With COVID 19 guidelines and precautions in place, isolation and loneliness can create negative emotional behavior. These are serious concerns for veterans, as well as doctors, nurses, first responders, front line and essential workers — and YES, all of us.
Veterans and military personnel often go through long, difficult transitions from military to civilian life. The potential for negativity about one’s service can creep up with extended periods of isolation and loneliness.
Upbeat virtual plays, screenplays and theater can show positive interactions among veterans, military and civilians. The PBS documentary, The Vietnam War, and Broadway plays, Miss Saigon, Yankee Doodle Dandy and Hamilton effectively illustrate the American military’s immense sacrifices and heroism. They offer an opportunity for veterans to participate in uplifting teller and listener stories based on universal actual events.
FORWARD MARCH, a digital media production from Veterans Listening Post Productions, is designed to impress and transform veterans based on optimistic methods of thinking. Stories that show positive interactions among veterans, military personnel and civilians can create a permanent, positive transformation. With an audience of millions of veterans, military personnel, families and friends, transformational virtual plays are here to stay.
Christopher Uzzi is a Vietnam veteran and the founder of Veterans Listening Post, a VA service-disabled veteran-owned small business. Coach, as Chris likes to be called, served in the United States Army as a Staff Sergeant with the 199th Light Infantry Brigade during the Vietnam War. Contact Chris at coachchrisu@aol.com. Additional information about FORWARD
MARCH is available at https://www.vlpost.com/banner.