Tell us your name and a little about yourself.
I am the founder of Sol Marketing, a consultancy that has led successful strategy engagements since 2003 for global brands like Dell, Microsoft, and NBCUniversal, and for numerous digital brands, including Allrecipes, Cheezburger, HomeAway, and many more. A leading expert on brand disasters, I’m also author of two bestselling book, Irrational Loyalty and Branding Is Sex: Get Your Customers Laid and Sell the Hell out of Anything, and have been featured in USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Inc., Entrepreneur, Fortune, Forbes, and other major publications.
Why did you become an entrepreneur in the first place?
I am an “accidental” entrepreneur. I’m such a bad employee that there was really no other choice.
In all seriousness, I am on a personal mission to create $1B+ in value for other people’s businesses through the practice of creating conditions of Irrational Loyalty. I’m a branding MACHINE, and I needed the freedom to create a business model that would support that goal. I just couldn’t do that while working for someone else’s vision.
As an entrepreneur, how do you deal with fear or rejection?
I consider Fear to be a gift. If I feel fearful, it’s because the universe and my “spidey senses” and physiology are sending me messages that I need to wake up and pay attention to something that I might be missing. Also, rejection just isn’t a construct in my world. You win or you learn. Trying and facing rejection is like paying tuition.
What’s the name of your company? What exactly does your company do, how do you help people?
My company is Sol Marketing. We create conditions of Irrational Loyalty between companies and their customers. That means that we enable brands to profile, find and connect with their BEST customers so they can sell more, do more and be more. We’re a brand strategy, research and content marketing firm, in real English.