Solutions To The Mistakes You Wish You Hadn’t Made


We all make mistakes; that’s what makes us human. It’s how we manage our mistakes that show our true colors.

There are ways to come out healthier and happier on the other side, even when you do mess up. See below for solutions to the mistakes you wish you hadn’t made.

Late to Work

Many make the mistake of not taking their job seriously. They show up late for work or take slightly longer lunches. However, this attitude won’t get you far. Showing up late to work is a sign of disrespect. You’re communicating a message to your bosses and the company without saying anything. Make sure you’re on time for work by setting multiple alarms. Avoid being late by making it a priority. Worst case, if you’re continuing to be late, it may mean it’s time to find a new job.


Many people party throughout their college years and well into adulthood. Unfortunately, there’s a risk you take when you drink, such as making bad decisions and losing control in the moment. If you’ve been arrested or are in trouble for DUI charges in the California area, hire a Los Angeles DUI Attorney to help. In fact, these types of lawyers are all over the country. They’ll fight for your rights, battle in court if necessary and get you back on the right track. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying yourself with alcohol; it’s how you conduct your behavior that may become an issue.

Not Saving your Money

It’s easy to spend money, but not always easy to save it. When you get a new job or a raise, the first thing you want to do is buy something new with the pretence that it’s a well-deserved treat. These spending habits will catch up with you, and you’ll soon find yourself not able to splurge as much as you once were. Experts suggest saving your money, so you have income over the course of the long-term. There are resources out there to help guide you to best practices, so you’re able to live more comfortably in your life.

Neglecting your Health

Most people say they’re too busy to take care of themselves. This is an issue for many reasons. Neglecting your health when you’re young will lead to long-term problems. It’s easy to neglect your health when you’re stressed with work and other obligations, however, it’s up to you to schedule time to exercise and eat healthily. Take a yoga class or go for a walk at lunch. It’ll be difficult to reach your goals if you’re not healthy in the first place.

Giving Up

Life is tough. A lot of times people become frustrated or discouraged and give up their hopes and dreams. Tell yourself giving up isn’t an option. Put habits in place that’ll help you succeed. Don’t let one failure or mishap hold you back from what you want out of life. Keep going and remember that if plan “A” doesn’t work, there’s always the rest of the alphabet.


Everyone makes mistakes. It’s how you handle the aftermath that counts. Don’t let small setbacks keep you from reaching your dreams. Use these solutions as guidance to help overcome the mistakes you wish you hadn’t made.

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