Simple Marketing Strategies That Leave a Big Impression

Simple Marketing Strategies That Leave a Big Impression 

As one of the most important growth strategies for businesses, the right marketing techniques can leave a positive impact on customers. Though many believe the right marketing strategies need to be in-depth, expensive projects, the truth is, there are simple, yet affordable marketing tactics that can yield a renewed interest in the company from customers.

As long as the marketing efforts are directed at the appropriate audience, you will find that your simple strategies can leave a big impression on your customers.

Business Merchandise

Apart from the products you sell or services you offer, you should also focus your marketing efforts onto selling business merchandise, as in specific products that have the company’s logo and tagline detailed on the products. Coffee shops, book stores, and bakeries are often masters at this marketing technique, offering consumers the ability to purchase a mug, t-shirt, or custom sticker decal with the business’s information across it.

Customers and tourists alike purchase these items, as both not only want to support the business, but also to have a reminder of a place that is or was special to them. It is a simple way to reach customers while also offering them a product.

Trade Shows

An easy way to market your company is through attending a trade show. This is an interesting marketing technique, as you are not only spreading the word about your company, you also have the ability to make sales on the spot. Whereas other marketing efforts spread the word about a company in hopes it will bring customers to the company eventually, trade shows allow for companies to reach customers immediately. Moreover, trade shows are an apt time to network with other companies, big business executives, and investors or lenders.

Brand Ambassadors

Reaching out to other companies, customers, or bloggers in the community who can represent your product as a brand ambassador can be a mutually beneficial relationship. These partnerships offer both parties exposure, and this working relationship is an easy way to gain traction as a company.

For instance, if you had a company that sold organic food, you might consider reaching out to a blogger. By paying or offering free samples of your product to the blogger, they will in turn feature your product in a post, sharing it with their audience and over their social media channels. They benefit from the payment while you benefit from the additional exposure.

Speaking Engagements

Being a speaker for various different events can provide your company almost free marketing. Not only are potential customers and investors getting a chance to see the face behind the company, they are also seeing you as an authority in your field. Consider speaking at various conferences, podcasts, charitable events, and colleges. The diverse nature of these events can help you and your business reach a significant amount of people.


Offering certain incentives can motivate customers to provide free marketing for your company. Consider offering a discount or free shipping if a customer shares information about your company over their social media profiles or through email. Most customers are quick to share information to their family and friends, especially if a discount involved. By adding this incentive, not only are you reaching your audience, you are also generating more sales, as people are more likely to spend more when discounts are involved.

Free Samples or Services

Depending upon what your company offers, a great marketing technique can be to offer free samples or services to potential customers. Sending out samples of your product can spread the word about your company, as many might be unaware your company exists. Or, if your business offers a service, consider offering free consultations for a period of time. Most people will utilize something if it is free, thus if you can provide a free consultation to potential clients, you may be able to convert them into customers. If not right away, at least you can get their contact information and follow-up with them in a few weeks.

With smart marketing tactics, your business and what it offers will leave a remarkable impression upon customers, helping your business to reach its potential.

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