Ron Seigneur – CPA Firm Focusing on Business Valuation and more

Ron Seigneur

Business Name: Seigneur Gustafson LLP

Website URL:

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Year Founded : 1988

Number of Employees : 20

Ron Seigneur's bio picture
What does your company do? CPA firm with a focus on business valuation, economic damages, financial forensics, succession, exit planning and business brokerage for law firms and accounting practices.

Was there a specific turning point when you realized your business was moving to the next level? I have authored two books and do a lot of speaking at state and national conferences and about 5 years ago began to realize I had built a brand that transcended the local market. Much of our business now comes from around the country and some globally.

What processes or procedures have you implemented that have helped grow your company? We continually work to build our brand in both the enterprise and in the individuals within it. It is all about the shared sacrifice necessary to build the brand that the right folks want to associate with.

What is most rewarding about running your business? Being in a people driven business that allows for value added service to our clients, coupled with the ability to mentor others.

What challenges have you faced and how have you overcome them? We have had to adapt to a turbulent and recovering economy and also work with a changing workforce that is motivated differently from how the baby boomers are motivated.

If you were starting over today, what would you do differently? I am very happy with the path I have followed and the people I have been able to associate with and call my friends and colleagues. Not much would change. It has been and continues to be a good ride!

What advice do you have for other business owners? Focus on the customer and embrace the new normal on how younger generations want to be treated and how they want to interact with their professionals. Look for the value added services, as opposed to the commodity type services that many CPAs are struggling with to maintain acceptable returns. Do what you can to move away from services that have a high degree of seasonality to them.

Please list any favorite books, tools or resources (software, website, etc.) you would recommend for others: Managing the Professional Services Firm by David Maister; Financial Valuation: Applications and Models by Ron Seigneur and Jim Hitchner; Reasonable Compensation for Taxation, Valuation and Management, by Ron Seigneur and Kevin Yeanoplos

What is something that people might be surprised to learn about you? I once made a peanut butter and banana sandwich for Elvis Presley.

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