Profiles of Success with Annie Scranton

Who are your biggest influences and people you admire and why?

Definitely my mom. She’s a true survivor.

Name a person who helped you along the way?

There are too many to name, but recently, a City College Lynn Applebaum has become a sort of mentor to me. She’s made some strategic introductions for me that have been so valuable.

What do you see as your greatest success in life, so far?

Giving birth to my daughter Rose in 2018.

How can people contact you?

My email is best-

What book would you recommend and why?

Educated by Tara Westover. If you think life is hard and you can’t keep going, you need to always remember that the human spirit can and will endure if you work hard and keep at it.

How do you deal with fear?

Usually with either a spin class/a therapy session/writing in my journal/or a glass of wine (or all of them!)

What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation or self-belief that contributes to your success?

I sometimes find myself saying over and over again “It’s all OK. Everything is OK.” I try to remember that I am so fortunate- 99.9% of the world would switch places with me (or any of my friends/colleagues) in one second. It’s easy to lose sight of that when you’re so mired in your day-to-day work & grind.


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