How to Respond to Tragedy in the Workplace  


How to Respond to Tragedy in the Workplace

Everyone has experienced some sort of tragedy in their life, whether it be a personal tragedy, a national tragedy, or an office-related tragedy. From deaths of loved ones to 9/11, tragic events can take a toll on the employees in your office, as well as the customers.

One of the most difficult aspects about a tragedy is determining how best to address it. Because of the nature of the situation, it can take a while for employees to return back to their normal self. Though it can be challenging to figure out how to deal with the situation, here are a few ways to respond to a tragedy:

  1. Safety

If a tragedy affects your office workspace, first and foremost, it is important the safety of your employees come first. While no one plans for a tragedy, it is critical to be prepared for one. Make sure all exit strategies and disaster plans are set in place, thus if tragedy strikes, everyone knows exactly what to do.

  1. Be Flexible

Because everyone responds differently to a tragic event, it is important to be flexible with employees who are undergoing a tragedy. For those who are undergoing a personal tragedy, for a time, try to cut them a bit of slack. Most people are unable to perform at their best after experiencing a tragedy and expecting them to do so will most likely end in disappointment. Instead, give them some time to regain their surroundings. For those who are majorly struggling, consider using a company like ComPsych to help them maneuver through their emotions. ComPsych is a company that aids in the assistance of employees who have undergone personal loss or are having difficulty at work.

  1. Support

While there may not be a lot you can do to help ease the tragedy, offering the company’s support to the affected individuals can help lessen their stress levels. If it is a personal tragedy, ask other co-workers if they would not mind picking up a bit of the slack as to ease the stress and workload of the affected employee. Moreover, ask other employees to be extra sensitive to the affected employee. Considering the consequences of hostile behavior at your job is essential to maintaining a supportive and respectful workplace environment for all.

  1. Information

When dealing with a national tragedy, offer information to your employees. As they will already be distracted as it is, keeping them informed through news stations or updates will help keep the panic to a minimum.

In relation to a personal tragedy, let the employees know what is going on. While you do not need to give out personal, private details, letting them know what is going on can help them support their co-worker.

  1. Meetings

In the aftermath of a tragedy, especially in the case of a national tragedy, schedule a meeting or series of meetings where everyone can come together and talk about the situation. Not only are you able to offer support to one another, it is a great time to consider offering support to those afflicted.

Responding to tragedy in the right way can help your employees feel supported.


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