Joey And Chandler’s Apartment (Not Real)

What we wouldn’t do to watch Baywatch and play a game of Fireball in this famous bachelor pad. It saw so many roommates move through it over the years, but it will always belong to Chandler and Joey in our eyes. It breaks our heart to say it, but Joey and Chandler’s apartment never really existed. The ceramic dog, the Laurel and Hardy poster, and the La-Z Boy chairs were absolutely real. The chick and the duck? Real. The pizzas they all ate? Very real. But the apartment itself–the walls, doors, and rooms–were not. The Hollywood soundstage strikes again!

This apartment was built as part of the original set in California. If you’ve watched the series closely, you’ll notice that the number signs on the outside of the doors even changed from 4 and 5 to 19 and 20 as the series went on, with the assumption that viewers wouldn’t be bothered by the inconsistency. The apartment was on the ground floor, despite what the hallway suggests, because it was a simple ground floor set with an open fourth wall where cameras, crew members, and the occasional live audience watched on.

This set was taken down after the series wrapped in 2004, so you can’t even visit it on a trip to LA. It will always live on in our memories of the guys’ shenanigans, though! That Foosball table is forever in our hearts.

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