The Title of Your Book
I was told that no one had ever written about being a corporate spy before so I thought I might as well be the first. Plus, it’s a heck of a crazy story and it’s all true.
What was your biggest surprise or aha moment when writing your book?
After publishing RUSE and outing myself as a corporate spy, I was shocked that numerous major corporations contacted me to spy for them.
Who is your ideal audience for the book?
I wrote RUSE during COVID so I wanted the book to be a fun, page turner. It reads like a spy novel but everything in it is true. I’ve written an honest book about lying! And RUSE is really two books, one about corporate spying, the other an unvarnished insider’s look at celebs & Hollywood. I think the book appeals to all but particularly men that might not read as much as they’d like 
Tell us, how do you deal with fear?
I put my head down and keep on going.
Tell us, how do you deal with rejection?
Not well. Next question.
Tell us two concepts or ideas you want the reader to takeaway?
That it’s never too late to change and to pivot into the career you’ve always dreamed of having
Name one of the biggest challenges you have faced writing your book and how did you overcome it?
Coming clean about lying for a living
What’s a personal self-talk, mantra, affirmation, or self-belief that contributes to your success?
Take the journey you want to take