Pros & Cons to Buying Equipment Outright or Using a Finance Option

Let’s say you could do with a bunch of new supplies to take your business to the next level. In a working example, take a DJ that’s aspiring to go pro, but doesn’t have the high-end gear needed to put on a memorable show.

On one hand, you know that the DJ equipment you need could be all that stands between you and doing something pretty awesome. On the other, you simply don’t have the funds you need to pay for it right now.

In which case, you find yourself with two options to choose from:

  • Option 1. Graft, save and wait until you’ve got the money to buy the gear.
  • Option 2. Use a DJ finance package to buy it now and spread the costs.

Theoretically, you could also add a third option to the above two. You may have just about enough money saved to buy your DJ equipment outright, but doing so would leave you with next to nothing leftover. You’d have your gear and you’d have no outstanding payments, but you’d also be flat broke.

From a purely objective standpoint, all three of these options are perfectly viable. Nevertheless, you could also argue that buying equipment like this on finance is the more advantageous (and even sensible) of the three.

Here’s why spreading the costs with a DJ finance package would make sense in this particular scenario:

  1. You’re not limited to budget gear

If the quality of the gear you buy has an impact on your performance, it simply makes sense to buy the best gear you can afford. If your current budget limits you to a £150 mixer, an affordable DJ finance package could allow you to spend say £500 on a far better rig. Structured finance can be great for picking up high-end gear you’d otherwise be unable to afford.

  1. It keeps your spending predictable

When you sign into a finance agreement like this, you know exactly how much you can expect to pay each month. You’re also not left with a completely empty bank account, which could see you falling into the red at any time. Spreading the costs of moderate to major purchases is a great way of keeping in control and carefully managing your budget.

  1. It’s surprisingly affordable

Contrary to popular belief, signing up for a finance deal doesn’t always mean paying more than the normal purchase price. In fact, it’s become commonplace for top-rated lenders to offer flexible finance with 0% interest and no specific borrowing costs whatsoever. Hence, you’re not paying a penny more by spreading the costs over time – you’re just choosing an option that doesn’t leave you immediately out of pocket. And again, an option that enables you to buy the kind of gear you’d never have afforded otherwise.

  1. Your talent and potential cannot wait

Last but not least, every week, month and year you waste saving up for the gear you need is time you could have spent developing your talent. If the only thing holding you back right now is your gear, it simply makes sense to arm yourself with the tools and resources you need to take that next important step. DJ finance is something that can be repaid over time, but your talent is something that simply cannot wait. Particularly if it’s possible to buy now and pay later with zero interest charged, it’s an option that could make a lot of sense. –


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