still alive. The person you saw is now dead of cancer. And I didn’t put in there that his father had committed murder because, for respect of him still his son’s still being alive.

But I mentioned that now in interviews. So we we do have an eyewitness who did come forward that not only did he eyewitness the moon landing fraud, more important to him was confessing that he had killed another human being. And when his son heard it that he killed a coworker at Cannon Air Force Base, he brought in the military police to give the dead man’s family closure. And when they asked him, why did you kill him? He said to cover up the moon landing fraud because my coworker thought it was morally wrong, and I, you know, was either told to kill him or took it under my own volition as the chief of security of Cannon Air Force Base, which is a special ops headquarters of the United States Air Force.

And those people on the list, a lot of them I had heard of. Some of them I did not, including Robert Emmenager, who was a science fiction writer. And I guess he was a consultant or somebody on the project. And there were some CIA people, naval intelligence people. A retired general was there for some reason. Van Allen of the Van Allen Radiation Belts was there. And, of course, that’s one of the clips as well why they can’t go to the moon today because of dangerous radiation. And one of the clips at is NASA’s own engineer saying it’s dangerous radiation and the technology necessary for an astronaut to go through the radiation to the moon and back hasn’t been invented yet.

You know? So how did they go to the moon? And this is why there’s mannequins orbiting the moon because radiation would kill them, but they’re testing out the equipment. So this is an embarrassment. You know, I talked to somebody before this interview, and he says they’re in a pickle. Because, you know, after 50 years not being able to go back to the moon, I mean, Limberg flew across the Atlantic in 1927. It wouldn’t be 50 years before another airplane flew across the Atlantic. And when they split the atom, it wouldn’t be 50 years before the same nation could split the atom a second time. You know, if they broke the sound barrier, it wouldn’t be 50 years before someone broke the sound barrier. You know? And so logic is proving they did not go to the moon if you have an open mind willing to be wrong.

God opposes the proud, gives grace to the humble. Pride is simply the unwillingness to be wrong. I’ve talked to a college professor teaching aerospace who said that even if he saw an Apollo astronaut on national TV confessed that the moon missions were faked and filmed at Cannon Air Force Base, just like I said, that he’d still think he walked on the moon anyway. That he won’t recant glorious moon landings.

Bert Martinez:

So, you know, back to this book I was talking about on the trail of the assassin. So, you you reminded me of something. In that book, Jim Garrison brings the only trial in the JFK assassination. He he finds these people there in New Orleans. He brings brings them to trial. The jury it’s a hung jury. The gentleman that he brings to trial, I can’t remember his name, Shaw, mister Shaw. Mister Shaw, during his deposition said one thing and at trial said another.

So Jim Garrison was gonna, was was going to, try him again for put this time for perjury. Oh, I take that back. I’m sorry. He was, he was acquitted, and he was acquitted because he had perjured himself. So that he was gonna bring charges against him for perjury. And he, the the the FBI shows up at the end of this trial, and they take mister Shaw away. And that’s depicted in the movie as well. My point being, as I said earlier, we, as American citizens, we have no idea the different layers, the different things that are happening.

Could the moon landing had been an absolute fake? Certainly could. And to your point, to sit there and and not do your own homework and and and just to take everything on on on face value, you know, there there’s just too many questions, where, again, you can say, hey. Well, here this this thing answers this question, and and and and this one here answers this question.

But, again, it it opens up the possibility because we’ve seen our government, just like a lot of other governments, fake some things out. They, you know, create wars, create shortages when there shouldn’t have been all this other stuff. So, I do wanna bring this up, because one of the things that, that, I guess you’re kind of infamous for for lack of better terms was you you approach, buzz my gosh. I’m blanking on his name. What’s his name? Thank you.

Buzz Aldrin. Okay. I’m thinking Buzz Lightyear. I didn’t wanna say that. So you approached Buzz Aldrin, and, you know, you you basically put it to him, and, he ended up punching you. Talk about this event.

Bart Sibrel:

Well, I mean, I didn’t wake up that morning saying, like, you know, I wanna call Buzz Aldrin a liar, a coward and a thief, and he didn’t wake up that morning saying, I can’t wait to punch art. But prior, I had done an interview with him where I showed him that footage.

And as far as he knew, the story had broken worldwide that the moon missions were fake. He said he was only a passenger, meaning in fact, he said he and Neil Armstrong were just passengers, meaning they never landed the vehicle, meaning they just orbited the earth. He said talk to the NASA administrator. And then he accused me of wanting to become famous by making this discovery, which I couldn’t become famous if I was wrong. So he made 2 admissions on camera that I was correct. And then he tried to, you know, threaten me legally if I showed those admissions to anybody.

Then later at another incidence, we had a one crew interview him and then a separate crew might, you know, film him being confronted by me with a Bible asking him to swear to God that he walked on the moon or not. I had this idea after the first film. A funny thing happened on the way to the moon, maybe from watching courtroom dramas as a kid where you swear that this is the truth. So I tracked down several astronauts, and that’s one of the clips at is this film. And, you know, I called him a coward, a liar, and a thief, which he is, in which I have been, and he took offense, and he punched me. You know, so what? So be it. And, what can you do? A more relevant.

Of of that film is when I show another astronaut that fake footage in his house. He turns beet red. He assaults me from behind. And in the commotion, we leave a live microphone on him, and my camera operator forgets did stop record. So it’s a wireless microphone, and while the camera’s in the back seat of the rental car and the astronaut and his son are in their house with the door closed, we hear them say crystal clear, do you wanna call the CIA and have him whacked me killed? Now if I’m some crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks the moon landing was filmed at Canon Air Force Base, you know, and I’m wrong, why would the CIA care?

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Bert Martinez:

Is that footage there at

Bart Sibrel:

Yeah. It’s one of the clips I sent you on your list there. Let’s see. You queue it up. I’ll look at the email. I think it’s the last clip. You can play it. It’s the one bottom row all the way to the right.

Bart Sibrel:

You can play 4859. This one right here? There. Yeah. Mhmm.

So you can pause it there. So that’s, me being threatened with murder by the CIA, which would not be necessary if they really went to the moon, and I’m some silly person who thinks it was filmed at Canon Air Force Base. Why would they care? You know? So that’s proof as well just like destroying all the original video tapes and the schematics and blueprints, you know, which they would never do if they really went, but that’s exactly what they would do if they’re covering a fraud.

And, you know, when it dawns on you, like, when I saw that footage of them using a circular window filled up with the earth, pretending it’s the earth floating in space, you know, it’s like, oh, they really did fake the moon landing. This is very profound. I mean, do you realize, Bert, that faking the moon landing is so much more profound of an event historically than if they’d actually gone? Do you see that?

The fact that the most powerful nation on earth faked the greatest accomplishment of mankind and murdered their own people to cover it up, that’s so profound, and it’s not publicly acknowledged. So we have this great truth that mankind can learn from, and we’re stagnant in our advancement as a race and as a civilization, as a culture, and as a nation. Until this truth is acknowledged, we cannot go forward. And until this truth is acknowledged, we will have murdering, embezzling, lying gangsters as our government’s leaders.

Bert Martinez:

Well, I I think that, even if this truth came forward, even if if all of a sudden the powers of b said, yeah. We admit it. We never made it to the moon. It was all fake. It wouldn’t stop the rest of the, fakery that goes on. It is unfortunate, but as you see look. We we have we have I hate saying this phrase because it’s been used to death in the last 24 months, but unprecedented, changes that have happening. When you and I were growing up, there is no chance that a convicted felon would be running for the presidency, much less be the nominee for for the party.

Right? For a party. You would not have a bunch of lawmakers rallying around him. They they would be running the other way. So our government is imploding. We we do see we do see some massive changes, in in honesty and morality. So anything is possible. There is nothing that is that, is, what do you call it, crazy over the top anymore. Could they have faked the the moon landing? Absolutely.

Could they have faked, you know, the the 911 stuff? Absolutely. There’s the the one thing I’m sure of is as a citizen of the United States, which I’m grateful to be here, we don’t know the layers, the depth of what happens within our own government. And some of that is probably good, because I think that it would probably cause panic. And if we’re panicking, then that panic is probably gonna spread globally. You know, we like to look at some of these other places, other governments, China and and, Korea. And we’d like to point and see and say, look how corrupt they are. We’re just better at it. Our government is just better at it.

Or maybe we’re we’re just more used to the corruption. But but bottom line is we really don’t know. There is no absolute answer to a lot of these conspiracies.

Bart Sibrel:

I I bet there are fewer bridge collapses in China than there are in America. And when a government leader is caught being corrupt in China, they execute them. So 6 of 1, half a dozen of the other.

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Bert Martinez:

I mean, I think that if if a Chinese national, or government official is caught being corrupt, he is their version of corrupt is gonna be different. Meaning, if he’s if he’s caught stealing from the government, yeah, they’re gonna execute him rather quickly. But, again, if if if you are a government who deals in in, lies or fakery or whatever, then, and as long as you are willing to tote that line, you’re in good graces. Right? So but, anyway, listen. It’s been fascinating. I’m gonna check out your website,, for more information. I I think that the amount of work and hours that you put into this thing is incredible. It just cannot you can’t look at all the evidence that you have and dismiss it.

It’s there’s just too much there. From start to finish, how much time have you put into this, conspiracy?

Bart Sibrel:

Well, it’s not a conspiracy any more than half of all crimes are conspiracies. Half of all crimes are done on the heat and passion of the moment, and half are plotted in advance. Meaning, they’re conspiracy. Bank robberies are conspiracies. So, you know, it is what it is. The fact is they did fake the moon landing, and these people are at large running our government, and it’s important that the truth be known. It’s also spiritually symbolic that mankind’s greatest accomplishment is a complete fraud by a nation that claims to be the most righteous on earth. You see, there’s something going on there as well.

It’s the modern day Tower of Babel, which was never finished.

Bert Martinez:

But how long have you been doing this? For as far as a decade?

Bart Sibrel:

I I started the production of the movie, I guess, maybe around 1994 and finished it in 2,001. It took about 7 years to produce. It’s been 4 1000 hours approximately editing the 45 minute movie. So I thought the moon missions are real. I kinda worshiped the moon missions being glorious. But when I found footage of them faking being halfway to the moon right in front of my eyes, What can you say? They did fake the moon landing, and that’s why they can’t go back 50 years later because they never went in the first place, and it’s a lot harder than people think.

Bert Martinez:

Yeah. You know, I tell you something that that is a little heartbreaking to watch. Have you seen the interview with Elon Musk when he announces that he’s going to be traveling back to space? The heap of negativity that NASA and all these former astronauts poured onto him. And he is visibly, emotionally, taken aback. I mean, he he tears up in this interview, which I found interesting. Because if you’re an astronaut, why would you care that this individual is gonna start rocketing to space or whatever? It’s it’s such a weird thing. Now, finally, to as as we started earlier in this conversation, the first 3 or 4, of those rockets did fail miserably. And finally, when he was able to be successful, they finally started rallying around him.

But I just thought it was interesting that all these astronauts were so against him traveling to space. It just seems, weird to me. But, either way, I appreciate, the work you’ve done. I appreciate you stopping by and sharing, your your thoughts with us.

Bart Sibrel:

Well, thank you, Bert. And if people want to watch the film, it’s for free on the homepage of, and it includes that footage of them faking being halfway to the moon, which is what convinced me that they really did fake the moon landing. And if you want the book that goes into the behind the scenes, homicides deathbed confessions, then that’s an audio that I read myself, Kindle or print, and it’s all at

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