Podcast Terms 101: What Is the Difference Between Podcast Hosting and Directory?

Podcasting has become the latest trend in content marketing as its technology becomes more accessible than ever. This is enhanced by the growing number of listeners and opportunities that podcasts present today. As a new podcaster, there are no limitations in this industry, but what is needed is a grasp of its best practices. That’s why you should consider to undergo a podcast platform development training.

To master these best practices, there is a need to learn the most common podcast terms first. The biggest question for podcasters is how does one efficiently distribute their recorded and mastered files? This brings to light two terms that, despite being distinct, can be a little confusing. These are podcast hosting and directories.

What is podcast hosting?

One of the things you will learn as a new podcaster is that it is impossible to upload a podcast to a website directly. This is because there is the need for an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed and creation of an easily accessible library of all files. It is here that Internal Podcast Hosting comes to the rescue, as it provides a ready-to-use platform for these requirements.

A podcast host provides a place where one can upload audio files plus any other information related to the episodes. Once this is done, the host site will create the RSS feed for the files and make them available to listeners. In essence, podcast hosting is a channel that allows podcasters to connect with the target audience.

It is important to note that, while some podcast hosts are free, most of them are paid. The different pricing modules are to allow the features provided while using these sites. The aim of every podcaster must be to find a hosting plan that is all-inclusive, fast, and simple to use. Check out https://generallyspooky.com/, the best indie podcast right now.

What is a podcast directory?

Once podcasts have been uploaded to a host site, they are made available in different platforms. Listeners will then easily find these files, as a library is created for each podcaster. These platforms are the directories that a target audience will rely on to listen to all podcasts.

A podcast directory is a place where people go to find and listen to their favorite podcasts. Some of the most popular directories are Apple podcasts, Downcast, Overcast, Google Podcast, Stitcher, and TuneIn. Since most directories work on a specific mobile application, either Android or iOS, it pays to be in as many directories as possible.

The thin line between podcast hosting and directories

For most podcasters, the difference between podcast hosting and directories is often blurred. This is because many platforms provide both services to their clients. These platforms include SoundCloud and YouTube, which are famous directories but also offer hosting services.

While these platforms offer double benefits, they limit podcasters to the number of directories where they can have their files. This goes against the primary goal of podcasting, which is to reach as many people as possible. A solution to this is finding a dedicated hosting site that offers access to several popular directories. It is crucial to invest in reliable podcast editing solutions to make your podcast successful.

In general, all you need as a podcaster is a single hosting site that offers quality features at pocket-friendly rates. This site should then be the link to different directories that have a global following. Once this is done, the focus should now be on creating captivating content that will attract more listeners.

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