Video Conferencing Made Easy


Let’s face it – video conferencing is the way of the future. The up and coming generation has used technology from a young age and is more than comfortable utilizing video for fun. Why should it be any different for business? It doesn’t take much to begin integrating video use into the everyday workings of your business. At Blue Jeans we focus on providing convenient video service and making it simple for everyone involved. 

Use Video Conferencing to Change Your Business 

One of the primary ways you can grow your business is to save money. Every business has a budget, and periodically you want to know where you can reasonably cut costs so that you can invest more of your time and money into a different facet. Video conferencing gives you the ability to hire outside contractors, eliminate travel costs and focus on what’s important.

Many employees state that they are more productive when they are able to work remotely and control their own environment. Employers can use online management systems and video conferencing services to produce the same results (and possibly better) that the office environment created. And the overhead will decrease, as office costs are only rising with property values. Instead of losing a long-time employee due to a long-distance move, keep them on board and don’t risk jeopardizing your client relationships. It’s an attractive company trait for a potential employee to be able to work from home a few days a week or more.

If you’ve ever considered a solution, then had to get rid of your idea because it was too costly or physically out of reach, think again. You can rely on the expertise of a colleague or business partner on the other side of the world. Businesses are quickly morphing, and instead of only focusing on the targeted market outside of your doors, you can start to think on a global scale and truly embrace the growing worldwide economy.

Connect to Anyone, Anywhere 

When a doctor is working in a foreign country and needs the opinion of a specialist back home, video conferencing services like Blue Jeans can connect them. The scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research use video conferencing to conduct up to 300 sessions per day between their 20,000 members. Knowledge is no longer limited to your home country. You can expand outwards as you diversify the abilities of your business.

Use Your Body Language to Your Advantage

More and more, businesses are expanding their operating hours and adding second and third shift positions in order to meet the needs of outside partners located in Asia, Europe and more. It’s vital to be able to connect with these associates just as much as the employees who see each other face to face on a daily basis. Business shouldn’t always be limited to a phone conversation. Understanding body language and facial expressions are key ways to get to know and become familiar with anyone, and it’s even more important when you plan on establishing a long-term business partnership. 55 percent of a message is conveyed through body language, and video conferencing can add this dimension to your long distance business relationships.

Once employees gain knowledge of each other’s facial expressions, it’s much easier for relaxed conversation to flow and for the ideas to pour forth. Discussing a problem through video will yield more productive solutions because the participants are more comfortable with each other and feel free to let their personality come through. 

Ease of Use is Paramount to Success 

Part of what deters companies from jumping feet first into video conferencing is the confusing software options. When everyone must have the same software in order to talk, it can get frustrating. Many might give up and pick up the phone instead. However, there are other options. You’re not limited to software. You don’t have to handle the headache of having each person purchase and download the same company’s product just so you can see and talk to each other. Companies like Blue Jeans utilize cloud computing, making it so that no matter if the person on the other side is using completely different video conferencing software, you’re still going to be able to connect. You don’t have to test out your connection or do a dry run. All you have to do is remember what time your meeting starts. 

Conduct Many Types of Meetings 

Maybe your employee was feeling sick and didn’t want to contaminate the workplace, but still feels well enough to work from home. Or perhaps you landed a new client in China and want to discuss the particulars face to face. You might need to conduct a training session with many different people involved. Using a video conferencing service can facilitate all of these scenarios, as long as each participant has their own device.

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