What are the 10 Key Differences Between B2B and B2C Lead Generation?

The fundamental difference between the two groups is obvious, with b2b focused on business enterprises and corporations which b2c is all about marketing aimed at individual consumers.

It pays to understand the obvious and subtle differences between the two in order to ensure that your b2b lead generation strategy, for example, is targeted in the right way.

Here is a look at the distinction between b2b and b2c lead generation.

Attention to detail

In general, it is wise to assume that b2b customers are interested in more detail in order to make an informed purchasing decision.

Business customers tend to do a lot more research before buying compared to consumers so your approach has to satisfy that requirement.

A longer sales cycle

It is more likely that a consumer will make a quicker purchasing decision compared to a business customer who wants to be in possession of all the facts before committing their cash.

You should be prepared for the b2b sales cycle to take longer than when you are marketing to consumers.

Social media platforms

There are various social media platforms that are important to your marketing efforts but they each have a different audience.

It is highly relevant to target the platform and b2b marketing is predominantly focused on Linkedin because it is the hub where executives choose to network.

Telephone marketing

It tends to go with the territory that b2b customers are more receptive to unsolicited marketing calls, which is definitely not the case with consumers, who can view these calls as intrusive and an invasion of their privacy.

Know what you are talking about

Another clear distinction between b2b and b2c customers is when it comes to product knowledge.

Good product knowledge is often essential when marketing to business customers and it is more likely that follow-up questions will be asked.

Price sensitivity

It is often the case that b2b customers expect to be the lowest price whereas a b2c customer is more accustomed to viewing a discount as a bonus rather than a right.

Building trust

It can often be the case that b2c customers can be more transient with their purchasing relationships compared to b2b customers who view the issue of trust and professionalism as more important.

This is because businesses tend to be founded on professional relationships and that is how they expect products to be sold to them.

A narrower audience

When you are marketing to b2c customers it is probable that you will be targeting a broader audience compared to b2b where the decision-makers are often more clearly defined.

Attracting attention

The focus of b2c marketing is more about trying to stand out in a crowded marketplace, compared to b2b lead generation is more focused on relationship building.

Understanding the decision-making cycle

When you are marketing to a consumer you are facing the decision-maker directly. 

In contrast, you could encounter groups of people all involved in the purchasing decision with b2b marketing.

Understanding these key differences between b2b and b2c will almost certainly be an influential factor in the success of your marketing campaign.



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