Why Wisdom Teeth Emerge So Late

Other primates have them too, but ours come in a lot later in life.

The pace of our lives are closely intertwined with so many things: hormonal changes, literal growing pains, and (of course) dental development. Most of us don’t remember teething, but plenty recall having our wisdom teeth erupt and, if you live in a place that regularly removes them, getting them yanked out of your jaw. It’s just one dental milestone and one of three molar milestones, but until recently we had no idea why wisdom teeth emerged so late in life.

As, wisdom teeth are the last four teeth to erupt in the mouth, typically between the ages of 17 and 25. They are often referred to as “third molars” because they are the third set of molars to develop. Wisdom teeth can cause problems if they do not have enough space to erupt properly. This can lead to crowding, pain, infection, and even tooth decay.

If you are considering removing your wisdom teeth, 123 Dental can help. Experienced dentists like Private Dentist Cardiff will assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of treatment. They also offer veneers, which are a great way to improve the appearance of your smile.
Veneers are thin shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. They can be used to correct a variety of cosmetic problems, such as chipped or discolored teeth. Veneers are a permanent solution that can give you a beautiful, natural-looking smile

In addition to the wisdom teeth, many adults are also concerned about the alignment of their teeth. Thankfully, there is now invisalign which is more aesthetically-pleasing than the traditional metal braces and it can effectively correct the alignment of your teeth. Those who are looking to replace their missing teeth may also consider Dental Implants Services.

A new study in Science Advances suggests a reason: our jaws are simply late bloomers.

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“It turns out that our jaws grow very slowly, likely due to our overall slow life histories and, in combination with our short faces, delays when a mechanically safe space—or a ‘sweet spot,’ if you will—is available, resulting in our very late ages at molar emergence,” said Gary Schwartz, a paleoanthropologist at the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University, who co-authored the paper, in a press release. It’s easy to forget that our teeth undergo quite a bit of mechanical pressure as they chomp down on food, as does your entire jaw structure. And that means your jaw needs to be developmentally ready to have teeth all the way at the back of our mouths nearest the joint. If wisdom teeth emerged earlier, the molars could actually damage the jaw they’re growing out of.

All of this is the result of two fundamental things about humans: we have prolonged lives and short faces. Life, short as it may seem, is pretty stretched out for humans in comparison with other creatures, even other primates. We develop slowly—we take our time—and we spend an inordinately long period just becoming adults. And, unlike our primate cousins, our faces are quite flat and squashed. Just take a look at chimpanzees or gorillas; you’ll notice that their jaws protrude outwards such that their mouths are mostly in front of their brain (though you probably never thought of it that way). Our faces are pulled in, sitting beneath our braincase.

The combination of these factors means that our jaws can’t accommodate that final set of molars until fairly late in life.

The Role of Sensors in Health Monitoring

Lots of people in the US get their wisdom teeth taken out, which might make you think that they’re some kind of evolutionary leftover—some artifact of a prehistoric life that’s no longer relevant. But the truth is that you don’t necessarily need to get them removed. In the UK, for instance, wisdom teeth removal is recommended if they become problematic, as the National Health Service notes that there is otherwise no proven benefit (but there is the added complication of having a minor surgery).

Either way, the teeth are not so much a leftover as they are a sign of our evolutionary progress. Our squashy faces and slow development are part of what makes us human, weird dental development and all.

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