Scott Skinner – Tax Consulting And Compliance Services To Real Estate Owners and Operators

Scott Skinner

Business Name:  Skinner Fouch & Olson LLP

Website URL:


Year Founded : 2001

Number of Employees : 13

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What does your company do? We provide income tax consulting and compliance services to Real Estate Owners and Operators that have high net worth individual ownership. It is a highly technical area.

Here is more information about the turning point that led to the business’s growth. Our agency has reached a turning point where we are focusing on a service approach and targeted client acquisition to move to the next level. This pivotal moment hinges on placing the right people in the right positions to efficiently scale our business.

What processes or procedures have you implemented that have helped grow your company? Training, standardization, marketing, mentoring, and such.

What is most rewarding about running your business? Getting business referrals from Law Firms and business acquaintances of our existing clients.

What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them? Keeping up with the litany of temporary income tax incentives that have been added and subtracted from the codes along with dealing with the ancillary affects for practitioners associated with the government crackdown on abusive tax motivated transaction. Also, dealing with the fact that the economy has been so fragile that it has stalled economic vitality our market area and created systemic gridlock in the capital markets and job creation.

If you were starting over today, what would you do differently? I don’t have any regrets. Perhaps I would have created more balance between my work and personal life.

What advice do you have for other business owners?

Where adversity exists there is a high magnitude of opportunity. Do your homework and understand all the players involved that will impact your success or failure in your business undertaking.

Please list any favorite books, tools or resources (software, website, etc.) you would recommend for others: Seek out the most regarded training conferences that can be accessed. Find a good mentor and seek out cross training opportunities.

What is something that people might be surprised to learn about you? I am not afraid to make difficult changes in my life.

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