Three Methods You Should Be Using To Save Money


There are many reasons why you should be saving money. For one thing, a good savings account or nest egg can help you out in a bind, if you have a medical emergency or car problems.

You also should be thinking about saving for retirement, saving to buy a home, or possibly saving for your child’s education.

Whatever reason you may find to start storing some money away, you may be surprised in this time of low economies, that the U.S. dollar actually outperformed gold in January and February of this year.

The dollar is up, maybe you should start getting some saved. Here are three ways you can start getting a little money saved up, for whatever you may need it for!

Budget Your Money

Having a budget and sticking with it can be one of the most prudent ways there is to save some money. Part of your budget should be budgeting for savings, but toss anything leftover you have in there as well.

Along with your budget, start saving receipts so you can track your spending. You may find that you are going over budget on some things and those might be where your money is sneaking off to. Then you can adjust your spending accordingly.

Save Your Pennies, And More

Loose change really can add up. When you have change start putting it in a piggy bank, or a jar. Save it up and until you have a jar or two and roll it up to take to the bank. Don’t waste time with those cash machines that charge almost ten cents on the dollar.

If you can get in the habit of tossing spare dollar bills in there as well your change savings will add up even faster. Make sure you check pockets, under couch cushions, and on the floorboards of the car.

Remember, keep all of this accumulated in your savings, don’t spend it up.

Stop Your Wasteful Spending

Do you collect something? While it can be fun to collect something, you may find that the money you have to do something more productive, like plant a garden that gives you something back, is more fun that filling a shelf with worthless novelties.

Instead of collecting, start selling your collection and put the money you earn away. Ebay is a great place to let go of collectible items, or you could have a yard sale or set up an auction.

These are just a few ways to start finding money to put away. There are many other ways to do this as well. If you live in a place with soda bottle refunds you can put that money away. Start doing online surveys for a little extra money.

Just remember, you want this money for the future or emergencies, not to go spend more money on things you don’t need!

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