What you should know about the ‘silent epidemic of suicide’

Being educated about suicide can help you be more supportive for your loved ones.
Being educated about suicide can help you be more supportive for your loved ones.  Jasmin Merdan/Moment RF/Getty Images

Editor’s Note: Help is available if you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health matters.
In the US: Call or text 988, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Globally: The International Association for Suicide Prevention and Befrienders Worldwide have contact information for crisis centers around the world.

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CNN- More than 49,000 people in the United States died by suicide in 2022 — that’s one death every 11 minutes, and more than any other year dating to back at least 1941, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On top of that, 13.2 million people seriously considered suicide, 3.8 million planned it and 1.6 million attempted suicide.

Though rates among 10- to 24-year-olds in the US have declined, these stats are a glaring reminder that “the silent epidemic of suicide” isn’t over, said Dr. Mitch Prinstein, chief science officer at the American Psychological Association.

The nation “still has some of the highest rates of suicidal attempts in the developed world, and the number of suicides, at least half using firearms, is still remarkably high,” Prinstein, the John Van Seters Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said via email.

That’s why this National Suicide Prevention Month and always, being informed about suicide and knowing that you don’t need to be a mental health provider to lower your risk of suicide or support your loved ones is as important as ever, said Dr. Justin Baker, clinical director of the Suicide and Trauma Reduction Initiative for Veterans, or STRIVE, at the Ohio State University.

Globally, more than 720,000 people die by suicide yearly, and it’s the third leading cause of death among 15- to 29-year-olds.

That means parents need to have the “suicide talk” with their teens just like they have conversations about sex and drugs, Prinstein said.

“There are simple, proven steps everyone can take to lower their risk and the risk of family and friends from dying by suicide,” Baker, also assistant professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral health at the Ohio State University, said via email.

Knowing these five things about suicide can help.

1. Sometimes there are warning signs

Mental health professionals and researchers still haven’t nailed down how to totally predict with certainty who’s at risk for attempting suicide, and whether or when vulnerable people will do it, experts said.

That’s because stressors that could lead to suicide for some people don’t have the same impact on others. Also, there isn’t always a long time frame during which someone is suicidal and acting in ways that signal the need for help.

But there are some situations in which someone who’s suicidal and planning for a longer period will show behavioral or emotional changes. Those changes, as well as other risk factors, can include the following:

● Unusual behavior with potentially lethal items such as firearms or pills

● Giving away cherished belongings

● Excessive or insufficient sleep

● Withdrawing or isolating oneself

● Getting highly intoxicated or driving recklessly

● Talking about wanting to die, via suicide or otherwise

● Struggling to come up with reasons to live

● Feeling like a burden, unneeded or as if they don’t belong anywhere or with anyone

● Feeling hopeless

● Substance abuse issues

● A history of trauma

● Experiencing mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and personality disorders, especially if not receiving treatment

● Personal or family history of suicide

● Easy access to potentially fatal means

● Loss of interest in activities or school

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2. Not everyone who attempts suicide has a mental health condition

One of many common myths about suicide is that only people with mental health conditions have suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide.

That’s not always true. Many people who attempt or die by suicide don’t fit criteria for mental health disorders, clinical psychologist Dr. Michael Roeske told CNN in a previous story — rather, they likely don’t see a way to live with an incredibly stressful situation such as loss of a job, home or loved one; infidelity; trauma; legal matters; a debilitating illness; or other crises.









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