How to Lead so Others Follow: Executive Coach’s #1 Strategy
by Edith Hamilton
SHOW why they should follow you: with your ACTIONS, not just words. How?
• Be worthy of respect. This means YOU must model the way. If your behavior shouts “Do as I say, not as I do,” you are sunk. Why would anyone follow a leader who does not honor his or her own word? So keep your promises. Be aware of how your actions could appear to others. When you’re a leader, others are looking not just TO you, but also AT you. As you respond calmly to pressure, as you respond graciously to criticism especially when it’s not deserved, you determine why others should trust you enough to follow even when the road gets bumpy.
• Be clear. Create a shared vision. Describe the destination as vividly as you can. Anticipate and provide answers to ‘Where are we going? What must we do to get there? How will achieve that? What resources do we have?” And motivation is vital: answer the question they may not be asking out loud, but are surely wondering: “What’s in it for us?” Paint an inspiring picture for all those who follow you: one that will continue to energize them through the hills and valleys.
• Be curious! Your life would change dramatically if 80% of your questions begin with the word “What …” Because others will respond with more specific details. On the other hand, a question that begins with “Why …” makes people guarded and wary, as if they must suddenly defend themselves.
Notice the difference in tone and emotional impact between these 2 questions: “Why are you late?” compared to “What caused your delay?” The word “why” makes me feel I have to justify myself to you. And I resent that. The word “what” makes me think you actually want to know, that you might be sympathetic. People are very literal. The question you ask determines the response you get.
Or compare how these 2 questions feel different: “Why are you doing that?” vs. “What is important to you about that?” The “why” makes others feel attacked, even when you don’t intend it. Starting with “what” will bring you closer, as they share some insight into their values, hopes, motives. And you are more likely to find something in common. Or at least a way to encourage the person.
Imagine yourself as a curious anthropologist, eager to discover more, to better understand those under your leadership. They have entrusted you with much as a leader. Keep showing that they made the right choice.
Do you want the good news or the bad news?
by Andrew Kryder
If you own a business or manage someone else’s business, your attitude is more important than you think. Negativity is contagious. That’s the bad news. The good news is, positivity is equally contagious.
In business, positivity normally creates productivity and motivation. If you can create a positive work environment where others are focused and determined, practically any goal can be attained.
The really good news is, that creating a positive environment is within your control. As a leader, you have the ability to recruit talented individuals that share your optimism. As a leader, you have the ability to evolve the mindset of those around you by sharing a positive vision for whatever you do.
Before you can be a leader, you need followers. Start by motivating those around you in a positive way.
Authentic Personal Branding… in a World of Crisis.
by Jon Michail
Leadership in all forms (self and group) is a serious responsibility and during this period of health and economic crisis also the right time to define who you are and what your personal brand leadership stands for. This is the time to lead! However, how will you be an effective leader if people don’t trust you or have confidence in you?
There is no doubt today’s health and economic crisis has been a huge setback for many of us. This is a challenging period that demands authenticity especially because trust and credibility are two things that are highly volatile in a crisis. How can you manage to keep up the confidence of your employers or clients during a crisis?
The answer could well lie in your authentic personal brand. Your authentic personal brand is what can separate you from the crowd now and allow people you are dealing with to trust and follow you even in a crisis. A crisis can drive you to become someone you aren’t, take inauthentic business decisions and move away from your beliefs and values for short-term success. This scarcity and survivalist mind-set is something that can be a recipe for disaster in the long-term.
An authentic personal brand means you should stick to your core values and beliefs and be consistent with them. This means no matter how tough a situation is, always fall back on your values and beliefs. This is what will enable your authentic personal brand to flourish and result in success even during times of crisis. Moreover, your employer, employees or clients will look up to you and trust you if your personal brand leadership oozes with authenticity and courage.
Remember, being brave, empathetic and vulnerable endears people to you because you’re demonstrating that you can be trusted and trust today is a currency in short supply.
There has not been a better time to launch your personal brand leadership with a strategic step by step system. It’s your passport to becoming a memorable leader with an authentic personal brand that can make a difference for you and your business.
#1 Tip on Leadership – An Authentic Personal Brand Builds Trust and Overtime Becomes Iconic.
What Comes Next?
by Giselle Shapiro
True leaders must be willing to step outside their comfort zone. In doing so, they’ll discover new opportunities will open up and expand their way of thinking.

Questions Are The Answers!
by Bert Martinez
Get My $20 Book, Dominating Your Mind for Free!
Believe It or Not, adversity is Good. Adversity creates innovation. Some of the world’s biggest companies, products, and or services were derived or created because of adversity. Adversity makes us stronger, makes us more resilient, makes us grateful, and more importantly, makes us humble. Adversity is like a strong workout, we hate it when we are going through it, but we’re so proud at the finish.
My # 1 Tip. So when you’re going through adversity ask empowering questions. What is good about this? What can I learn from this? How will this benefit me in the future? What are the resources that I can tap into? If you have questions or would like to get free training just text me at (602) 560-7981!
Bert Martinez is a Marketing Jedi. He’s worked with companies like Google and CBS, as well as over 1000 small businesses to solve their marketing challenges. Bert helps businesses uncover lost and hidden opportunities that could be worth millions. He’s known for laying down growth strategies for businesses in a single conversation. For more information visit Bert
What is The #1 Leadership trait?
by Matthew Nezhad